What is a landing page? How to create a landing page?

It's no secret that one of the ways to fight for a customer is through advertising. It may have the most diverse manifestation, but the main goal will always be one - the attention of the audience. Recently, the so-called landing pages have been widely used on the Internet, designed to attract users and turn them into buyers, customers, subscribers and other groups of customers loyal to the company or product. This type of online advertising is very effective and is often one of the main factors in gaining the trust of a large audience. In this article, we will talk in detail about what a landing page is, how it works and what you need to know about in order to create a successful landing page.

what is landing

Landing page: concept and reasons for creating

Surely you have come across this phenomenon more than once while surfing the Internet. Perhaps you simply did not know that you were dealing with a skillfully disguised advertising product. However, after reading the article, recognizing it will not be difficult for you. So what is a landing page? The term is derived from the English landing page and translates as "incoming / landing or selling page." It is a web page containing important information about a product or service, and is used to enhance the effectiveness of advertising and increase the audience. They fall on it simply - through a banner online ads or a link in a search query. Often, the transition to the landing page is carried out from email newsletters, social media, as well as various advertising companies in search engines.

The reasons for creating the landing page are obvious. They can be divided into three groups:

  • Encourage the user to subscribe to the newsletter or simply register on the site;
  • push to download or install any software;
  • sell a specific product in terms of a promotion, sale, etc.

If we summarize the above reasons, we can formulate such a purpose of the landing page: to turn an ordinary visitor into a buyer / subscriber and encourage him to any specific action. I must say that the landing page does an excellent job of this.

Landing page creation

Landing Page Classification: Types and Types

We figured out what a landing page is and why it is needed. However, it is important to know another thing - how it looks. There are several options for creating a landing page.

Landing page types

Let's look at its most popular types:

  • main site;
  • microsite;
  • autonomous.

Some companies create several pages of their main site to create a landing page. Such an implementation takes place, but in most cases it is ineffective. This is due to the large number of navigation elements in the site design that distract the user's attention from the advertising page.

More effective in this situation will be a separate microsite, consisting of three to five pages of an advertising nature. They contain, at a minimum, information about the product / service (only the most necessary), many attractive pictures, video clips. A microsite is usually used to carry out promotions by large companies.

The most popular type of landing page is a standalone landing page. It is also called CTR landing. What it is? This is a detailed promotional offer, the main task of which is to encourage the user to take an action right now. The Clickthrough rate prefix means clickability (the ratio of the number of people who clicked on a page on a banner to the number of impressions). Its main attributes are minimalistic design, inviting slogans, emphasis on the advantages of this offer, large buttons, countdown timers. Such a page is considered the most effective method of attracting users.

landing page what is it

Views landing page

There are also several main types of landing page. It:

  • viral;
  • lead pages
  • advertising.

The viral landing page does not contain explicit advertising. Here it is disguised as an article, video, or game, while the company logo is usually located somewhere in the corner / side and "acts" unobtrusively. In this case, the effect is achieved due to the user's getting used to interactive entertainment, which as a result creates subconscious trust in the company / brand.

The lead page is used, as a rule, during marketing research. It helps to collect information about the target user of the product / service through tools such as questionnaires. Then, based on the data received, an effective proposal is formed.

An advertising landing page is an aggressive form of visitor exposure. It contains a large amount of graphic, textual information, video material. It is aimed at inducing action through a powerful flow of informational influence.

what is a landing page

Landing page creation: basic rules

Before you talk directly about creating a landing page, you need to understand what a landing page is from various points of view. Here you can select at least three sides:

  • technical - a web page consisting of various elements (HTML, CSS, texts, graphics, video);
  • business - page that pushes the visitor to a specific action in order to obtain benefits (purchase / subscription);
  • user - the page to which he clicked on a link from a search engine / other site / through a banner.

Given all these aspects of the landing page, you can formulate the main criteria by which a good landing page can be built. And the first is the call to action, or call to action. In order for it to work, the following rules must be observed:

  • express yourself clearly - clearly tell the user what he needs to do and what he will receive as a result;
  • limit the number of calls - the fewer they are, the faster the visitor will perform the desired action;
  • to have additional information in stock - it ultimately becomes a decisive factor for making a final decision;
  • use buttons - they should be noticeable and prompt to make a click.

However, before you see the call, the user must linger on the page. And for this you need to use the correct headers. They must meet the following requirements:

  • be simple and short;
  • be attractive in terms of design (layout, font);
  • be capacious, contain relevant words.

It is also important that the page itself is pleasant and understandable to the user. To do this, it should be made as simple and convenient as possible, but attracting attention. What is important to observe:

  • all elements of the landing page should encourage action;
  • on one landing page there should be one main call to action;
  • the page itself should have a lot of “air” (free space);
  • Elements should be arranged in a clear logical sequence;
  • to direct the look should use graphic elements;
  • parts of the page are preferably separated in contrasting colors.

In addition, there are a number of additional tricks that will make the page more effective. What is a landing page, if not a motivator for momentary action? And to make it at the moment may cause some kind of restriction - lack of time, product, etc. To create a sense of urgency, put on the page countdown timers remaining until the end of the discounts or the quantity of available goods counter.

Another important point is to convince the user of absolute safety and reliability when performing any actions. To do this, post on the page social data from reputable web services (for example, the number of likes on VK or Facebook), do not use fake reviews and statuses, set trust elements next to calls to action.

By following these simple but important tips, you can create an effective landing page.

what is landing page


Advertising is the engine of any business. On the Internet, it takes on special forms and manifestations. In this article, we examined what a landing page is and how it works for a business. We also learned about how it happens, what it includes, what rules you need to follow in order to create a good landing page. Use the suggested tips to create a landing page to grow your own business. Good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3474/

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