Azalea flower.

Azalea flowers are one of the most beautiful home plants. They prefer a cooler rather than a hot climate, so they mostly bloom in winter. Of course, it is nice to admire the lush bouquet in the winter, when most of the plants relax. However, if home conditions are to your liking, then the azalea flower can please the eye with its abundant flowering in the summer. This plant can successfully compete with any bouquet bought.

Azalea is a moody flower. If he does not create the proper conditions after the purchase, then at the end of flowering, it may lose its leaves and die. Therefore, before you purchase this plant, you need to carefully and carefully study the features of its development.

The optimum temperature for azaleas is considered to be from ten to fifteen degrees of heat. In winter, it is recommended to keep the flower away from batteries and dry air. It is desirable to maintain the temperature from thirteen to sixteen degrees. With this mode, the azalea flower is very fruitfully prepared for flowering. Then, when it comes, you can slightly reduce the temperature. This will significantly extend the flowering time. To do this, you can overlay the pot with pieces of ice or pour cool melt water.

This plant prefers a humid climate, so the soil in the pot should be appropriate. If the temperature is lowered, watering should be reduced, spraying is not performed. With an increase in thermal conditions, watering should be done in the morning and in the evening, and sprayed several times a day. Ideal water for irrigation of azaleas - rain or melt. If water is used, then it must be well defended, and even better - boiled. Once every two weeks, you can water the plant using a weak solution of citric acid. This helps maintain proper soil acidity.

The azalea flower does not like direct sunlight. This can have a detrimental effect on him, up to falling buds. You need to try to find a place where there will be no direct exposure to the sun, but at the same time there will be sufficient lighting.

After flowering, azalea care does not need to be stopped. Wilted flowers with pedicels and deformed leaves must be removed. After a month after blooming, the tops of young shoots are pinched. This contributes to the flowering intensity. If young buds form near them after buds appear, they must be removed.

In spring, azalea undergoes some renewal. Weak shoots, as well as too high, are cut off, and the plant itself is transplanted. Such a procedure with an adult plant should be performed once every two years, young (three-year) - every year. The pot is better to take flat and wide. A characteristic feature of azalea is that the roots are horizontal, so loosening the soil is not recommended, so as not to harm them.

When transplanting, special attention should be paid to the root neck. In no case should it be covered with earth, since the plant will die. Also try to prevent damage to the roots. The plant should be transplanted with a lump already existing around it in fresh soil and not to forget about drainage. When the frost is over, the azalea can be taken out onto the balcony. Cool air would be very handy for her. During this period, the flower needs regular feeding.

All diseases of this plant stem from a violation of basic rules of care: improper watering, insufficient lighting, improperly selected soil, untimely spraying. It is rarely attacked by pests. This occurs if the conditions of the plant are violated.

The azalea flower will respond with noble flowering if, along with the appropriate care knowledge, show care and attention to it.


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