Travel show "Eagle and Tails": how is it actually filmed?

People love travel shows. You can, without getting out of a comfortable chair, see the whole world, visit, albeit virtually, in different countries. But listening to a simple description of the beauties and sights was no longer as interesting as our ancestors, who, because of the Iron Curtain, eagerly caught everything that happens in the rest of the world. Therefore, extraordinary, conceptual travel shows appeared. One of these programs is Eagle and Tails. It is broadcast on the Russian television channel Friday! But also on the Ukrainian Inter . And she is shown with some delay on the channel "Belarus 2", in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, and even in Israel and Poland. But which country is shooting Eagle and Tails, whose product is it? At first glance it seems that it is Russian. In the parallel project ā€œ Eagle and tails. Shopping ā€, launched from the beginning of 2014, foreign prices are translated into rubles. But if you watch the same series on the Ukrainian channel "Inter", you will hear the conversion of currencies into hryvnias . In a word, the transmission is surrounded by mystery. But in this article we will reveal some secrets and talk about how to remove " Eagle and tails." Does everything happen as the viewer sees on the screen?

How to remove the heads and tails

TV show concept

Eagle and Tails is a completely Ukrainian product. The citizens of this country are very fond of traveling. Therefore, conceptual travel shows are so popular here. The leaders in popularity are the programs ā€œThe World Inside Out,ā€ where the presenter travels along non-tourist routes, and ā€œ Eagle and Tailsā€. What is the concept of the last show? Inveterate travelers know that each country opens from the front door to a foreigner with money and from black to a budget backpacker. This idea was taken as the basis by the creators of the project, Elena and Evgeny Sinelnikov . Each country or city where the show hosts come, they show on two sides. The splendor of Cubaā€™s tourist areas and the misery of its favelas, luxury restaurants and European hotels and hostels rented by students - it turns out that you can look at any sights from different angles. And sometimes it happens that a budget tourist can see more interesting things in the country than someone who contemplates the world from the window of a luxurious limousine. And why is the show called Eagle and Tails? How to remove the transmission? According to the idea of ā€‹ā€‹a travel show, two presenters go to each city: one - budget, and the second - unlimited in funds. Who to be - the coin decides. If she falls the eagle up, the ā€œgolden bank cardā€ gets tossed her , and if tails - the other leader. The loser gets only one hundred dollars, for which he must somehow survive for two days.

Heads and tails


So, the idea for the show first came up. Four people came up with it. A pilot episode of New York was quickly filmed, which was released in February 2011. This interesting concept was so liked by the Ukrainians that it became clear: the project was clearly a success, we need to continue. Therefore, the presenters - the spouses (at that time) Alan and Zhanna Bodoev - went to Las Vegas, and then to San Francisco and Los Angeles. And while the audience was perplexed as they were filming Eagle and Tails in such a short time, a group of presenters with operators went to Europe. Barcelona became the first city on the way of the film crew on the Old Continent. The show was constantly changing - from season to season. For example, in the second year of filming, a program sponsor appeared - a well-known wine producer in Ukraine . His advertisement was very intricate: at the end of each episode, the "rich" presenter hid a hundred dollars in an empty bottle with an accurate description of the location of the treasure. The finder is invited to send a photo or video of the search process . A move with a bottle has become a tradition, and now, already in the fifteenth season, it remains. The director is constantly introducing other ideas. Take season 14, for example: Eagle and Tails. Reboot. " How was it filmed? Presenters traveled to some cities where they had been before. The goal of the project is to show what has changed in the country in recent years. The seasons ā€œBack to the USSRā€ and ā€œParadise and Hellā€ are also interesting.

