Leafing through the dream book. Paint: why dream, meaning, interpretation

How often, lost in speculation about the meaning of a dream, we turn to the help of recognized interpreters, and in their writings we try to find answers to questions of interest to us. Being guides to the world of the unknown, they open the veil of the future to us, and help us comprehend the present. This article will help us understand what, according to the compilers of dream books, means, which has become part of the plot of night dreams.

In the dream world

Judgments of Mr. Miller

We will open our review with an essay that belongs to one of the most respected and recognized interpreters of dreams - the American psychiatrist Gustav Miller, who became famous at the beginning of the 20th century for creating a wonderful dream book that has not lost its popularity to this day. In it, this image is given a twofold assessment, depending on many circumstances of what he saw. For example, if the dreamer dreamed that a fabric or some ready-made clothes were dyed in his presence, then the color used was important. If it is red, golden or blue, then luck awaits ahead, while black or white promise trouble. But, according to the same dream book, painting the walls of a newly built house with paint means quick and complete success in all endeavors, regardless of the chosen color.

Oddly enough, but visions, which featured paintings, also created by paints, caused Mr. Miller a very negative reaction. So, contemplation in a dream of paintings, in his opinion, portends a fraud on the part of close friends or relatives. At the same time, if a woman dreamed that she herself was busy creating a painting, this means that her husband or lover (and possibly both at once - you can expect everything from men) are preparing to change her in the most vile way.

Once again about the awl in the bag

The opinion of Mr. Miller about the positive significance of the plot related to painting the house is not shared by the compilers of the Gypsy Dream Book, which is also very popular among readers. Over the past years, he has been leading in the ranking of publications of this kind, which undoubtedly is a great honor for the authors.

The painter is a creative person

In their dream book the interpretation of paint has a very peculiar character. So, applying it with a brush to any surface, whether it is a wall of a house or something else, means the dreamer's desire to hide something from others. Perhaps his conscience is burdened by an unseemly act, the publicity of which can damage his reputation and adversely affect his future fate.

At the same time, the plot in which one of the acquaintances paints, in their opinion, indicates that this particular person has his skeleton in the closet, which no one should know about. But, as stated in the dream book, to paint with paints, that is, to create an artwork by them, means that soon everything secret will become apparent, and the awl that they are trying to hide in a bag will certainly come out.

What do aristocrats talk about?

The outstanding ability to perceive the color gamut is demonstrated by many interpreters. In most cases, the interpretations given by them are made dependent on the slightest shades of the color of the seen images. So, according to the compilers of the "Noble Dream Book", red paint indicates emotional instability, while soft blue or soft green speak of the inner world and harmony of feelings.

Color gamut

Very unfavorable night visions, painted in purple, violet and dark blue tones. Nothing good can be expected from them, and gentlemen, the nobles, after visiting them, are preparing for all sorts of troubles. It is noteworthy that, according to the same dream book, black paint is far from always a gloomy omen. So, in combination with yellow, she speaks of the dreamer's unusually high intelligence and his ability to be guided by common sense, and not by emotions.

A few equally interesting comments

It is worth noting another discovery presented to the world by the authors of the dream book: green paint in combination with yellow tones is a harbinger of disease. Note that this applies exclusively to its sharp, flashy shades, while the soft and gentle tones of green accompany the dreamer's mental harmony, as mentioned above.

In a positive way, the authors also interpret dreams in which the familiar images unexpectedly change their characteristic color. For example, the sky suddenly turns green, and the grass turns red. Such metamorphoses should not be scared. According to the compilers of the "Noble Dream Book", the colors that have changed places in our minds portend good luck and a favorable outcome of the work begun. In general, they say, those who are visited by colorful dreams can be envied, because they have an artistic way of thinking combined with an allegorical vision of the world, which undoubtedly makes life brighter and more saturated.

Creative process

The pages of the dream book for family people

The theme of colors in the dream book, the compilers of which call it "The Newest Family", is also very thoroughly covered. This name allows us to hope to draw from it a lot of interesting information. Indeed, from the very first pages, the reader will find out that a very bad omen is a dream in which he sees his clothes stained with paint. It doesn’t matter what color she was - in any case, in reality, he risks becoming a victim of slander and false slander. Obviously, some ill-wishers planned to compromise him, smearing his honest name with mud.

