How to open PDF, what programs exist for this?

The PDF format is known to almost all users who, by the nature of their activities, encounter electronic documentation. Unfortunately, far from everyone knows how to open PDF and what programs can be used for this. This article is devoted to literacy in this matter.

than open pdf
First of all, I would like to say a few words about the leader of this market. The well-known company Adobe recently announced that the popular Reader application for the Windows operating system has been updated to 11.0. What is valuable - during the update, the team specialists made sure that most of the known errors no longer disturb us.

And this is important, given how many errors users have encountered recently. The question of how to open a PDF was especially relevant in this situation. It was also a pleasant surprise that the start page now opens in a new panoramic mode, which greatly improves its perception. It conveniently presents a list of all the files that you recently used, and also displays information about all PDF documents available on your device.

A very valuable feature for those who constantly work with many files of this kind, was the emergence of a fully functional search on the document. We have been waiting for this for a long time, but Adobe was able to realize this opportunity only recently. In addition, you can select and copy text to paste it into other applications. Strongly improved and bookmark navigation.

Foxit reader

how to open pdf format
Unfortunately, the previous application has a significant drawback, expressed in the not-so-impressive speed of work. So how to open a PDF without installing bulky and inconvenient programs for this? The answer to this question may be the installation of Foxit Reader, which has a number of useful features.

If the document has a bookmark, you will be notified of this by a characteristic icon in the lower right corner of the display. This feature will certainly be useful to those who like to read electronic books in PDF format. You must click on the icon and select the bookmark that interests you. Thanks to the improved Scrubber feature, you can use page thumbnails to quickly navigate through them.

In addition, the creators are constantly working on optimizing the application, making it β€œfaster” and not allowing it to grow to very large sizes. But the question of how to open the PDF format still remains an acute one, as recently the program began to noticeably slow down on slower machines, gradually acquiring unnecessary functionality.

Sumatra PDF

The real salvation for the owners of the "ancient", by the standards of developers, machines, can be this small, fast and functional application. In particular, its volume in RAM rarely occupies more than 150 MB, even when opening very large documents. Another good news for users is that the ability to open password-protected files has been added. Having met such a PDF document (which you already know how to open), you no longer need to look for third-party solutions.

pdf document how to open

In addition, the degree of protection of documents that you yourself can create has been significantly improved. This is especially important for those companies in whose electronic document flow PDF format prevails.

Among other things, they added full-blooded support for the portfolio, so you can view all the files attached to the document. What is also very important - the developers have significantly optimized the application, making it even faster. And this is not about some mythical percentages of productivity growth, but about a sharp acceleration of the start and loading of documents.

So how to open a PDF? We told you about the most common applications, but the final choice is still yours!


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