Vitamins for bones: an overview, description, types and reviews

Biologically active substances included in the diet are the key to bone strength. The normal functioning of the elements of the skeletal system depends on calcium, which is not absorbed by the body without the required amount of vitamin D3. Collagen, vitamin E and A are useful for the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus. All these vitamins for bones can be obtained either by taking vitamin medicinal complexes, or together with food.

vitamins for bones

The growth and development of all bone structures of the body depends on the proper balance of nutrients in the body, especially in children. Biologically active substances help prevent fractures and various diseases. The correct fusion of damaged elements of the human skeleton is impossible without the presence of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Active substances for strengthening bones

The strength of the human skeleton depends on the presence of calcium, which also affects the growth of bone structures. Lack of this substance can lead to osteoporosis - a disease in which bones become thinner because the body consumes calcium from them. Pathological processes primarily affect the spine, so the intake of this substance must be carefully monitored, otherwise in the future it will be necessary to cope with various diseases and ailments.

bone growth vitamin

Despite the fact that this mineral is very useful to the body, more than 80% of it is not absorbed without magnesium, phosphorus, D3 and K2. However, to strengthen bones, you do not need to take in large quantities calcium and the listed vitamins for bones. In too large doses, these substances are not only not useful, but can also harm: cause the formation of plaques in blood vessels, strokes or neoplasms.

An excess of vitamin D3 and calcium in the body is eliminated with the help of vitamin K2, which accumulates them in the skeletal system. In addition, it cleanses blood vessels in which excess biologically active elements have accumulated, which helps prevent pathological processes in the body.

What causes the lack of active substances?

Having figured out what kind of vitamin is needed for bones, you should think about what its lack can lead to.

Deficiency of the following nutrients can cause:

  • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Causes the growth of cartilage cells and bones to stop, which can cause softness and porosity of the skeletal system.
  • Retinol The bone density is reduced, which significantly increases the risk of damage.
  • Calciferol . Vitamins for strengthening bones, including vitamin D, when they are lacking, can cause thinning of bones due to blocking the intake of calcium in the tissue.

What vitamin for bones is needed for fractures and how to prevent them

Vitamin A in the body helps to avoid bone fractures. Lack of retinol can lead to a decrease in bone density, thinning of the walls of bones and their fragility. One of the symptoms of fractures is a lack of vitamin A, respectively, its deficiency can be considered one of the causes of such pathologies.

Damaged elements of the bone structure are better fused, provided that the body receives in sufficient quantities such vitamins for bones as methylsulfonylmethane, which is one of the forms of sulfur. This element helps to restore cartilage tissue. In addition, take this vitamin for bone growth.

what vitamin for bones

During the period of fracture fusion, it is recommended to take vitamins to strengthen bones containing selenium and manganese. The latter saturates bone structures with oxygen, which improves metabolic processes and accelerates recovery. Without the presence of selenium, sulfur does not integrate into cartilaginous structures; therefore, without the necessary amount of this substance, damage to ligaments or fractures is more difficult to heal.

Substances necessary for cartilage and ligaments

Collagen is one of the most important vitamins, the action of which is aimed at maintaining the health of cartilage and ligaments. Chondroitin is a substance that forms the basis of cartilage. It helps strengthen joints, ligaments and tendons. Glucosamine performs a similar function.

The following substances are needed for joints and ligaments:

  • Vitamin E. Strengthens ligaments due to stabilization of lipids in the cell membrane, improves joint mobility.
  • Vitamin C. Promotes collagen production and prevents the destruction of cartilage.
  • Vitamin PP Improves joint mobility.

Vitamins for bones have different effects on the structures and tissues of the body, and therefore the substances necessary for their strengthening and recovery after fractures are not able to fully regenerate cartilage tissue.

Vitamin complexes are prescribed only by a specialist after a complete examination of the body. Changing the diet is also agreed with the doctor.

Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamins A and D

A group of these vitamins promotes the absorption of calcium in the body. Phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins D and A regulate its absorption in the intestine and maintain the ratio of other minerals in the collagen fibers of the bones.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid was classified as a vitamin that is needed to strengthen bones, due to the fact that it contributes to the formation of collagen. The latter not only acts as a medium that accumulates mineral salts, but also absorbs and softens bones upon impact.

what is the vitamin for bone growth

B vitamins

The list of which vitamin for bone growth is most needed includes B1, B2, B6, which are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, B5, B12, which are responsible for hematopoietic function.

bone strengthening vitamins

A deficiency of these substances can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of bone tissue, which worsens the process of exchange of nerve impulses with the brain. Vitamins for the circulatory system are required to form strong vessels and stabilize their functioning.


The formation of free radicals in the human body is significantly inhibited by this metal. In addition, copper has a protective effect on cartilage.

Contained in foods such as vegetables and legumes, baked goods, nuts, seafood, chocolate.


It supports the body’s immune system and helps to heal joint damage. Promotes the formation of a shell of articular cartilage.

It is found in seafood, animal kidneys, sea salt, and unrefined cereal products.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

One of the most indispensable components, on which the course of vital processes depends, are omega-3 and omega-6 acids. In inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, pain in the bones and muscles, they are prescribed as vitamin therapy. Unsaturated acids are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Omega-3s are found in large quantities in fish, walnuts, linseed and rapeseed oil, and pumpkin seeds.

Balanced Nutrition

Throughout life, bone tissue is gradually updated and restored. A complete renewal in a growing organism occurs in a couple of years, but in a mature process, it takes seven to ten years. A person is what he eats, therefore, the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body depends on the composition of food and the substances contained in the products.

what vitamin is needed for bones

Proper nutrition plays the most important role in the first twenty years of life, since it is during this period that growth and development occur. In old age, a similar need for nutrients arises - during this period of life, all regenerative processes slow down significantly, which increases the risk of fractures.

To preserve dental health, rapid restoration of bone tissue, it is advisable to refuse altogether or reduce the use of the following products:

  • Sugar, salt.
  • Coffee and soda.
  • Sweets, bakery products.
  • Animal fats.

To maintain the health of the whole organism, strengthen the skeleton and teeth, improve the functioning of internal organs and reduce the risk of various diseases and pathologies, it is necessary:

  • Take vitamin for bone growth.
  • Do not abuse harmful foods and habits.
  • Take vitamin for bone formation.

The key to health, strong bones and joints is the timely intake of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

bone vitamin

Vitamins for bones and joints affect the structures and tissues of the body in different ways, so the substances necessary to strengthen the skeleton and prevent fractures do not always fully restore the ligamentous apparatus or cartilage. For this reason, vitamin complexes should be prescribed only by a doctor after a full examination of the body.


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