Dream Interpretation: What Cancer Dream About

Most often, people associate cancer with three things: a serious and dangerous disease, a zodiac sign or a delicious beer snack. And what does it mean if you saw cancer in a dream? To answer this question, we offer to seek help from several dream books.

what is cancer dreaming about

What cancer dreams about : a dream book from A to Z

If you dream that you catch crayfish, then in real life you can count on significant support from friends or sponsors. If in a dream you eat cancer, then be careful in reality: you can incur great misfortune by inadvertently chatting some secret. Dead cancer is a sign that you will soon be tricked into buying some very expensive items. If you are treated to crayfish, then you will soon be invited to a grand celebration or feast.

Why cancer dreams : an esoteric dream book

This dream book states: if in a dream you catch crayfish, then your life will be easy and carefree. If you cook or carve cancer, then you will find a commotion and turmoil in the house, as well as unexpected news and events. If in a dream you eat crayfish, then you have to take part in some kind of amateur activity. If you dream of cancer as a disease, then you should not worry too much: you may be too afraid to really get cancer, in fact, the likelihood of this is extremely small. In general, a dream of cancer symbolizes the collapse of some plans or failure in business.

why crayfish dream

What Cancer Dream About : Dream Book XXI centuries

If you dream of boiled crayfish, then you are at risk of financial losses and losses. Living cancer, pursuing you, predicts serious disagreements and quarrels with close friends. If you catch cancer, then in real life you will be able to build relationships and find a common language with a person who in the past was your enemy or wished you harm. The fight against cancer of enormous size symbolizes the internal struggle of a person with himself. It is considered a very good sign if a person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer dreams of this animal. Fate will smile at you, presenting success in business and personal life. Why dream of living crayfish swarming in a vessel or on the ground? If a woman saw such a dream, then her pregnancy is very likely in the very near future.

why do crayfish dream

What cancer dreams about : the ABC of dream interpretation

This source claims that the dream in which the crayfish appears is a symbol of a return to bygone times, and is also a reflection of the slowness inherent in these funny creatures. If in a dream you catch and eat crayfish, then such a dream predicts you success, health and a quiet life. If you see cancers of enormous size or a large number of cancers, then such a dream should be regarded as a warning and a reminder of your laziness and inertness.

Why crayfish dream : a large universal dream book

This source interprets the dreamed cancers as confirmation of the problems in your personal life, namely the complexes inherent in you that prevent you from completely relaxing in the company of a loved one. Boiled crayfish symbolize possible losses or troubles. Living crayfish predict a speedy departure or rejection of something very desirable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3562/

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