"Eagle and Tails": how to remove the transfer. What the viewer sees

On the screen, everything goes smoothly, without a hitch. The two presenters arrive in some city and play the "golden card" by tossing a coin. During all seasons, there was only one time when the results of the draw were canceled. This happened in Tbilisi when Alan Badoev sacrificed his winnings for the sake of Jeanne. How do they remove Eagle and Tails further? The presenters are divided (each with its own film crew ) and two days off live separately. Backpacker with his one hundred dollars (in some cases, the euro) is trying to rent cheap housing, feed in eateries, but also to see the most iconic sights. All expenses are recorded at the bottom of the screen so that the viewer has an idea of ā€‹ā€‹how expensive the country is. Another leader simply burns life. He rents a executive car with a driver, rents the best room in the most expensive hotel in the city, eats at the top restaurants, orders excursions with a personal guide. At the end, the presenters meet, share their impressions of what they see. And of course, they hide a bottle with a hundred dollars. As a result, the viewer sees some sights twice: through the eyes of a rich and poor tourist. Sometimes it turns out that a budget traveler plunges deeper into the life of the local population, and he opens up new interesting facets and nuances.

Eagle and tails behind the scenes as they shoot

"Eagle and Tails" behind the scenes: how to remove the program

On the screen, everything looks natural and simple: the presenter walks around the city, communicates with local people, tells and shows the sights. However, smart viewers understand that they are being followed: director , cameraman and screenwriter. There is one person on the screen, but in reality - a team of four . In a series, the presenter sleeps in a tent on a glacier. But where does the technical staff sleep? Many viewers have doubts: do the hosts really spend the night in creepy hostels or, on the contrary, rent luxurious apartments in expensive hotels? Maybe all this is staged scenes in the pavilion at the Dovzhenko film studio? And then they are diluted with pictures of sights ... Of course, not everything is smooth at the program " Eagle and Tails" behind the scenes. How do operators record communications with local people? Indeed, in the countries of Western Europe and in the Muslim world their own ideas about ā€œ privacy ā€. The director and co-author of the show, Yevgeny Sinelnikov, says that in Cairo and India, the cameraman, producer and screenwriter even spent several days in prison. And in Jamaica, the local population, believing that photos and videos take a piece of the soul, attacked a film crew with knives. Of course, the screenwriter arrives first. But the shooting itself takes place in full real life.

Do facilitators really live on the journey as shown on the screen?

Sometimes the atmosphere of hostels, in which several strangers and sometimes aggressive people spend the night in one room, is quite frightening. Really, - the viewer thinks - the host really spends the night there? The veil of secrecy over how to remove " Eagle and Tails", raised the chief director Evgeny Sinelnikov. He said that sometimes he pities the actor or actress and allows them to spend the night in a normal hotel. But these exceptions apply only to city hostels. When the presenter Regina Todorenko , putting on a skirt with tights to be beautiful in the frame, went to spend the night in a tent on the glacier, the director did not make indulgence for her . As a result, the viewer saw the girlā€™s blue lips and on her cue: ā€œHow cold it was here!ā€, Replied mentally: ā€œI believe!ā€ When the leader sleeps in a monastery, and at four in the morning a Buddhist monk wakes him up - you canā€™t take it off staged, the scene is completely real. As for the owner of the "golden card", then in some cases the producer manages to save. Mainly due to agreements . We advertise your hotel / restaurant / tour desk, and you give us a discount. But at the bottom of the screen the usual amount for services is indicated. It happens that people for some reason offer to use their luxurious transport - a helicopter , a Ferrari with a convertible top, etc. This was the case, for example, in Italy and Georgia. But in most countries the head waiter said: "We are not interested in our advertising in Ukraine ." And I had to pay the indicated amount.

