Fighting in a dream: what does sleep mean?

Everyone has ever seen a fight in a dream. Both strangers and acquaintances, and even children, can be dreamed of. Typically, such a dream is considered a harbinger of good change. As in any other case, we are very interested in what that would mean. Especially when a woman was a member of the brawl. She really wants to know why she was fighting in a dream. As always, interpreters already familiar to us will come to the rescue.

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

American psychologist Gustav Miller believes that the interpretation of dreams about a fight depends both on the details and on what gender the dreamer was.

  • A woman had a chance to fight in a dream with a man - such visions are usually favorable for the fairer sex. They mean close ties between people, between whom a brawl occurred. If the dreamer managed to prevail, the interpreters advise that the opponents need to be even closer.
  • If a lady in her nightly dreams separated the fighting people - in real life this may mean that she needs to be wary of gossip and rumors spreading behind her.
  • If a young woman dreamed that her lover was fighting - this is a warning that he is not worth it to waste his feelings on him.
fight with husband in a dream

Interpretation of Wangi's dream book

The dream book of the Bulgarian seer Vanga will also help us understand the question of what it means to fight in a dream for a woman.

  • If a woman dreamed that she had a fight in a dream - in reality, she will face a serious conflict that will drag on for a long time.
  • I had a chance to get injured during the fight - this is a sign that problems may arise at work, including dismissal. Because of this, the financial situation of the dreamer may worsen.
  • If the dreamer interfered with someone’s showdown, she will wisely help her with practical advice in solving the problem.

Interpretation according to different dream books

In various dream books we will also find an explanation and answer to the question of why a woman fought in a dream.

  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if a girl had a fight with rivals over a guy, this means that she does not need to wait for any signs of attention, but to fight for her own feelings.
  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov gives us an interpretation of such a vision. If a girl dreamed that she was fighting a man in the ring - this is a warning that you need to be careful in communicating with members of the opposite sex so as not to give empty hopes to anyone. You may be misunderstood by someone, and the persistent gentleman will not give you a pass. If you are in the ring with your loved one - expect from him a marriage proposal. Moreover, the more you got from him in a dream, the stronger his feelings in reality.
  • The psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud in his dream book explains the situation when a woman fights with a man herself or separates fighting men: this is practically a guarantee that she will soon meet a person whose relationship will lead to new feelings and sensations.
to dream in a dream

Why dream that girls or women had a fight with each other?

As a rule, interpreters believe that such a dream portends a girl's disappointment in her lover. Or the case, to which she has high hopes, will ultimately fail.

  • The lady had a chance to fight in a dream with a woman and be seriously injured - in reality, she would be betrayed by a person with whom she was too trusting.
  • If in such a dream the young lady was lucky to prevail - the emerging conflict will bypass her.
  • Did the woman have a dream in which she tries to separate the ladies fighting with each other? So, in reality, she will have to face a false accusation against her, which will entail trouble.
  • If a young lady in her nightly dreams saw two girls between whom a brawl ensued - this is a warning to the dreamer that she will soon have to experience emotional disturbances.
  • If the dreaming girls turned out to be her acquaintances - that means this lady will prove to others the correctness of her point of view.
  • The subject of the girls' fight was a man whom they did not share among themselves - the dreamer is expected to feel unwell.
  • If the sleeping woman got into a fight between the girls, and she also got a lot of cuffs - this is a good omen. Such a dream will delight her with a new pleasant relationship. And if a woman is married, then she will have a secret lover.
why dream about fighting in a dream

Why dream of fighting with a girl in a dream?

The interpretation of such a dream depends on who exactly fought:

  • If a guy has a chance to fight a girl he loves - in reality there is a misunderstanding in their relationship, moreover, they are both too jealous.
  • If the girl fought in a dream with her lover - most likely, they will soon have to leave.
  • The girl dreamed that she was fighting with a guy whom she had not met for a long time - such a dream symbolizes positive turns in her life.
  • For young people in whose dreams a girl appeared in a fight, such a vision can be a harbinger of a quarrel with her beloved or lead to a conflict with her mother.
  • If a girl or a woman participated in a night vision of a man in a fight, jealousy from his wife await him in reality.
  • If a woman had such a dream , she could not avoid gossip and gossip, as well as the machinations of envious people.
  • But if the dreamer herself is beaten - this means that her beloved is faithful to her. And if a girl does not meet with anyone, then she will meet and have a serious relationship.
in a dream he fought and won

What does it mean if the woman you fought with in a dream is pregnant?

Why dream of fighting in a dream with a pregnant woman? This means that you are claiming something that does not belong to you. Perhaps this is a sign that you need to rethink your outlook on life.

  • If during a fight a woman in demolition kicks you, wealth will soon await you.
  • In a dream I had a chance to beat a friend who is in a position - you will find your long-standing hostility senseless and make peace with your former enemies.
  • If the pregnant woman with whom you had a fight turned out to be your relative, you will receive an interesting offer in the service that will lead to career growth.
  • In your night vision, a knife appeared in a fight with a pregnant woman - you will live a happy and prosperous life.
  • If such a fight did without bruises - you won’t have to make serious efforts to get what you want.

