Vladivostok Airport: where it is located, how to get to the cities of the Primorsky Territory

On February 15, Vladivostok International Airport OJSC celebrated its ninth anniversary. But is the air harbor of Primorye so young? Not really. Just nine years ago, the global reconstruction and renovation of the old airport was completed. Now the air harbor is a symbol of rapid development in passenger service. The Vladivostok hub confidently overtook Khabarovsk and the airports of other Siberian cities in passenger traffic. Last year, he served one million eight hundred and fifty thousand travelers.

What awaits a tourist arriving in Vladivostok at the airport? How to get to the city? This will tell our article. We will also tell about the history of the air harbor and the services that you can use in its terminals now.

Vladivostok Airport

When the Vladivostok International Airport was founded

In the Primorsky Territory aeronautics began to actively develop from the beginning of the thirties of the twentieth century. Already in 1932, a seaplane landed directly on the water surface of the Second River. And in 1936 a military airfield was built on land. It was located near the village of Knevichi, which is near the city of Artem. The era of civil aviation forced the government to re-equip a military airfield for passenger traffic. The first flights were made to Khabarovsk. From Moscow, the plane landed in 1948.

When free social relations replaced the socialist system, Vladivostok Air OJSC was founded in the year nineteen ninety-four. Five years later, an international terminal was built. And finally, on February 15, 2008, after a large-scale reconstruction, the Open Joint-Stock Company Vladivostok International Airport was established.

Vladivostok International Airport

Modern harbor. Terminals

But the story did not end there. There are no boundaries for improvement, and already in August 2009 the construction of a new air harbor was launched. A long (three and a half kilometers) and wide runway was built, capable of accepting ships of any severity. But a real breakthrough was the removal of restrictions on arrivals of foreign airlines at the airport of Vladivostok. The so-called terminal “A” was built. It was commissioned in June 2012. The first visitors to it were one hundred forty-eight passengers of the flight from Novosibirsk, which were served by Vladivostok Air. Since September of the same year, this terminal took over all the maintenance of the air harbor.

Vladivostok airport schedule


If before passengers had to rush between the terminals of internal and external flights, now the whole stream of arriving and departing serves one three-story building. This building is built in accordance with the standards applicable to air harbors with international status, which Vladivostok Airport has. The flight schedule is indicated general. The scoreboard reflects the departure only in chronological order. The large building of the Vladivostok air harbor has all the amenities for a comfortable flight expectation. This is a fast-food cafe, and a restaurant, and snack bars.

There are convenient waiting rooms in terminal “A”, including a VIP zone and a room for mother and child. According to international standards, the special needs of persons with disabilities are also taken into account. For those who have passed passport control, additional opportunities open up for a pleasant pastime. After all, the international airport of Vladivostok has several duty-free shops. Of course, ATMs are installed in the terminal of the air terminal, there is a post office and a dedicated children's area. And the toilets have a baby changing room.

Bus Vladivostok Airport

How to get to Vladivostok and other cities of the Primorsky Territory

Where is the air harbor? Vladivostok Airport is actually located near - only four and a half kilometers - from the city of Artem. There is a bus number 7 every twenty minutes. And from Vladivostok to its air harbor as much as thirty-eight kilometers. They can be overcome by rail. First, we take a train to Artyom, and then take the Airport train or the same bus number 7.

The air harbor can also be reached directly. To do this, take the Vladivostok - Airport bus. Route 101 departs from the forecourt of the city. One way travel costs sixty rubles. From Vladivostok Airport you can head straight to Nakhodka. Travel by bus number 601 costs two hundred and seven rubles. There are many routes to Ussuriysk. And in the city of Arseniev can be reached by bus number 520 or number 609.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3527/

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