GAZ-51 car: history, photos, specifications

The unique and one of a kind GAZ-51 car is a truck, the production of which became the most massive in the Soviet Union from the 40s to the 70s of the last century. Due to its versatility and carrying capacity (2500 kg), the machine has become widespread in various sectors of the national economy and auxiliary spheres. During the serial production, almost 3.5 million copies were produced. The production of this equipment has also been established in China, Poland, Korea. Let us consider in more detail the characteristics and features of this legendary truck.

Soviet car GAZ-51


The GAZ-51 car could be launched into mass production as early as 1941, but this was prevented by the outbreak of war. Preparation for the phased creation of new items began in 1937. The main work on the design, development and testing of the vehicle was completed. The relevant authorities issued official permission to launch the program. The prototype was presented at the agricultural exhibition in Moscow (1940).

The design of the truck in question in recent years of the war has undergone extensive modernization. A team of engineers under the leadership of A. Prosvirin tried to take into account all previous shortcomings, as well as to introduce the experience gained during the operation of various equipment in the war period, including the features of vehicles delivered under contract from America. As a result, the improvement affected the power unit and service units, the car was equipped with a hydraulic brake unit, and the exterior and equipment of the cab were modified. In addition, serious improvements were introduced in the auxiliary systems.


The size of the wheels of the GAZ-51 car, the photo of which is presented above, they decided to increase, the carrying capacity indicator was brought up to 2.5 tons. We also carried out work on the maximum combination of the truck with the future army counterpart under the index 63.

The first batch of cars from 20 units came out in 1945. A year later, the reviving national economy received over three thousand trucks of this brand. As tests have shown, the car surpassed its predecessors in all respects, including the three-ton ZIS-5, not to mention the โ€œone and a halfโ€.

At that time, the GAZ-51 was distinguished by speed (up to 75 km / h), reliability, efficiency, endurance and convenient control. In addition, the car received a softer suspension with effective shock absorbers and lower fuel consumption.

The scheme of the car GAZ-51

Mass production

In 1947, they carried out a control run of the truck. The route ran from Gorky to Moscow, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and vice versa. The test distance was more than 5.5 thousand kilometers. The car proved to be the best.

The production of GAZ-51 cars was constantly increasing, in 1958 a record number of copies of this equipment was made (173 thousand units). Serial production was launched in Poland (Lublin-51 model), North Korea (Syngri-58), China (Yuejin-130). The last model of this truck was released at the Gorky plant in April 1975 and became a museum exhibit.

GAZ-51: technical specifications

Certain technical innovations introduced into the truck design were subsequently used on other types of Soviet and foreign equipment. Among them:

  1. The presence of wear-resistant cylinder liners made of special cast iron.
  2. Chrome spraying on piston rings.
  3. Vertical radiator blinds.
  4. Prestarting heater, functioning from a blowtorch. The element was a unit in which the coolant was heated in a special boiler, after which the refrigerant circulated according to the principle of thermosiphon, giving off heat to the cylinders and combustion compartments.
  5. An oil cooler that increases the durability of the power unit.
  6. Thin-walled bimetal crankshaft liners .

Also, the GAZ-51 car gave the world production an aluminum block head, plug-in valve seats, adjustable mixture heating, a dual method of oil filtration, and closed crankcase ventilation. Grease was supplied to the rubbing elements after rough cleaning. Among other innovations are easily removable brake drums, which at that time was real progress.


Below are the main dimensions of the GAZ-51:

  • Length / width / height - 5.71 / 2.28 / 2.13 m.
  • Road clearance - 24.5 cm.
  • Wheelbase - 3.3 m.
  • Track front / rear - 1.58 / 1.65 m.
  • Full / Curb Weight - 5.15 / 2.71 t.
  • Tires - 7.5 / 20.

GAZ-51 engine

The power plant of the truck in question is a modernized version of the GAZ-11 gasoline engine, which was made by craftsmen of the Gorky plant in 1930. The basis for the engine was the American analogue of the in-line unit with a lower arrangement, known under the name "Dodge D-5".

GAZ-51 car engine

The main parameters of the motor:

  • Type - four-stroke six-cylinder carburetor engine.
  • The working volume is 3485 cubic centimeters.
  • Horsepower metric is 70.
  • Speed โ€‹โ€‹- 2750 rotations per minute.
  • The twisting moment - 200 Nanometers.
  • The number of valves is 12.
  • Compression is 6.2.
  • The average fuel consumption is about 25 liters per 100 km.

Despite the relatively low power, the power unit of the GAZ-51 has excellent traction. It was possible to start it even with a faulty starter and without a battery, using a manual analogue (and in almost any weather).


It is worth noting that the engine of this truck did not have a decent margin of safety, especially when working with high operating loads at high speeds. Often the โ€œengineโ€ broke down due to the melting of babbitt from the root bimetallic thin-walled liners of the crankshaft.

During long-term operation at high revolutions, the oil supply was not enough, which, together with the absence of an overdrive and the presence of the main pair of the rear axle of a special configuration, led to the twisting of the low-speed motor. At this point, a large gear ratio between these elements was also negatively affected. In this regard, to maintain a sufficient working resource of the engine, the carburetor was equipped with a speed limiter. As a result, the vehicle speed under any conditions did not exceed 75 km / h.

