What to go to the theater? Tips & Tricks

Theater today is often an expensive pleasure, so it makes sense to go to it elegantly so that this evening (or day) becomes absolutely festive. This tradition, which existed until recently, may have arisen because, since ancient times, such spectacles have been royal fun. The first troupe arose in Russia at the time of Alexei Mikhailovich and existed in 1672-1676. It was played by 64 young people who performed a play on a biblical story. We do not know what clothes for going to the theater were on the audience at that time, but we know that the performance lasted 10 hours, after which everyone went to the bathhouse to wash away sins. Spectacles of this kind in those days were literally called "disgraces" and were a kind of forbidden fruit. Theater art was further developed and recognized during the time of Peter the Great, when foreign troupes began to come to Russia and provincial productions appeared.

what to go to the theater

Clothing in the theater should be consistent with the level of this event. For example, if you have a special invitation, then it makes sense to rent a tuxedo for a man and without fail to pick up an evening toilet for a lady. Its distinctive feature is a long skirt, combined with a neckline, fur accessories and jewelry. Some outfits may include a ladies hat, which, however, does not have to be very voluminous so as not to interfere with viewing the performance. Massive hats in order to comply with good manners will have to be removed.

clothes for going to the theater

What to go to the theater if there is no special invitation? For those who plan to attend a performance as a couple, a visual coincidence of images is relevant. Those. a man and a woman should look harmonious, for which he can be dressed in a dark suit with a light shirt and tie, to which it is easy enough to choose an outfit for a woman. Ladies suit should be elegant. For this purpose, any business set, complemented by an elegant accessory, jewelry, handbag and beautiful shoes, is suitable.

Quite often in the capital's theaters you can see people who do not comply with the minimum dress code. They come off-duty, in street shoes. But this does not mean that they have nothing to go to the theater. It’s just that many business people come to Moscow who, whenever possible, seek to visit the sights and famous performances without having the appropriate wardrobe.

clothes to the theater

When deciding what to go to the theater, you need to think about hair and makeup. Often at many premieres there is the press, television and photographers who take pictures for the media. It is believed that it is better to turn out beautiful on them. In addition, it makes sense to think about what β€œput on” perfume. The performance is a public act, so strong pungent smells are inappropriate here. Subtle, barely perceptible aroma is more in line with etiquette. In addition, allergies and asthmatics may be nearby, the painful reactions of which will negatively affect the positive atmosphere of the holiday.

What to go to the theater if it is a children's play? Here clothes imply greater convenience, because you need to think not only about your own beauty, but also about the need to monitor the child. Perhaps you should not wear too high and thin heels and evening dresses, because Performances usually take place during the day and some of them are interactive. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the elegant costume, because every child is pleased when his mom and dad are the most beautiful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3566/

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