How to relax your eyes? A set of exercises for the eyes. Drops for relaxing eye muscles

Special exercises for relaxing the visual apparatus were invented many years before our era. The yogis who created the complexes for training the body as a whole did not lose sight of the eyes. They, like the rest of the body, need training, proper relaxation and rest. We will talk about how to relax your eyes, what to do if they are tired, and which exercises are best to perform in our article.

beautiful look

Morning Eye Exercises

For those who wake up hard in the morning and barely open their eyes before work, our complex will become a lifesaver. With its regular performance over time, the eyes will become less tired and will not be very sensitive (if this was before). Also, these exercises will help so relax your eyes, as before you just did not succeed.

So, let's begin:

  1. Without getting out of bed, stretch yourself well and roll over several times from one side to another to slightly warm the body.
  2. Now try to open your mouth and eyes wide at the same time. Lock in this position for 3 seconds, then relax the muscles of the face. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Then, while continuing to be in a supine position, squint tightly 5 to 7 times. Then blink 10-15 times slowly.

Now you know how to relax your eyes in the morning, and get a boost of energy for the visual apparatus for the whole day.

Proper eye relaxation

Rest for the eyes is simply necessary for those who work at the computer, lead a sedentary lifestyle, sitting all day in the office with a bunch of papers. And just people who are faced with violations of the visual apparatus. To begin with, you need to sit in the position most comfortable for you at the table.

Now close your right eye with your right hand, your left eye with your left.

woman covered her eyes with her hand

This must be done in such a way that the middle part of each palm falls on the level of the eye. Touching should be light, without the use of force. If hands press on eyes, it’s impossible to relax them correctly! Fingers can be crossed on the forehead, or you can, if you are comfortable, just arrange them in parallel. The main rule when performing this exercise is the absence of gaps between the fingers so that light does not get into the eyes.

If you are convinced that your eyes are in total darkness and you are sitting comfortably, lower your eyelids. Then carefully place the elbows on the table in front of you. The back should be flat and at the same time the neck and spine should not be very strained. Try to relax. Breathe evenly and calmly during this gymnastics. Now imagine something that brings you pleasure. For example, a vacation with the family at sea or a delicious ice cream.

girl with eyes closed

You can perform such an exercise from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. The longer, the more rested your eyes will be.

Nose drawing

This exercise will not only help relax the muscles of the visual apparatus, but will also cheer you up. In addition, if you are not a shy person, you can also amuse others.

The essence of this action, as well as the previous sets of exercises for the eyes, is to relax as much as possible and give your eyes tired of work. In addition, drawing with the nose will help bring the muscles of the neck to a rested state.

You can perform the training in any position convenient for you: lying, sitting, standing. So, we close our eyes and imagine that instead of the nose we have a beautiful pen with which we want to write or draw something. Now we begin to move our heads, as if drawing with our nose the picture in front of us on the canvas. This exercise is perfect for those who do not know how to relax their eyes in the workplace. If you are embarrassed to wave your head widely while drawing, you can make subtle movements so as not to cause confusion among colleagues. And if you, on the contrary, are the soul of the company, and like to be in the spotlight, draw a huge picture with your nose, without leaving your workplace. So you can not only relax the muscles of the visual apparatus, but also defuse the working environment for at least a couple of minutes.

Exercise “We look through the fingers”

If you are tired of working or watching TV on a day off, pressures on your eyes, this exercise is what you need. You can execute it both lying in bed and sitting at your desk. The standing option also works.

So, first you need to bend your elbows so that your fingers are opposite the eyes, and the palms are slightly lower. Disunite all fingers so that gaps of approximately 1 cm are formed between them. Now, looking through your fingers at objects around, gently turn your head to one, then to the other side. You need to look at the objects that are around you, but not the fingers themselves. This will create additional pressure on the visual apparatus.

The correct execution can be judged by your feelings. If your fingers "move", as it seems to you, then you are doing everything right.