Eagle and tails around the world as it was filmed

The cheapest and most expensive countries, as well as scenes from the air

Viewers are often interested in the issue of prices. In particular, it is important for potential tourists to find out in which countries it will be the cheapest to relax. The general producer of the show, Elena Sinelnikova, answered these questions. The most expensive was London. The owner of the "golden card" spent $ 53,557 in the capital of Great Britain. True, fifty thousand paid for the hotel room where Elton John, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Mono and Charlie Chaplin stayed. And Madagascar turned out to be the cheapest , where the leading simply had nowhere to throw money, and with all his imagination he could spend only 32 dollars. In second place on budget holidays is Singapore. True, this applies to the leader with a hundred dollars. If you spend the night in a tent in a city park, in a special place for camping , then for food and museums in two days it will take only 34 dollars. Some objects that the presenters tell about, the viewer sometimes sees from a bird's eye view . How do they really shoot Eagle and Tails? For panoramic views, a quadrocopter is launched into the sky - a drone with a camera attached to it. There are also funny things with him. So, in Rotterdam, a drone crashed into a skyscraper . As a result, not only the footage was lost, but the police detained the entire group for a day.

Scandals, accidents and arrests

Naturally, countries of the world have different levels of freedom of speech. And the cultural characteristics of Muslim states do not allow to fully capture people on the street, especially women. But the most difficult for the group was ... Belarus. Police officers demanding documents constantly climbed into the frame. They forbade to remove everything, even the parade. But even the local population at the sight of a targeted camera became extremely suspicious and even aggressive. We have already mentioned the arrest of the entire group in Rotterdam. The cameraman had to sit in jail in Cairo, and in India, he spent three days on the bunk in a campaign with the producer and director . Almost an international scandal erupted when the presenter Alan Badoev decided to pick up tangerines on the territory of the US Embassy. Andrei Bednyakov was fined in Batumi for picking flowers from a tree. Not without filming and without accidents. Regina Todorenko in Alaska fell from a 7-meter height. Fortunately, the presenter escaped only with abrasions. The whole crew got into an accident in New Zealand when they went to Queenstown . As we shot Eagle and Tails in the season Paradise and Hell, we will tell you later. But the photo of her broken face, the host Lesya Nikityuk posted on social networks a few minutes after the accident.

How to shoot the show heads and tails

Conceptual seasons

After four years of filming the show, its creators decided to diversify it. So the fifth and first conceptual season appeared. It was called "Resort." After all, mainly tourists are interested in "untwisted" vacation spots. Having traveled to Abu Dhabi , Antalya, Corsica, Dubrovnik, Ibiza , Crete and other resorts, the group opened the Back to the USSR season, which caused mixed reactions from the audience. It was not possible to get to Uzbekistan - the authorities banned the crew from entering the country. It is noteworthy that for the Russians the ā€œBack to the USSRā€ season passed an additional edition - after all, the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are proud of their Soviet past. At the same time, in Moscow, where they shot Eagle and Tails, there was a fight between those who wanted to find the coveted Shabo wine bottle with one hundred dollars. Residents of Tajikistan expressed strong resentment over the remarks by presenter Andrei Bednyakov about Dushanbe. Then there were the conceptual seasons: ā€œAt World's Endā€, ā€œUnknown Europeā€ and ā€œ 10th , Jubileeā€. In this last city, all the presenters who participated in the transfer previously represented. It was then that the concept of the next season was born - Eagle and Tails. Around the world. " How it was filmed, describes Lena Sinelnikova. Around the world television show - that was her know-how. All the preparatory work fit in six months. But what happened next?

"Around the world"

It was decided within the framework of this season to show those cities that have not yet been removed. It turned out to be difficult - after all, the creative team had already had five years of intense travel. Therefore, the approved route did not resemble a direct, but rather a cardiogram. Some countries could not open a visa, others were frankly dangerous. Ten people went on a world tour: two of the leading ones, cameramen, directors , as well as editor, producer and Lena Sinelnikova herself, director. The tenth was the specialist responsible for filling the heading of the program heading ā€œ Eagle and Tails. Around the world: how it was filmed. " It included various curiosities , dangerous or funny moments cut from the main show. And the difficulties began on the first day - on the zero meridian. The group was not allowed to shoot professionally at this location. Therefore, the episode of the transition leading symbolic features was made using iPhones. Not without curiosities in the future. For example, how did you shoot Eagle and Tails in Goa ? Then the whole group suffered from food poisoning. Therefore, even the owner of the ā€œgolden cardā€ Lesia spent $ 34 on food for two days, and her colleague Regina - five. A round-the-world film trip lasted from February 15 (Antwerp) to November 14, 2016. In connection with such a long business trip, the audience had questions.

