Simple instructions on how to upload videos to Youtube

One of the most popular video services of our time is the Youtube site. Many millions of users visit it every day. Some of them even know that you can make good money on it, while others simply would like to share their video with their friends or even with an entire world audience. However, the question immediately arises: how to upload video to Youtube?

how to upload video to Youtube

To get started, all new users must register with Google. It is worth recognizing that this has long been not only a search engine. The video service in question is closely related to the popular site. By registering on Youtube, you receive your inbox. This procedure is inevitable. However, it is worth saying that the process itself will not take you much time. But then you will have unlimited opportunity to upload videos to Youtube.

upload video to Youtube

So, after you have your own channel, you can try uploading your first video. To do this, go to your account and click on the site logo to the left of the search bar. You must be redirected to the main page. To the right of the place you entered the request is the "Add Video" button. Feel free to click and go through it. A new window opens, in which it will be written in capital letters: "Select a file to download." There are three options here. As a rule, new users do not always know all the ways to upload videos to Youtube. The first is clicking on the red up arrow, after which you can select the desired video from a folder on a personal computer. The second option is the usual transfer of a file, for example from the desktop, into a white frame. And the last opportunity is to record a new unique video using the installed webcam. The difference between the proposed methods is made only to the extent of your convenience. This will not affect the quality and download speed.

After the process has begun, you will immediately be directed to a new page on which you need to fill out a description. Yes, uploading videos to Youtube is not only a couple of clicks. If you want to constantly gain an audience, then be sure to correctly fill in all the tabs. Remember that the name is actually the main factor that attracts viewers from the outside. It should be concise and attractive. It’s better to think a little bit about compiling the description, as some people will read it before viewing. Tags are the last serious moment. The more and more accurately you indicate words separated by commas, the more times your video will be displayed for search queries. This brief instruction on how to upload video to Youtube is almost complete. Now there are three tips in the topic:

  1. If you want to gather a regular audience, then download the video on one topic. Do not make the videos too big, annoying, the same type. They should be interesting and informative.
  2. Make interesting comments on the videos of other users, and then even more people will start coming to you.
  3. Update your channel with new content about once a week so that subscribers do not forget about your existence.

upload video to Youtube

This is the point. Three tips tested by time. Now you know exactly how to upload the video to Youtube. Be creative in this process and you will certainly be successful in this area.


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