Workplace temperature standards. What to do if the temperature in the workplace is above normal

What external factors affect employee productivity? A similar question, of course, should be asked by any leader who is eager to take care of his subordinates and increase his monthly revenue. Unfortunately, features that are obvious at first glance often go unnoticed. So, for example, at enterprises, both small and large, the temperature standards at the workplace are often ignored. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not every employee will be able to fully work, freezing or suffering from unbearable heat.

Who controls the weather at work?

Are there official documents regulating such indicators? Yes there are. These are SanPin standards for temperature in the workplace. The regulations contained in them apply to absolutely all companies and all employees (regardless of the size of the company and its nationality).

workplace temperature standards

All information in the norms can be divided into two main blocks: temperature recommendations for various categories of employees and the employer's responsibility for their violation. Among other things, the norm of air temperature at the workplace is also regulated by Article 212 of the Labor Code of our country, which states that the employer is obliged to provide favorable conditions and conditions for work and recreation for its employees.

How to protect yourself in the workplace?

What can an employee do if the temperature in the workplace is above normal? If a person realizes the real risks to his health in such a situation, then it is quite possible to temporarily refuse to perform his duties. For this, it is necessary to draw up an official written statement and pass it on to the higher management.

summer work temperature

The document should contain information that the performance of the work provided for by the labor contract threatens certain risks to health. It will be useful to refer to the 379th article of the Labor Code, which contains information about the legality of such intentions. If the paper is prepared in accordance with all the rules, then the employee will not only not lose his workplace, but will retain all existing rights. However, do not overdo it in your desire to take a break from work, it is likely that the authorities will offer you alternative options.

How to get around the law without breaking it?

Management has its own loopholes and workarounds. The thing is that SanPin in his documentation indicates such a thing as "time spent", and not "the length of the working day." Simply put, an employer is not always obligated to leave an employee home early under uncomfortable working conditions in order to comply with the law. He can take the following measures:

  • To organize an additional break in the middle of the working day indoors with conditions more suitable for rest.
  • Transfer workers to another room that meets the requirements.

Sanpin standards for temperature in the workplace

Sanitary standards: summer workplace temperature

Of course, most of all the temperature standards at the workplace excite office employees, but it is difficult to say what this trend is connected with. It should be noted that managers, secretaries and other employees of intellectual work are categorized as workers with insignificant physical activity. It is believed that the normal temperature for them should fluctuate in the range from 22.2 to 26.4 (20-28) degrees of heat. Any deviation from the established figures should lead to a reduction in working hours. The reduction scheme is as follows:

  • 28 degrees - 8 hours;
  • 28.5 degrees - 7 hours;
  • 29 degrees - 6 hours and so on.

According to a similar algorithm, the term of fulfilling labor duties in the office is reduced to a temperature of 32.5 degrees above zero. With such initial data, labor is allowed no more than one hour. At temperatures above the above work, it is completely necessary to cancel or transfer to another room.

air temperature at the workplace

Sanitary standards: temperature in winter

It should be noted that employees in the workplace can suffer not only from the stuffiness and heat, but also from the cold (such situations are even more dangerous, but they are much less common). What is the minimum permissible temperature at the workplace? To begin with, we will discuss the algorithm of the day in cool conditions for office employees. The number of working hours for them begins to decline from 20 degrees according to the following scheme:

  • 19 degrees - 7 hours;
  • 18 degrees - 6 hours;
  • 17 degrees - 5 hours and so on.

The final mark of 13 degrees of heat implies the work of an office employee in an unheated room for one hour, with lower performance indicators it is required to cancel at all.

It should be noted that the above norms apply exclusively to production and office premises, requirements for social facilities also exist, but are slightly different. For example, the recommended temperature for clinics is about 20-22 degrees.

sanitary standards workplace temperature

Classification of all professions

SanPin standards for temperature at the workplace differ for each category of employees. There are three main categories, of which two are also divided into additional subgroups:

  • 1a. Energy consumption up to 139 watts. Insignificant physical activity, performance of labor duties in a sitting position.
  • 1b. Energy consumption from 140 to 174 watts. Insignificant physical stress in the performance of duties that can be carried out both sitting and standing.
  • 2a. Energy consumption from 175 W to 232 W. Moderate physical stress, the need for regular walking, moving loads up to 1 kg in a sitting position.
  • 2b. Energy consumption 233-290 watts. Active, but moderate physical activity, consisting in constant walking and moving loads weighing up to 10 kilograms.
  • 3. Energy consumption from 290 watts. Intense load, requiring considerable strength and recoil. It consists in walking, carrying large loads.

You should not assume that the higher the category of employee, the more carefully the temperature standards at the workplace should be observed in the summer and in the winter season. In fact, the law requires the protection of every person very carefully. Moreover, people engaged in active physical labor are much easier to tolerate coolness, as they have the opportunity to warm themselves from the efforts made.

if the temperature in the workplace is above normal

Where to go for help?

What to do if the temperature at the workplace is violated and management continues to force employees to work? In this situation, the time that goes beyond the limits given in the laws can be considered processing. And processing, as you know, should be paid in double size.

Where can I complain that the temperature at the workplace is occasionally or regularly violated? Unfortunately, there is no institution officially dealing with this issue. However, if necessary, all of their complaints regarding the unsatisfactory organization of conditions at the workplace, employees can send to the local labor inspectorate, which can record the complaint and initiate proceedings on it.

In addition to the labor inspection, it is possible to send your wishes for organizing a comfortable temperature at the workplace in your company to Rospotrebnadzor, they will also help you solve the controversial situation with the employer.

The size of the punishment and its types

What punishment can an unlucky employer run into? The simplest is a regular fine, the size of which can range from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Much worse for any organization is the temporary suspension of its activities, which can last up to 90 days. To avoid punishment, it is necessary either to improve the existing conditions or to reduce the employee’s working day to the required rate in this case.

permissible temperature at the workplace

How to eliminate violations?

How can I achieve the required temperature at the workplace in the summer? Perhaps the only effective way to resolve this issue is to install modern air conditioners, as well as maintaining the existing ventilation system at a high level. No open windows and drafts will help to create comfortable conditions in the heat, but will only ensure the distillation of heated air from room to room. Another disadvantage of this method is the high risks of colds among people in the room.

With regard to the need to increase air temperature, the most appropriate is the use of a central heating system.


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