Eagle and tails reboot as filmed

Theater or reality?

It is amazing that the hosts of each series were in a different outfit. This aroused suspicion. But clothes (like European food to some countries) were brought from Ukraine . Viewers also noticed that already at the airport you can guess who will get the ā€œgolden cardā€ during the draw : the future backpacker is dressed simply , in a sporty way. But in the case of the draw, everything is fair. There were only two cases when a coin was thrown in the studio: when one of the presenters was delayed issuing a visa. Then the episodes were filmed not synchronously. The audienceā€™s suspicion was also aroused by the hosts' magical ability to ā€œopen all doorsā€: wherever they go (supposedly spontaneously), they are shown everything and everywhere they are led. This is due to the way the Eagle and Tails show is filmed: a director arrives in the city two or three days before the hosts arrive. And before him , negotiations are still underway about places in hotels, ordering a car, etc. The director determines the route of both presenters and locations. It identifies cheap and expensive places to eat, sights worth showing. But this does not mean at all that the show " Eagle and Tails" is completely staged. The hosts have no written texts, they give out emotions from what they saw directly, they do not play, but live. But even with such preparation, there are overlays. One of them occurred in Alma-Ata. The director, before filming the Eagle and Tails program, found a cafe in which he was assured that it was very budget-friendly. When the presenter with her already not full hundred dollars came there and ordered a beshbarmak, she was billed $ 110! And in Monte Carlo, the presenter with the "golden card" was carried away so that she lowered 35 thousand. It was purely her initiative, and such an act provoked the anger of the producer and sponsors.

How to really remove the heads and tails

"Heaven and Hell"

The Eagle and Tails program constantly surprises viewers. In February of this, 2017, a new season kicked off, called Paradise and Hell. The concept of the project is quite simple: to show the tourist "facade" of a country and at the same time backstage , the way ordinary people live. As it turned out, there is its own ā€œhellā€ not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, India, Latin America or the Caribbean, but also in Europe. Stories about Switzerland, Corfu , New Zealand ( Queenstown and Queensland ) eloquently told about this. But, surprisingly , some tourist countries were able to profit from this. When filming Eagle and Tails in Nha Trang, Vietnamā€™s favorite resort in Vietnam, crowds of vacationers constantly accompanied the hosts. And after the release of the plot, many travel agencies offer a route to the sights shown by the TV show.


Even before the 13th season of Eagles and Tails was filmed, the idea of ā€‹ā€‹this very last season was born. The first story - about Hong Kong - was released in March 2017. Thus, the telecast was divided into two independent projects, with its presenters and the film crew . The concept of "Reboot" was inspired by circumstances. For thirteen filmed seasons, there are almost no countries where the crew of the travel show ā€œ Eagle and Tailsā€ has not yet visited. Then it was decided to take a ride in old places. What has changed in them over the years? It turned out that time does not stand still. And those who visited a country several years ago can go there again and get completely new experiences.

ā€œHeads and tails. New Year "and other parodies

When the popularity rating goes off scale, why not laugh at yourself? In November-December 2016, the group decided to remove the New Year's ā€œskitā€. Everyone who participated in the filming of "World Circles " gathered in a wooden house in the village of Reshkino . Everyone ordered a New Year's wish, which unexpectedly came true. It turned out that this is not at all what the participants of the Eagle and Tails show really wanted. After various funny ups and downs, everything returns to its place, and the creative team again goes to travel the world.


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