Fighting with a woman to the blood

Such a dream most often promises that you will meet with distant relatives, and this meeting can lead to a quarrel.

  • If the blood in the dream was in small quantities - there is no reason for serious experiences. Perhaps the solution of some family affairs will lead to minor troubles.
  • I dreamed that there was a lot of blood as a result of a fight - a family conflict can lead to long-term disagreements. True, the conflict will eventually be settled and relations will be restored.
  • You can still see this situation in a dream. Fighting with a woman, bleeding and not waiting for help from anyone - your life will be long, interesting and eventful.
  • If someone nevertheless intervened in the fight and helped stop the bleeding, some circumstances unknown to you would delay your relatives' arrival for an indefinite period.
  • If a woman with whom you had a fight had to lose a lot of blood in a dream, you will soon make new good friends.

What does a fight mean if a woman is your colleague?

If the woman who fought with you in a dream is your colleague - such a vision can lead to events that you would not want to be drawn into.

  • I dreamed that the showdown took place right at work - perhaps you will argue with your superiors.
  • If you and your colleague had a fight at the end of the working day, there are people lying and dishonest among your friends.
  • I dreamed that you had a fight, and no one saw the fight - this means that you are afraid to start implementing your plans, because you are not completely sure of them. You need to be more decisive, you will succeed.
  • If other colleagues become witnesses of your conflict, someone will gossip around you.
  • It seemed that with your colleague you had a showdown in the presence of outside observers - in fact, you are doing everything to seem better. In fact, people perceive you as you are.
fight in a dream with a girl

What does it mean to fight with a rival in a dream?

As a rule, if a woman with whom a lady had a fight in a dream is her rival, then in real life she will not be prevented from changing her character a little, because it is difficult to find a common language with people who surround her.

  • If a woman herself provoked a quarrel in her dream, this is a warning to her that one of her friends had her eye on her lover and would not mind building a relationship with him.
  • If the initiative of such proceedings belongs to the rival, the dreamer does not need to be afraid of anything, because her personal life will develop well.
  • You dreamed that you came into conflict with a rival who is your friend - be careful with new acquaintances or contacts, they may turn out to be unsafe for you. Just talk less with people you don’t trust.
what does it mean to fight in a dream

Fight with a girl to whom you are indifferent

Why dream of fighting in a dream with a girl who is indifferent to you? It is important to pay attention to the cause of the conflict.

  • I dreamed that you were fighting a person who you hate - in fact, when you try to defend your legal rights, you will find out who your ill-wishers are, and it is likely that you will face them face to face.
  • If in a dream you are fighting with a girl who shows interest in you, but you do not feel any feelings for her - people in your environment are hypocritical and duplicitous. Analyze your relationships with friends and relatives. Perhaps with some of them you need to communicate less.
  • Are you fighting a girl you don’t love, and at that time someone is looking at you? Gossip and gossip about you will be spread by strangers. If you have any serious intentions, try not to share them with anyone ahead of time.
  • The fight with the girl who is indifferent to you in your night vision ended in the fact that you reconciled with her? Good! It is a symbol of unexpected and pleasant changes.

What does the dream in which you won the fight with a girl mean?

If a person in a dream fought and defeated a girl, it is possible that your hostility to a certain person is so strong that you can no longer keep it to yourself. As a result, a conflict may arise that will grow into a scandal.

  • If one of the fighting parties was a dreamer, and it was he who won, he has the opportunity to adequately get out of the current conflict situation by defeating opponents.
  • If in order to prevail in a brawl, you had to make considerable efforts - most likely, victory will not lead to the desired results, but a dream can warn of an unexpected turn in your affairs.

A woman had a fight with her husband - what does it mean?

In such a dream, it is important that the spouses are in a relationship at the moment.

  • Did a woman have a fight with her husband in a dream? If everything goes well with your spouse in family life, then such a dream portends you an even more favorable period.
  • If a woman dreamed of a showdown with her husband, with whom she had a tense relationship already waking up, this could mean that all the differences that have accumulated between you during your family life may provoke new conflicts in the future.
  • If a woman beat her husband in a dream in her hearts, this means that she is ready to forgive him for long-standing marital infidelity.
  • The lady dreamed that she had a fight with her husband, and then he beat her - your relationship with him is unstable, your husband seeks to prevail in everything. A woman needs to be made clear to her husband that she is also able to make independent decisions.
  • Fighting with your husband with whom you are divorced - this is a symbol of the fact that you are able to reject the negative thoughts, emotions and disappointments that you have left from your previous marriage.
fight in a dream with a man

Fighting in a dream with a friend - what does this mean?

Often the rival in the brawl that the young lady saw in her nightly dreams is her friend. Here the interpretation depends on who came out the winner from the fight.

  • If your disagreements with your girlfriend in a dream ended with assault - this is a warning that your business rivals may take illegal actions that could lead to problems with the law.
  • If a friend has gotten a lot from you, this may mean that a serious scandal is brewing around her, into which you will also be drawn.
  • Also, a dream in which a representative of the weaker sex had a fight with a friend, can talk about the suspicion that your friend’s actions have selfish motives.


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