It is curious that the authors of The Newest Family Dream Book do not consider white paint a good sign. In this they disagree with most of their colleagues. In their view, whiteness is not a symbol of purity and integrity, as is commonly believed, but an embodiment of emptiness. Based on this interpretation, they build all the predictions related to the future life of the dreamer who saw the world in immaculate white tones - loneliness, mental and physical dissatisfaction, as well as futile searches for a solution to pressing problems.

What and what color was painted in a dream?

Anyone who is interested in secret signs that contain night visions will be curious to learn that even such a seemingly simple and ordinary story as painting a newly built or renovated house can have many different semantic meanings. In this case, it is important not only which paint was chosen, but also what part of the house was covered with it.

Colors of life pouring over the edge

For example, the famous Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud wrote that everyone who had a chance to paint the floor can be congratulated: in reality they will have a bright and rich intimate life (at least, it appears from an essay entitled by his name). At the same time, according to the "Women's Dream Book", to paint a certain dark surface with white paint means waking up in some dubious enterprise, fraught not only with large financial losses, but also undermining business reputation.

Paint the doors, but do not get your hands dirty!

Many authors agree that painting a door in a dream is a very good omen, promising a lot of profit in real life. It can be obtained thanks to a successfully concluded deal, promotion, or from nowhere inherited inheritance. There is only one extremely important caveat: paint should be applied from the outside of the door, thereby attracting luck wandering somewhere nearby. If you paint from the inside, you can provoke the departure of the well-being that already lives in the house.

It is not known whether the ancient Egyptian Empress Cleopatra was able to pick up a paint brush, but the dream book, entitled by her name, says that a person who, while engaged in painting in a dream, got his hands dirty, in real life is clearly trying to embellish himself in the eyes of others. Not feeling the proper measure, he runs the risk of being in a ridiculous position and thereby getting a result opposite to what he wants. It should be noted that the lady of the Upper and Lower Nile itself was always able to present herself from the most profitable side.

Queen Cleopatra

Beware of mixing paints!

Another very extraordinary woman, but this time our contemporary, the American interpreter and medium, hiding under the pseudonym Miss Hasse, also told the world curious information on a subject that interests us. In her dream book of paint, or rather, night dreams with their participation, are considered from a variety of sides. In particular, it is reported that by mixing them on a palette or simply squeezing them out of tubes and randomly smearing them where necessary, the dreamer gives out his intention to undertake some intrigue or at least seduce someone.

Whether the venerable lady was guided by her own experience or came to such a conclusion on the basis of a survey is unknown. It is not possible to verify her statement, since all intriguers and seducers, as a rule, are secretive and not prone to revelation.

A look from time immemorial

In the dream book, the cover of which is decorated with the name of the medieval alchemist of the soothsayer and warlock Michel de Nostradamus, extremely interesting facts about various colors seen by people in their night dreams are given. At the same time, the ancient author discovers an amazing awareness of various types of modern dyes. Back in the 16th century, he foresaw and indicated in his essay that cans that appeared in a dream with acrylic or finishing paint can bring real love to real life, and those filled with oil can bring rich profit. The master also responded with praise about the bright watercolors, which, in his opinion, bring satisfaction to life and the joy of well-being.

The palette is a symbol of creativity

Adversity will pass - joy will triumph

But at the same time, referring to those who had a chance to use hair dye in a dream, that is, mostly women, the all-knowing seer wrote that she was a harbinger of imminent and unexpected troubles, such as family quarrels, health problems, and even passionate, but, alas, unrequited love. But then he added that all these tests should be accepted meekly, because they will be fleeting and will soon give way to the usual course of life: the husband, as before, will bestow his love, the ailments will pass, and that self-righteous handsome man who insidiously broke the lady’s heart, finally will sing serenades under her window.

Do not talk too much - do not have to cry

However, this dream also has its pitfalls, one of which may be the image of hair dye spilled in a dream. This plot twist portends a woman serious troubles caused by the disclosure of certain circumstances related to her personal life, or rather, her side that is carefully hiding from her husband, but very colorful signs with friends. Perhaps one of them, pushed by envy, does not disdain to inform her husband of her adventures and thereby satisfy her petty and mean soul.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3516/

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