MANPADS "Igla": characteristics, photos, application

Already during World War II, the dominance of aviation over the theater of operations was crucial. Modern large-scale military operations are accompanied by the use of hundreds of aircraft, including unmanned ones. To counter the air threat, air defense and missile defense systems are used, differing in principle of action, effective radius and degree of mobility. In the 70s, portable anti-aircraft systems, designed to counter front-line attack aircraft, at the present stage represented by attack helicopters, attack aircraft and UAVs, became very widespread.

pzrk needle

The Russian Army is armed with Igla MANPADS. This weapon has high efficiency, confirmed by the experience of combat use (so far only by foreign armed forces), it is distinguished by its ease of use, reliability, relatively small size and weight.


The development of domestic anti-aircraft missile systems with the ability to launch a projectile directly from the shoulder began in the USSR in advance. In the second half of the 60s, the Soviet Army disposed of two types of man-portable air defense systems (Strela and Strela-2). This weapon had numerous advantages, among which were:

- the sudden appearance of air defense systems in areas where enemy aircraft did not feel a threat before;

- the ability to hit targets at a considerable distance (more than 4 km) and altitude corresponding to that at which attack aircraft (Skyhawk, Phantom or Skyrider) most often “work” on ground targets — from 1,500 to 3,000 meters;

- quick bringing to a fighting position;

- simple application and training of personnel, including foreign;

- relative compactness;

- unpretentiousness in relation to storage and transportation conditions.

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Despite the high combat qualities, there were also unpleasant moments for which military experts criticized the Strela MANPADS. The “needle” was designed just to overcome the problems that arose.

To hit not after, but towards

The main drawback of the Arrows was their ability to hit targets after they follow the covered object. Typically, an enemy aircraft could be shot down after it bombed or launched a volley. Of course, the defending troops could "take revenge" if the anti-aircraft gunners themselves survived. “Arrows” could be followed, and the army demanded weapons that could hit attacking aircraft in the opposite direction, forestalling possible damage.

In some cases, using the factor of surprise, one could succeed despite this constructive flaw - by “catching” the enemy and inflicting an insidious blow on flying planes, unnoticed. So in 1969, Egyptian troops massively used the Strela-2 portable systems against Israeli Phantoms that traveled to extremely low altitudes, destroying six of them in a day. But the enemy also knows how to learn, so soon the effectiveness of the use of Soviet MANPADS decreased, although the benefit from them still remained undoubted. They had a psychological effect, forcing enemy pilots to constantly rush from small heights to large ones, without feeling safe anywhere. And still it was necessary to look for technical opportunities to beat towards, and not after.

Government task to S.P. the Invincible

Another shortcoming that Strela possessed and which the creators of the Igla MANPADS sought to avoid was the insufficient explosive power of the warhead. Not all hits on the target guaranteed its destruction and even causing significant damage. Attack aircraft survivability increased, nozzles into which rockets with a thermal guidance head rushed were made of materials that could withstand strong thermal and pressure effects, and aircraft often had the opportunity to return to their airfield, and again posed a threat after repair. The effect of "erosion" by the jet of the blast wave and the flow of damaging elements also affected. There was something to do with this.

MANPADS needle specifications

In 1971, the government of the USSR decided to create a new complex capable of combating the most modern and promising at that time tactical-level air attack weapons that a probable enemy could have. The Kolomna Engineering Bureau became the parent company of the project, related work was carried out by other organizations (the Central Design Bureau of Apparatus Engineering, the Research Institute of Measuring Instruments and the Leningrad Association LOMO). Academician S.P. Invincible quite naturally became the head of the new development. The new weapon was called the Igla MANPADS. The characteristics (in terms of target speed, altitude and probability of defeat) should, according to the government order, significantly exceed the performance of Strela-3 (the latest modification).

pzrk arrow needle

Tricks vs. Tricks

The main channel for guiding anti-aircraft missiles is traditionally considered the thermal trail left by the aircraft engine. This method of determining the direction of the projectile was relatively simple, but had serious drawbacks. Immediately after the first cases of effective use against aircraft, devices appeared designed to mislead thermal location systems, which were firing squibs that created a false target. Therefore, it was decided to equip the Igla MANPADS with a two-channel infrared guidance head equipped with photodetectors. The development of a system capable of distinguishing a real aircraft from the thermal trail of a thermal “trap” dragged on for an extra seven years, but was crowned with success. It turned out to be technically difficult, just mention that the main photodetector, after the projectile is put into a firing position, is cooled to a very low temperature, close to absolute zero (-200 ° C). As a result of these efforts, an automatic system equipped with logic circuits compares the readings of two sensors. And if the signal level of the additional channel is lower than the main one, then the target is defined as distracting, and the search is carried out until the rocket sees the true object.

MANPADS 9K38 needle

There is another important technical issue, the solution of which significantly increased the combat effectiveness of Igla MANPADS. The survivability characteristics of modern attack aircraft depend on the place where the projectile hit, and the nozzle is not the best option, therefore, the guidance algorithm provides an additional option that provides for changing the direction vector of the rocket’s movement (dovor) in the final section of the trajectory so that the impact falls into the fuselage. To implement this maneuver, additional shunting engines are provided in the design of the projectile.

