Earring for weight loss: reviews, how it works

The theme of losing weight does not lose its popularity. In winter and summer, there are people who want to change their appearance or just prepare for an important event. Therefore, despite the saturation, the market for weight loss products continues to delight us with new products. In addition to pills, creams, sprays, chewing gums, insoles for shoes that stimulate the process of weight loss, today you can buy earrings for weight loss. It is still difficult to find reviews, since the product has recently appeared on the market, but try to collect all the information available about it.

how can an earring help


The mysterious invention caused a strong resonance in society. At the same time, everyone wanted to know what is an earring for weight loss. The reviews of Russian women indicate that this product aroused genuine interest among consumers.

This method of losing weight was developed by a well-known nutritionist. Let's try to figure out what the method is based on and whether it works. Whether to purchase them or not, everyone will decide for himself.

Operating principle

The first feeling, when you are told about jewelry to solve the problem of weight, will be distrust. This is noted by almost all reviews. Earring for weight loss - it sounds more than strange. How can wearing a stylish accessory affect the shape?

In fact, everything here is not so simple. Wearing jewelry was designed according to the principles of acupuncture. This teaching is rooted in the depths of centuries and in practice has repeatedly proved its worth. That is why traditional medicine recognizes it as an auxiliary method for the treatment of various pathologies.

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Method justification

In fact, in our culture, acupuncture is considered something exotic and has little to do with reality. Chinese doctors practice it in official medicine and competently declare the viability of the method in their reviews. A slimming earring is the same needle that serves as an additional stylish decoration.

Experts assure that the needle acts on nerve impulses. This causes them to send altered signals to the brain. This is what leads to the fact that weight gain stops. That is, the body begins to reprogram itself, and soon you will achieve excellent results.

All ingenious is simple

Indeed, it looks more than attractive. Women, learning about this method, begin to be interested in it and look for reviews. It is enough to put on an earring. And now itโ€™s not necessary to go to the gym. Too good to be true? Not at all. It is simply very important to know the active points on the auricle, which are responsible for the long-term fat burning effect. In this case, the process is rather slow. But this is exactly what nutritionists recommend. Gradual weight loss is a guarantee that he will not return, unlike fast diets. It is not for nothing that doctors are adopting this method and for severe forms of obesity they recommend starting with a visit to an acupuncturist.

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What is the effect of

Even if you are distrustful of new products, this method may be of interest in its simplicity and accessibility. Will magnetic earrings for weight loss help? The reviews are mixed. A lot depends on how and who will install them. This requires knowledge and experience. Gold earring or silver, not the essence, but placing it at the right point, you get the desired effect. But a little to the right or left - and it turns out useless decoration. This should be considered when choosing a specialist with whom you will work.

That is, the most important principle is the involvement of the biologically active point of the auricle, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. This is the beginning of the natural process of losing weight. In addition to the fact that a person no longer experiences a strong feeling of hunger, a number of physiological processes contribute to weight loss:

  • Metabolism is normalized. Improper nutrition and a passive lifestyle lead to the fact that the metabolism slows down. Acupuncture is a reliable way to stimulate this process at the cellular level and accelerate the natural process of losing weight.
  • A sense of fullness is maintained. Exposure to the active point reduces appetite and dulls hunger. As a result, the number and abundance of meals per day is significantly reduced and people choose less nutritious meals. Of course, and weight loss will be provided.
  • Improving digestion. This is another of the desired effects that are achieved based on the reviews. The earring in the ear for weight loss acts on one of the active points of the auricle, which creates optimal conditions for the assimilation of nutrients. This prevents the formation of body fat.
  • Normalization of the hormonal background. In theory, a properly installed earring gradually normalizes the thyroid gland. If the cause of obesity lies in its dysfunction, it will contribute to weight loss.
girl with weights

How is the procedure

First of all, the question arises of where to buy earrings for weight loss. Reviews of experts suggest that it is best to contact a professional acupuncturist who will pick up the earring himself. And most often it will be slightly different from decoration in the classical sense of the word.

But this is only one facet of the issue. About 200 active points are located on the human ear. When a needle is inserted into each of them, a different effect can be achieved, and therapeutic, preventive and dietary manipulations can be performed. At the same time, you need to remember that self-treatment can be dangerous to your health. The procedure should be carried out exclusively by a competent specialist. Best of all, if you first collect feedback on his qualifications.

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The Golden Needle Method

Its implementation begins with an initial consultation, selection of diameter and measurement. Further sequence:

  • For the productive correction of excess weight, a thin wire of pure gold is most often chosen. With its help, certain points on the ear are accurately pierced. It is almost painless.
  • The length of the wire is selected individually. Usually it is from 1 to 10 mm. It depends on the characteristics of the person and the desired weight loss.
  • After installation, the wire is fixed and left for a long time. Usually 4-8 months.

Judging by the reviews, pretty soon a person begins to give up junk food. his appetite is reduced, which makes it possible to choose wholesome and high-quality food. The figure will soon acquire seductive bends. Additional physical activity is not required, but they will not be superfluous. The only drawback is the complexity and high installation cost. This is emphasized by the reviews. Earrings for weight loss with "Aliexpress" are analogues, but at the same time they can be installed independently, without any effort.

Convenient generic or useless bauble

The huge Chinese online market offers to purchase almost any product at an affordable price. Means for weight loss were no exception. On this online site you can buy special clothes, creams and preparations that will help you reach your ideal size. Magnetic slimming earrings are also available in a large assortment. At the same time, reviews of specialists note that they cannot be installed correctly on their own. The packaging does not even include instructions. They are put on just looking at the picture. Of course, the products look attractive. Decorated with rhinestones, they are a great alternative to familiar jewelry.

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Pros and Cons of a Magnetic Earring

Of course, it attracts the convenience of this accessory. No need to be afraid of pain, just put on the jewelry, because it is fixed with magnets. But this raises the problem of choosing a mounting location, which we have already discussed. Suppose it is selected correctly. But the cons do not end there. It is very difficult to wear them for a long time, because the ear sandwiched between two magnets soon begins to hurt. Someone says that it goes away in a few days. Others simply throw the accessory in a distant drawer. To weigh these points and need feedback. Magnetic earrings for weight loss on Aliexpress can be ordered at any time, so do not rush to the choice.

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But even if the pain goes away, then overweight is not so simple. Whether the method of stimulating biologically active points works to combat excess weight is a big question. And in this case, we are faced with an even less reliable method of its application. Of course, no one rules out the placebo effect. If a person sincerely believes that having put on this accessory will begin to eat less and lose weight, then most likely it will be so.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3564/

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