folic acid

Folic acid, or as it is also called, vitamin B9 is one of the most important vitamins from the B family. This element is vital in the formation of human cells even in utero. Folic acid interacts with the most important nucleic acids and is thus involved in the formation of certain genetic traits.

In addition, vitamin B9 controls and participates in almost all blood formation processes and is responsible for the formation of healthy lymph. This element plays an important role in digestion and metabolism.

Folic acid is also called one of the beauty vitamins, because due to the sufficient intake of B9, hair, skin, nails acquire a healthy appearance. This vitamin is indicated for women with very dry dull skin, brittle hair and nails, seborrhea, psoriasis. In addition, vitamin B9 slows down aging when menopause occurs, and fights gray hair. This microelement is useful for acne and excessive pigmentation.

Folic acid, the dosage of which for an adult is 400 mcg. per day, and for a child from 40 to 250 mcg., Helps strengthen immunity and remove excess harmful fat from the body. Folic acid is especially needed for women expecting a baby. Their daily norm is 600-700 mcg. Adequate intake of vitamin B9 contributes to the normal development and rapid growth and good mood of the baby and his mother.

In order to make up for the daily requirement of this vitamin, a person needs to take it in the form of vitamin preparations, since with food we get insufficient folic acid. Basically, vitamin B9 is found in vegetables, fruits, greens: parsley, dill, celery, salad, spinach, apples, pears, carrots, melon, apricots, oranges, bananas. They are also rich in: Hercules, buckwheat, bran, yeast, legumes, almost all nuts, dates, figs, there is a lot of it in whole-wheat bread. Animal products are also able to make up for some part of the daily requirement for vitamin B9: meat, fish, milk, eggs, cheese (preferably low-fat), cottage cheese, fermented milk products, chicken, liver, kidneys, heart and other offal. It is recommended to exclude sugar and sweets, alcohol, as they interfere with the absorption and synthesis of folic acid. It is very difficult for a modern person to be able to include a similar set of products in his diet. And, taking into account that about 400 mcg is required per day, then without additional intake of folic acid, it will not be possible to fill the deficiency in it.

Folic acid deficiency can lead to serious consequences. Firstly, the lack of this element provokes the development of anemia - a very serious blood disease associated with low hemoglobin. Folic acid is able to normalize hemoglobin and other blood counts. Also, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are associated, often with a lack of vitamin B9 in the body. Nervous irritability, sleep loss, palpitations, poor immunity, constant weakness and weakness, lack of vitality, depressed mood - all this can be associated with insufficient intake of folic acid.

Folic acid prescribed by a doctor, an overdose of which is no less dangerous than a deficiency, should be used exactly according to the instructions specified by a specialist, or enclosed in a box. Try again to consult a doctor or pharmacist to avoid possible problems.

It must be remembered that the guarantee of the health of every person is a conscious concern for their body and if there is any doubt that we get enough vitamins we need daily, we must definitely undergo an examination. Everything is known that the human body is a watch, and the sooner we find a rusty, failed part in the mechanism, the easier it will be to fix it.


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