Diet in fat. Pork fat: benefits and harm to the body

Do you know that there is a diet on fat for weight loss? If not, then this article is for you. In it you will learn what a fat diet is, what features it has. Of course, such a power system seems rather unusual. After all, products containing fat are usually not used for weight loss. It is from fat that we try to get rid of, imposing some restrictions on our diet.

fat diet

Therefore, the diet in fat looks paradoxical enough. Note that fat is not just fat. It has unique properties that are used in weight loss programs. Although some well-known nutritionists say that you can not lose weight by eating lard. It is difficult to sit on a diet of Dukan for those who love red meat and lard. This food system prohibits all pork products.

Fat. Benefits and harm to the body

This product contains beneficial arachidonic acid, which regulates the hormonal and cardiovascular systems.

fat benefit and harm to the body

It also has a positive effect on immunity. In other products, such as, for example, butter or vegetable oil, there is no such acid at all.

There are many vitamins in fat, namely: E, A, D and beta-carotene. Therefore, using this product regularly, you strengthen your health. In addition, replenish the reserves of your vitality. When the body is weakened, lard is especially beneficial.

This product is quickly absorbed by the body, as it melts at a temperature of 37 degrees. Digestion does not require additional energy. Based on this, it can be said that one piece of fat will quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

To get the daily rate of fat, you need to eat only 50 g of this product per day. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that a diet on fat limits fat intake, but at the same time provides the body with useful substances. Therefore, doctors have recently changed their mind about this product. Nutritionists previously excluded lard from all weight loss programs. Currently, doctors recommend including this product in the diet of people with certain diseases. For example, fat improves skin condition, eyesight, and also promotes the speedy recovery of the body after surgery or a long illness.


So is it possible to eat fat on a diet? Yes. Including such a product in the diet, it turns out to lose weight quite smoothly, without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger.

Eating a small piece of fat in the morning, you give the body strength, energy. During the day you do not feel acute attacks of hunger. This way you protect yourself from overeating, so even with poor nutrition, metabolic processes do not slow down. You spend all the energy you get in a day.

Now let's talk about the dangers. Fat is almost harmless if you eat it in moderation. But when frying, carcinogens are formed as a result of the accumulation of fat. They are extremely dangerous for the body. The product is eaten raw, so in order not to become infected with helminths and not harm the body, it is worth buying fat from sellers who have a veterinary certificate. Also, with diseases of the stomach, liver, it is worth carefully consuming lard, so as not to aggravate the disease.

How to buy?

First you need to properly cook pork fat, which will be the main element of such a nutrition system. It is best to purchase it in the market. For the diet you need to use only fresh pork lard.

diet on fat menu

When buying a product, be sure to ask the seller for a certificate of veterinary service. Such a document confirms that the fat was taken from a healthy animal. This is a very important condition. A pig is a carrier of various diseases, including those to which a person is exposed, for example, swine flu.

How to determine that fat is good?

Quality lard has a uniform white color. There are no yellowish or grayish tones on the product. There are also no blood streaks. The ideal thickness is 2.5 cm. Such fat should be elastic, not very stiff. If it spreads or has a loose structure, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

If you press your finger on the fat, then a hole should form, which quickly aligns. This is a sign of a good product. The skin of high-quality fat is soft, smooth, it does not have any bristle residue.

Cooking technology

For a diet, one kilogram of the product will be enough for you. Cut the fat into thirty equal pieces. This is enough for the entire thirty-day diet.

Then take an enameled pan. Fold three hundred grams of onion peel there. Fill with water (two liters). Boil over low heat for about 60 minutes. After standing up for the night. The next morning, strain the broth. Immerse the lard in it. Cook for 10 minutes.

is it possible to eat fat on a diet

Leave the lard in the broth until evening. Then drain the water. After the lard has dried, roll in spices. You can use cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and cloves.

Store ready-made lard in the freezer. Take one piece daily. Never use a microwave to defrost. Just get the fat, leave it on the table for fifteen minutes. At room temperature, it will be ready to eat quickly. Be sure to follow the rules of the diet. We will consider them further.


The diet on fat for weight loss really works. It is believed that it is the most effective nutritional system for those who have a slowed metabolism. This means that a diet on fat effectively helps to lose extra pounds and does not allow weight gain when a person begins to eat as usual.

fat on a diet ducana

But in order for the diet to work, you need to follow the basic principles:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach eat one piece of fat.
  2. After thirty to forty minutes, be sure to have breakfast with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge without oil.
  3. In the morning, to speed up the metabolism, you can drink a cup of coffee, of course, without sugar.
  4. All animal fat, except a piece of fat, should have been excluded from the diet. You can’t eat fatty varieties of fish or meat.
  5. Egg consumption will have to be limited. A day you can eat no more than two pieces. Egg yolk is undoubtedly useful because it contains a large amount of lecithin, which stimulates the brain.
  6. The basis of the menu is cereals, dairy products (low-fat), legumes, vegetables (except for potatoes and corn), whole grain bread. If you like rice, then choose unpolished, black or red. White grade is a practical, pure fast carbohydrate.
  7. Limit salt intake.
  8. Sugar and the products in which it is contained, such as sweets, pastries, are completely excluded.
  9. Season salads and cereals with linseed, olive, and sunflower oil. No more than one tablespoon of vegetable oil is allowed per day, and this amount should be divided into several parts.
  10. Water balance needs to be maintained. Drink at least one and a half liters of water (still) during the diet per day.
  11. In the morning and evening, be sure to carry out water procedures in order to remove toxins that release per day. You can take a shower or bath, or just wipe it with a damp towel.


By following the rules, you can lose weight by about 3 kilograms per week, which is safe for health. In addition, in a month you clear vessels from slags. Also, fat reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

Diet in fat. Menu for the day

Based on the above rules, you can make an approximate menu for one day. It can be like this:

fat diet for weight loss

  • before breakfast, eat a piece of bacon;
  • breakfast: a portion of porridge, 1 egg, wholemeal bread, a glass of tea;
  • lunch: boiled chicken, potatoes (1 piece);
  • dinner: cheesecakes.


Of course, the diet on fat for weight loss, like any other diet, has contraindications. It is not suitable for those who are obese. It is also contraindicated in people with gastritis, pancreatitis. Diet in fat is not suitable for those who have diabetes, gall bladder disease, kidney. If you have any doubts about this diet, it is advisable to consult with your doctor or a qualified nutritionist.


Now you know how to lose weight by eating bacon. The benefits and harm to the body of this product are two important topics that we also examined in detail in the article. We hope that the information was useful to you.


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