Guidance system and fuses

Design engineers in every possible way sought to reduce the weight of the Igla portable system. MANPADS is conceptually a compact weapon, it is intended for use by one fighter. The mass of the blasting substance contained in the fighting compartment of the rocket is the same as that of the Strela (1170 g), but its energy (explosive) power is much higher. In addition, the logical decision was to use unspent fuel as an additional striking force, for which a special device called an explosive generator serves. At its core, it is a detonator that detonates when the main charge is detonated and transfers the mode of relatively slow combustion of fuel into an instantaneous chemical oxidation reaction with the release of a huge amount of energy. There are two fuses: contact (activated by direct contact) and induction (picking up the target’s magnetic field at a distance). Type BZU - high-explosive fragmentation.

General device and equipment

MANPADS "Igla", like other portable systems of the operational-tactical air defense unit, is a launch tube in which a rocket is corked, with an ergonomic handle. In order for the flying missile not to injure the shooter, the launch process is divided into two stages. In the first, immediately after the activation of the ammunition, the rocket is pushed out of the barrel by means of a special charge of low power. After several meters of flight, the laser beam from the launcher launches the main (sustainer) solid propellant engine. At the same time, the first blocking stage is removed, which prevents an accidental explosion of the head part. Finally, the rocket comes into combat after a few seconds, flying up to 250 meters.

In addition to the launch tube itself, which contains the 9P322 rocket and is a single-use product, the Igla MANPADS kit is equipped with a launch mechanism (9P519-1) with a 1L14 interrogator (it is expensive and complicated, it can be used many times) and an 1L15-1 electronic tablet (for accelerate the exchange of operational information about the air situation).

PZRK needle instruction

For group use, a mobile checkpoint will also be required. To check and monitor the health of the system, a special KPS kit has been developed.

What "Needle-1" inherited from "Arrows"

In the second half of the seventies, both for performers and for the customer, it became clear that the Kolomenskoye Engineering Bureau did not fit into the deadlines. The delay was caused by a lag in the development of the 9E140 product (homing heads). It turned out to be quite complicated, its creation was accompanied by many problems. The rocket was almost ready. In order to accelerate the receipt of the sample into service of the Soviet Army and facilitate the further assimilation of new equipment, a decision was made on an intermediate option. MANPADS "Igla-1", adopted by the State Commission in 1978, was equipped with a single-channel GOS from Strela. At the same time, the new complex was distinguished by an increased charge power and much better technical characteristics (the radius of use increased to 5.2 km, the possibility of hitting oncoming targets appeared). In 1982, the tests of the two-channel homing head were finally completed, it was equipped with a new portable front-line air defense system, called the Igla-2 MANPADS.

"Needle" of modifications "D", "N" and "C"

It is difficult to call a miniature complex, the length of the launch tube is 1 m 70 cm - average human height. Particularly serious objections began to come from paratroopers, requiring greater compactness. For them, a special reduced “Needle” was created. MANPADS in the folded position became shorter by 60 cm.

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Modification "N" was distinguished by increased blasting power of the head. The same property is also characteristic of the third version of the complex, which received the "C" index. But in addition to a reinforced high-explosive fragmentation warhead, the missile has a double fuse (including a non-contact) and another important quality, because of which the device is named. “C” - means “folding”, in transport position - in half.


TTX MANPADS "Igla" are impressive and fully meet the requirements of the rapid 21st century. The speed of the rocket on the way to the target is over 2100 km / h. At a distance of 5200 m, an airplane or helicopter flying at a speed of up to 1150 km / h at an altitude of up to 2500 m can be hit after it with a probability of 63%.

When firing on the opposite course, the speed of the target can be even higher, up to 1300 km / h. The portable complex can be transferred from a transport to a combat state in just 13 seconds.

All these dry numbers mean the amazing opportunities that only one soldier has, armed with MANPADS 9K38 Igla. It can deal with low-flying objects, such as attack helicopters or cruise missiles, which, due to the persistence of the trajectory, pose a great danger to ground troops.

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In addition, the control system is able to distinguish hostile aircraft thanks to the built-in recognition system "friend or foe".

The ease of use of the Igla MANPADS deserves special words. The instruction for combat use does not contain a large number of points; launch can be made from any position, including from the side of a moving vehicle. After the operator has discovered the target, he, directing the starting pipe at the object, presses the "Start" button. Then everything happens in seconds, it remains only to monitor the flight of the rocket, if, of course, there is time for this.

Application Experience

The armies of more than four dozen countries are equipped with the Igla MANPADS system. The use of Iraqi forces in 1991 caused the loss of a coalition of several aircraft by the Air Force, which demonstrated the high effectiveness of this type of Russian weapon even in the conditions of almost complete suppression of air defense means and air domination of the attacking side. Over the past two-plus decades, many armed conflicts and wars have arisen in different regions of the planet. In most of them, this or that party used Igla MANPADS. Photos of militants and government soldiers with characteristic "pipes", as well as damaged and destroyed aircraft, clearly illustrate the deadly power of this relatively small air defense weapon.

In the post-Soviet history with the popularity of the “Needles”, perhaps the famous “Kalashnikov” can argue. It is known about the last major contract for the supply of a large batch of these complexes for the armed forces of Malaysia. The system design continues to be improved, leading to an increase of up to six kilometers in the radius of the combat use of the "Needle" of the Super modification. With these MANPADS, as well as with new, as yet secret models, the Russian army will be completely re-equipped in the near future.


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