Asanas for the eyes

Asana is a certain position of the body in yoga, which is aimed at achieving the most positive result for a particular part of the human body. So, asanas for the eyes were invented.

healthy eyes

This complex is recommended to improve vision and relax the eye muscles. As experienced yogis say, through such exercises you can extend good vision up to a hundred years.

You need to start performing any of the asanas while sitting in a comfortable position. To do this, it is better to use a soft mat for gymnastics.

soft mat

Asana for eyes No. 1

We sit on the mat in a comfortable position, while breathing in the stomach. Blink several times, then gently raise our eyes up and look at the point between the eyebrows. We stop the eyes in this position for 3-4 seconds. Then, on exhalation, we return the eyes to their initial position and close them for a few seconds.

After one month, the eye retention on the eyebrows can be increased to 30 seconds, then after a month for another 30 seconds. After six months, you can fix your eyes at a point between the eyes for several minutes.

Asana for eyes No. 2

This exercise will help you relax your eyes perfectly after a computer. How to execute it, read on. But first you need to establish a smooth and calm breathing, as well as take the most comfortable position on the gymnastic mat.

Now we breathe deeply and lower our eyes to the tip of the nose. We linger in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position and close our eyes. We repeat the asana 10 times.

Asana number 3

This asana is convenient in that it can be performed anywhere. The previous exercises, too, but it will be better if you can concentrate on the visual apparatus in a calm environment without extraneous noise. So you can give your eyes a rest as much as possible, without being distracted by anything.

So, slowly turn your eyes to the right until they stop.

eye exercises

Now, without being fixed, return a look to a starting position. Now repeat the same thing to the left. You can repeat the asana 5 times. Each subsequent execution can be increased by several times.

Improving the visual apparatus with drugs

It's no secret that today there are a lot of medications that can cope with tearing, increased eye sensitivity. There are also medications that can have an analgesic and relaxing effect. These include eye drops “Eye Plus”.

girl uses drops

These drops are used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic against the deterioration of human visual acuity. With regular use of this drug, vision improves. According to reviews of some patients who used to wear lenses or glasses, they began to use them much less often. These drops for relaxing the muscles of the eyes can work wonders.

The composition of the drug

Drops are made from natural ingredients, which reduces the risk of side effects and negative effects on the body.

Lutein, which is among the ingredients that make up the drug, is able to exert a general strengthening effect on the visual apparatus. It also helps to see a clearer picture.

Barley milk is also found in Eye Plus. It acts as a prophylaxis for many eye diseases and prevents infections. Juice from clover normalizes eye pressure and promotes the regeneration of capillaries, the integral structure of which is broken. A positive result of the drug is noticeable after several applications.

How do eye drops work?

Studies have shown that Eye Plus drops can increase blood flow to the eye muscle and have a protective effect on the lens. Also, the drug has a number of such properties:

  • Saturates the visual apparatus with essential vitamins.
  • It acts as a prophylactic for many eye diseases.
  • Restores vision with minor disabilities.
  • Eliminates eye fatigue.

Indications for the use of drops

This drug is approved for use by children from the age of 3 years. All due to the fact that it consists solely of plant components. They do not cause itching and twisting during use. The main indications for the use of Eye Plus drops include:

  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Pain in them when working with a computer.
  • Hypersensitivity of the eyes, their redness and irritation.
  • Visual apparatus diseases, including infectious diseases.

Doctors allow the use of "Eye Plus" even in the absence of diseases as a prophylaxis from them.

How to use drops?

Before dripping the product into the eye, wash your hands thoroughly. Then you need to open and carefully inspect the dispenser for dust and small particles of dirt. If they come into contact with the eyes, they can cause pain and various infectious diseases.

Then you need to carefully move the conjunctival sac (lower eyelid) and drip one drop into each eye. Repeat the procedure twice a day in a two-week course. For serious diseases, you need to drip two drops three times a day, the course should be from two to three weeks. In the absence of contraindications, you can supplement the treatment with one of the above sets of exercises for the eyes.


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