Military fitness categories: transcript

In the Russian army there are 5 main categories that determine the health status of a conscript. By what principle are they divided? And are there any fundamental differences between the subgroups within them? If so, which ones? You will find the answers to all these questions later in the article.

soldiers marching

List of specialists

Any man of draft age in the Russian Federation, before going to serve, undergoes a full medical commission. In order to consider it completed, you must visit the following specialists:

  • Dentist
  • therapist;
  • optometrist;
  • surgeon
  • neuropathologist;
  • a psychiatrist;
  • otolaryngologist.
doctors in lab coats

Of course, if such a need arises, then doctors of other directions can be brought in to conduct additional studies and analyzes. By the decision of this commission, this or that category of fitness for military service is assigned.

What is the meaning of the system

The state also has certain obligations to any citizen. Thus, if a person falls into conditions that are not able to endure physically and mentally, this will lead to the most sad consequences. From the aggravation of existing ailments to death. In addition, in the army, a person should always come to the aid of a comrade if necessary, and at the same time do everything possible to protect the interests of his country. A soldier who is unsuitable for military serviceability will not be able to fulfill all these obligations to the full. In the future, if his health deteriorates during the course of his service, the state and all those who allowed it will be held responsible.

That is why the passage of the medical commission is treated with all severity and attention.

Elite category "A" troops

If you want to know more about the categories of fitness for military service, the transcript below will help you with this. The most prestigious, perhaps, can be called the first of them. It is indicated by the letter "A". Such a mark, obtained after passing the commission, gives the conscript the right to serve in any of the existing branches of the country, even elite.

Russian special forces

Subparagraphs "A1" or "A2" have a slight difference. In the first case, the future soldier has completely no health problems, and in the second there are very old chronic diseases or injuries that have no effect on his state of health at the moment.

Category B

This mark is received by most of the recruits in the Russian Federation. The category β€œB” of fitness for military service stands for β€œShelf life with minor restrictions.”

In today's environment, it is difficult to have perfect health. And yet, if you received this particular record from the doctors, the road opens up for you in the ranks of various branches of the armed forces. For instance:

  • Marines;
  • submarine service;
  • service on the ship;
  • tank forces;
  • communication specialists, etc.
tank on red square

This list can go on and on, so don’t be upset if your health is not considered ideal. The reason for this could be an allergy, overweight or minor problems with vision and hearing.

But you should pay attention to the number next to the assigned category. Those same mild health problems can be attributed to numbers from 1 to 3. But paragraph "B4" imposes a ban on any physical activity. In this case, you will have to spend time in the army for headquarters work or to learn one of the rear specialties. Such categories of troops are no less important than the advanced ones.

Military ID without service

The category of fitness for military service can allow you to get a military ticket without passing it. This becomes possible if the conscript has serious chronic diseases that require continuous monitoring by specialists. Or in other words, it is "limited fit." This is indicated by a category "B" mark.

In peacetime, such citizens are exempted from military duties and are in stock. In this case, in the event of declaring martial law, they may be called upon to carry out orders that are not related to the load contraindicated to them personally.

Sometimes military service for people with the 3rd category of fitness for military service is replaced with something alternative. It all depends on the specialty that the citizen managed to get before the call. For example, work in some medical institutions or the implementation of volunteer activities of various directions.


In this case, everything is much simpler than in the previous paragraph. If the conscript has serious, but temporary health problems that do not allow him to go to the military unit at the moment, then he is assigned the category β€œG” and a delay is given.

The most common causes of such a delay include infectious diseases, mental disorders, complications after a serious illness, fractures, and the rehabilitation period.

plaster leg

But do not forget that such relief is given for a period of six months to a year. It all depends on the severity of the disease. After the period announced by the medical commission, the citizen will again have to go through all the doctors on a common basis and find out their solution.

Difficulty category "D"

Only a similar mark in a military ticket completely and unconditionally exempts a person from military service in peacetime and wartime.

Often the category "D" is associated with disability. But it is possible and simply the presence of serious, incurable diseases. In this case, it will be necessary to provide all the documentation that the previous treatment does not give any results and the diagnosis will not change over time.

Change this category in the future is possible only through the court. But even in this case, the probability of a positive outcome is very small. Citizens deregistered are not even called up for exercises or alternative forms of service.


Sometimes young people are not burning desire to go to the army. They resort to various tricks to get a mark on a military card that does not correspond to the real state of their health. Of course, in this case, the state is not entitled to oblige them to serve. It is only in the future that such reckless steps adversely affect the life of conscripts.

Today, almost all employers pay attention to the military card of the applicant for a particular position. It is not difficult to compare the real picture and what is indicated in the document. If your decision to refuse the service was unreasonable, then you can quite rightly be considered an unreliable employee and denied a vacancy. Faced with this situation, young people are trying in any way to change the category indicated on the military card. But, as we said earlier, it is very difficult to do this. Therefore, giving a lot of money in order to stay at home for a year, you can regret it for the rest of your life. At the same time, those who repay the debt to their homeland will receive highly paid posts.

young man at the computer

So, to date, the health status of draftees is paid rather close attention. Moreover, if you do not agree with the decision of the commission, then you can always insist on its repeated passage. After all, now you know what categories of fitness for military service exist. The main thing is that being in the ranks of the armed forces does not cause irreparable harm to your health, but only makes future defenders of the Fatherland stronger and more enduring.


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