Let’s tell you the signs, why the chin itches

Do you know that folk signs often come true? Do not believe it? Do not rush with hasty answers. After all, these are signs of fate. For example, the left palm combed - wait for the money to come in, the right palm - meet and say hello to a person who has not been seen for a long time. Did you know that the chin itches, too, for a reason. There are signs. And which, now we will tell.

Chesham chin - waiting for love adventures

What does the chin itch
The people tell several signs about what the chin itches . And one of them is connected with love adventures. If this part of the body is combed over suddenly, wait for a meeting and a new acquaintance. Moreover, acquaintance will immediately turn into a stormy romance. Hot meetings and passionate hugs, dates under the moonlight and love confessions await you. To say that the romance will be long is impossible. Rather, it will be a short relationship, but full of feelings and excitement. I would like to warn young girls who are interested in why the chin itches. Indeed, in youth, even short-term feelings completely and completely capture. Do not attach particular importance to this novel, do not fall in love. Otherwise, the gap will be very difficult to accept and survive. Also remember the safety of relationships, do not make mistakes that will affect the future life. Although, when it comes to love, talking about rational decisions is not relevant. If a guy itches
Chin itching omen
the chin, the sign is somewhat different, but also associated with feelings. Most likely, he will meet a woman who will be very pleased at the meeting. However, his feelings quickly cooled. The very next day, the guy will not even remember a new friend. Do you want to know what it means if people connected by marriage have a chin itching? What is it for? People say that this is a new stage in life. This may be a romance on the side, or a short-term love for a stranger, or a new relationship with the spouses.

The chin itches to the disease

Also, there is a sign in the people, to which the chin is scratched, associated with health. They say that if the itching is long and very strong, causing pain when scratching, it can be a signal of an imminent disease. And here there is an interesting reservation. Popular rumor claims that the disease does not affect the one who combed this part of the face, but the other person. It can be a close friend or relative. There is one important detail that you need to consider when thinking about what the chin is itching for. A relative or friend should have a beard or non-weekly stubble. Think about it, do you have such friends? If the answer is yes, offer your help. Perhaps you can prevent the disaster and a friend (relative) will not get sick.

A friend's chin itches

Itchy chin what is it
You ate noticed that a friend (or stranger) has a chin that itches, the sign is different. Know, he is waiting for a grand event. Perhaps this person will be promoted or will give him good news. Now you are aware of what will happen in the future. Imagine yourself a fortuneteller and tell the person what the chin is itching for. Just imagine how he will be surprised when the event predicted by you happens!

Believe it or not?

Of course, to believe or not to believe in signs is a matter of a personal nature. Yes, and predictions come true only for those who, noticing the mysterious signals, recalls their significance. If for you omens are ordinary folk art that does not make sense, then the black cat that crossed the road will not make you turn off the chosen path.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3503/

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