Flowing water filter "Aquaphor". Choose the best

It is impossible to determine the quality of water in taste, smell or color. Often, drinking water in a faucet contains various impurities that adversely affect health: iron, chlorine, phenol, pesticides. Pathogenic bacteria also often end up in drinking water.

Filter Tip

Water indicators can only be found in chemical laboratories. This will greatly help in choosing a filter for the home. If the choice is made between European and domestic water purification systems, it is better to give preference to the latter, since not all manufacturers from the EU countries take into account the features of our water.

Aqualen material

Proven for two decades, Aquaphor Water Filter Company offers a wide range of products. Earlier, filter jugs were in great demand, and today the most popular is the Aquaphor flow filter for water. Highways are also in demand, but their scope is not so wide.

Flow filters

A distinctive feature of the unit is the installation under the sink. Such water purifiers are small in size, perfect in all respects for apartments. For the average family, the Aquaphor flow filter for water will be enough for a year of active use.

flow filter

Activated carbon from coconut fiber is used as a filter material. It has good sorption qualities - it absorbs harmful substances and impurities like a sponge. Filters with a separate tap are additionally equipped with Aqualen material, which was developed by Aquafor employees using their own technology. It includes active silver ions for disinfecting water.

Features of the filter "Aquaphor Trio"

For cleaning dirty water that comes from a well or a well, the most suitable option would be filters with a propylene cartridge. One of such devices is the Aquaphor Trio flow filter for water. Its purpose is to trap particles of sand, silt and rust up to 0.8 microns in size. It also serves as a pre-cleaner before filtering water in a carbon cartridge. The cost of a propylene cartridge is low, but you need to change it more often than 1 time per year.

trio filter

The filter "Aquaphor Trio" is divided into 5 types:

  • Aquaphor Trio;
  • Aquaphor Trio Softening;
  • Aquaphor Trio Fe;
  • Aquaphor Trio Norma Softening;
  • "Aquaphor Trio Fe H".

For flow filters, it is very important that there are no large particles in the incoming water that will clog fine-porous filters. Therefore, if a pre-filter cartridge is not provided in the filter, it is necessary to install a water pre-treatment system.

As for the performance of the Aquaphor flowing water filter, an average of 3 liters of water will be filtered per minute. This is enough even for restaurants, preschool and school institutions.

Flowing water filter "Aquaphor", reviews with a negative color about which it is difficult to find, will last at least 10 years. The domestic company for the production of water treatment systems occupies the third part in the water treatment market. The range is also represented in 47 countries and is popular. The quality of filtration is confirmed by European certificates.

Replaceable cartridges

The flowing cartridge of the Aquafor Trio water filter is designed for 6 thousand liters of water. Its replacement will not be difficult for either a young girl or an elderly person. An undoubted advantage is the fact that a cartridge of a certain direction can be selected in the housing of this filter. For example, to soften water or purify it of iron impurities.

replaceable cartridge

Line Filters

Main filters are installed mainly in private houses, where water is supplied from a well or a well. This type of water purification system is built directly into the water main. It is advisable to immediately put the filter in cold and hot water. If the body of the water purifier is made of plastic, it is strictly forbidden to install a cold water filter for filtering hot water. The stainless steel version is considered universal, which is suitable for any water.

main filter

Principles of cleaning the main filter

Flowing main water filters "Aquaphor" are available from one purification step to three. The most optimal is a three-stage cleaning, since each stage has its own purpose:

  • Mechanical cleaning. It implies the removal of clay, sand, rust and other large particles from the water.
  • Chemical cleaning. These include filters that soften water, purifying it of magnesium and calcium salts. If desired, you can purchase a filter aimed at purifying water from iron.
  • Biological treatment. At this stage, water is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for disinfection. It can be used to prepare baby food and drink without boiling.

Filters of the main type can filter 20-50 liters of water in 1 minute, while the water pressure should be from 0.1 to 0.5 bar.

trunk system

The main flow filters "Aquaphor" is the optimal solution for protecting household appliances from premature failure, salt deposits on the details of washing machines. Water purified in this way is safe for humans and has a beneficial effect on the appearance of skin and hair.

Disadvantages of main water treatment systems

  • The first stage filter (or prefilter) is replaced on average once every 3 months.
  • Cartridges are installed and replaced only by specialists.
  • Normal system performance is only possible at temperatures above 0 degrees.
  • High price.

But the cost and repair of household appliances is much more than all these shortcomings. You do not need to save on water filters, since the quality of cleaning can suffer, and the device itself will last very short.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3528/

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