Sergey Immortal: biography, career

Everyone knows him. He is the most sought-after and popular comedian of our time. He performs with such stars as Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov and Garik Martirosyan. His amazing humorous songs are familiar to all fans of Comedy Club. Everyone knows his name, the artist performs under the pseudonym Sergey Immortal.

Life to fame

Few people know that the real name of Sergei Immortal is Sergey Mokhnachev. He was born in the city of Mozhge on November 13, 1981. In school, the guy did not think about the career of a comedian, he enjoyed spending time, fond of sports. He became the champion among the universities of his republic in basketball and was very interested in chess. The class in which Sergei Immortal studied, was with a bias in the exact sciences. The guy graduated from school with a silver medal and with a huge amount of diplomas and awards.

Sergey immortal

It is not surprising that the Immortal immediately entered the Izhevsk State Technical University and firmly decided for himself that he would be a physical engineer. At the university, the guy safely studied 4 courses, until fate itself intervened and directed the guy in a completely different direction.

The beginning of the humorous path

By chance, Sergei Immortal receives an invitation to join the KVN Find team. Dreams of a career as a physical engineer were in the past, and the student literally revived in the new role of KVNshchik. Gradually, Sergey Mokhnachev moved to the Comedy Club, where he was appointed chief to the role of editor of the new branch in Izhevsk. He was engaged in creative activities and organization of evenings.

The comedian also helped orphanages and the poor. Many charity concerts were organized by the Immortal Sergey. The Comedy Club in Izhevsk no longer suited the young man, and he sent his notes to Moscow, where he was noticed by the management and immediately invited to the famous eponymous show, which was based in the capital.

Immortal Sergey Gum

The young man immediately fell in love with the audience, and not a single episode could do without his fervent performances. He became a real find for a humorous project, despite the fact that the parents did not support the idea of ​​his son becoming a resident of the Comedy Club, considering this profession a frivolous entertainment. The comedian worked hard and proved that, following the call of the heart, you can achieve real heights. Talking about his work, Sergei notes that it takes a lot of time to prepare the materials for the show, except that the recording of the program can last several days in a row, so he cannot consider the work of comedians easy.

Career development

Sergey Immortal, “Comedy Club” for whom he became a real home, decided not to stop there. Having gained many years of experience, the comedian tries himself as a DJ in the famous clubs of the capital and nearby cities. He also willingly accepts proposals for corporate events and acts as a host at various comic contests.

The comedian toured a lot and wrote humorous monologues not only for himself, but also for his colleagues. The most popular monologues: "How to avenge men?" and "Compliments that women should not say."

Sergey immortal gum club

In 2012, Sergey tries himself as a screenwriter of films, his creations: "Nannies", "That Carlson", "Doubler". The immortal with pleasure played one of the roles in his own creation. Despite the fact that critics gave mixed reviews, Sergey is sure that this is only the beginning, and he plans to develop further in this activity.

Personal life of a comedian

Sergey is very sensitive to questions about his personal life. He says that everything has changed dramatically since his inception as a KVN specialist. His main personal life is work. According to well-known data, Sergei Bessmertny still walks in enviable bachelors and is not going to bond himself with marriage yet. The comedian also has no children.


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