Fasting day on bananas: reviews, results. How many calories in 1 banana

People turn to fasting days when they want to lose weight or just cleanse their body, but it is not always easy to choose the most suitable diet. Today, due to its atypical nature, a fasting day on bananas is popular. Despite the fact that many diets prohibit the use of this product, it does not harm human health and does not contribute to weight gain.

Banana fasting day

Many people think that this exotic fruit is high in calories and should not be used as the main ingredient for a fasting day. In fact, wondering how many calories are in 1 banana, do not exaggerate. One fruit (120 g) contains about 100 kcal, which is not too high.

How useful is fasting day

Many inexperienced athletes exaggerate the harm of bananas, so they donโ€™t even try to get any benefit from them. The exotic fruit itself, and therefore the fasting day on bananas, has a number of possibilities that contribute to improving the condition of any organism. Among them:

  • getting rid of depression;
  • instant suppression of hunger;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • maintaining normal heart function.

Fresh bananas are rich in pectin, fiber, protein, vitamins C and PP, sodium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Quite often, this product is consumed by professional athletes in order to regulate the energy costs of their own body and increase muscle growth. Knowing how many calories are in 1 banana, you can easily calculate the number of fruits consumed per day. This will make it possible to enjoy the taste of an exotic fruit, while not stepping out of the schedule.

how many calories in 1 banana

An unloading day on bananas is useful to do even with allergies, as well as with violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on this, the benefits of "unloading" become apparent, and especially if you add weight reduction to this list.


Now the fasting day on bananas is presented to consumers in several variations. Among the great variety, it is not so easy to choose the most suitable diet, if everything is in order with health and there is no allergy to other foods present in it.

Below are the most common options, among which you can choose any one you like, since the results will be obtained almost exactly the same. The main thing is to remember that such a diet should be followed no more than once every two weeks, and the last meal should be no later than 7-8 hours in the evening.

Bananas with apple and herbs

A classic fasting day on bananas and apples is popular with all people, without exception, but due to the fact that it has been known to lose weight since ancient times, such a diet quickly bothers. Because of this, nutritionists decided to diversify the menu by adding greens and cucumbers to it. And the menu remains the same simple:

  • breakfast - a couple of ripe bananas;
  • lunch - an acidic apple;
  • dinner - some fresh herbs and two medium-sized cucumbers.

Salt is strictly forbidden throughout the day, but be sure to drink more than 1.5 liters of still water.

Diet with bananas and kefir

The menu of the day includes three bananas, two glasses of low-fat kefir and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. The main products (bananas) must be the main meal, and for a mid-afternoon snack and a second breakfast you should drink a glass of kefir, adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon there.

Menu with liquid and bananas.

Not everyone can afford this diet, because if you stick to it, you canโ€™t leave your home anywhere. The menu contains one and a half kilograms of fresh bananas, as well as one and a half liters of liquid, which include the following drinks: freshly squeezed juice, plain water without gas, compote.

The entire amount of fruit and liquid (with the exception of still water) must be divided into several equal parts and eat / drink as soon as there is a feeling of hunger. After six in the evening, only water is allowed to be drunk.

fasting day on bananas results

The combination of bananas with milk

Compared to the previous days, you will have to use fewer products, saving money. For the whole day you will need to eat three bananas and drink no more than 300 ml of milk with minimum fat content. The intervals between meals should be equal. If drinking milk in its pure form does not work, then you can simply add it to tea or coffee without sugar.

Milk is not the only liquid that you must drink in the required amount on this day. At the same time, one and a half liters of ordinary water without gas will have to be consumed.


A rather interesting menu consists of bananas and grapefruits. In order to finally get the desired result, you have to eat two large grapefruits and exactly the same amount of bananas.

fresh bananas

During the first and second breakfasts you need to eat one banana, for lunch and afternoon tea - one grapefruit, and dinner should consist of one cup of herbal tea without sugar. Between meals, you must definitely drink a glass of still water.

Fasting Days Results

Every unloading day on bananas gives excellent results. In just one day, it is possible to lose from one to three kilograms, depending on the initial weight. In addition to weight loss, there is also a significant improvement in mood and energy. Any fasting day on bananas (reviews are below) helps get rid of edema and significantly reduce the size of the stomach, which will subsequently allow you to consume fewer foods at one meal.

Trainers opinion

Experienced fitness trainers can not only help in creating an exercise program and diet, but also give tips on spending fasting days. Before embarking on them, it is necessary to find out the opinion of real professionals so as not to harm their own health.

Many girls and boys who did not engage in professional sports completely refuse to eat bananas, because they believe that their fructose instantly turns into body fat. But at the same time, they completely forget that food products themselves canโ€™t turn into fat, because this layer accumulates only when it was eaten more than it was burned with the help of physical exercises and other actions. Following from this, trainers recommend eating bananas in small quantities every day, and not completely abandon them for several weeks, then to arrange one banana fasting day.

banana fasting day reviews

"Unloading" with bananas really helps to lose weight, but only in the long run. You should not focus on those numbers that show the scales the next morning after the fasting day. This diet makes it possible to revitalize the body a little and get it out of the state of stress that happened as a result of reduced carbohydrate intake.

People reviews

The comments of losing weight people about fasting days on bananas cannot be negative, since they are all really effective. Such a diet can withstand absolutely anyone. Many people take about 1-2 kg in one day, and some manage to lose up to 4 kg.

fasting day on bananas and apples

At the end of the day, people do not feel weak, tired or dizzy, as is often the case with โ€œunloadingโ€ on other products. Therefore, you can safely test this diet on yourself, without fear of complications.


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