The bridge of the car GAZ-51

Running parameters

The Soviet truck GAZ-51 had a layout with a forward-shifted engine and cab. This decision made it possible to get a fairly long cargo base with a short base. In principle, the design was typical for most of the bonnet trucks of the time.

The car is equipped with a transmission with a single-disk dry clutch, a gearbox for four modes with a single-stage main speed, synchronizers are not provided.

Truck suspension - dependent type with a modern configuration. The assembly design includes four longitudinal semi-elliptic springs, two springs on the rear axle. A similar mechanism is still used on the modern GAZon Next model.

An innovative implementation is the presence in the front suspension of hydraulic shock absorbers with levers with pair action. Improves the stability and controllability of the machine with a stiff front axle with a weighted kingpin.

The cargo platform of the GAZ-51 model is made of wood. If necessary, a hinged tailgate was used as an extension of the floor. The structure was attached using chains that held the side part in a horizontal position. The internal dimensions of the body of this vehicle are 2.94 / 1.99 / 0.54 m. In terms of height, it is permissible to adjust the indicator by means of extensions. Since 1955, the truck was equipped with an updated platform with three hinged parts.


The driverโ€™s workplace is equipped as austerely and simply as possible, nevertheless it is more comfortable and ergonomic than the counterparts of the Soviet "one and a half". On the dashboard there is a necessary set of devices characteristic for equipping modern vehicles. In the salons of cars of later releases, watches appeared. The windshield rises forward and up, which in hot weather allows you to get a counter flow of fresh air. An interesting detail is the manual wiper drive (as an addition in case of unforeseen situations). The main mode of operation of the "wipers" is a vacuum drive from vacuum in the intake manifold.

Cabin of a car GAZ-51

Since, at that time, there was a shortage of metal, until the 50th year the cabin of the GAZ-51 was made of wooden elements and tarpaulins. Later, this part became all-metal and heated. The front design is characterized by a narrowed front hood.


During the manufacture of the machine in question, many serial and experimental versions were developed. Among them (in parentheses are the years of release):

  • Series 51H is an army variation with a trellised body from the 63rd model. It was equipped with a fuel tank (1948-1975).
  • 51U - an export option for a temperate climate (1949-1955).
  • NU - military GAZ-51, exported (1949-1975).
  • 51B - modification on gas fuel (1949-1960).
  • GAZ-41 - a prototype, partly on the caterpillar year (1950).
  • F - liquefied gas machine (1954-1959).
  • ZhU is an analogue of the previous version for export to countries with a temperate climate.
  • 51A is an improved version of the basic technology with an elongated platform, folding side walls, and an updated brake system (1955-1975).
  • F - experimental batch with an engine for 80 "horses" (1955).
  • 51 AU - export modification for temperate climates.
  • Yu - an analogue for the tropical climate.
  • 51C - version equipped with an additional gas tank of 105 liters (1956-1975).
  • GAZ-51R - passenger-and-freight model with folding benches, an additional door and stairs.
  • T - cargo taxi (1956-1975).

In addition, the characteristics of the GAZ-51 made it possible to produce a number of truck tractors and dump trucks under various indices for the domestic and export market. Between themselves, they differed in carrying capacity, platform dimensions, type of chassis and tires.

Original car GAZ-51

Interesting Facts

On the basis of the truck in question, they also released a line of bonnet buses of a small category. Vehicles were manufactured at the Gorky Automobile Plant, Kurgan and Pavlovsky Bus Plant. Modifications to these colorful machines, including open-top modifications, as well as ambulances, were made throughout the Soviet Union.

In the republics of a huge country, enterprises of various sizes and directions adapted the GAZ-51 to transformation into specialized equipment (furniture, isothermal booths, aerial platforms, tanks, bread trucks, fire engines and utility vehicles).

Test Drive

Drivers and specialists dealing with this truck agree that the equipment is unpretentious, reliable, resistant to various difficult tests. An additional advantage is the simplicity of all parts and assemblies, as well as high maintainability. All items are available, do not require special tools. You can carry out a surface repair yourself and get to any workshop without any problems.

The car does not feel the normative load of 2.5 tons, perfectly coping with overload. Pleased with a high rate of patency, despite the fact that the car does not have all-wheel drive.

There are certain nuances in the management and operation of a vehicle that you need to know and consider. For example, Soviet films often show how a driver can turn the steering wheel in different directions, although the car is driving straight. This is not fiction. The fact that the backlash "bagels" was up to 20 degrees. Therefore, in order to catch a rut, it was necessary to correct it.

The brake pedal is rather tight, for the required deceleration it was necessary to apply remarkable efforts. No less power is needed to turn the steering wheel or shift gearbox. Since the truck was not equipped with a synchronizer, it was necessary to learn double clutch release when shifting to a higher gear, and to rebase to switch down.

The brake pedal was pretty tight, especially by today's standards. In order to achieve the desired deceleration, it was necessary to exert a very significant physical effort.


Despite the fact that the GAZ-51 truck, the photo of which is presented below, was produced almost half a century ago, advertisements for the sale of this rarity can be found on the Internet and in the press. As a rule, modifications of the 70s of the release are offered. Depending on the condition, modification, restyling and the region, the price range varies from 30 to 250 thousand rubles per unit. In the latter case, restored copies are sold on the go.

GAZ-51 truck

In conclusion

For the younger generation, the GAZ-51 series truck is almost a museum exhibit, although among its representatives there are many rarity connoisseurs who are successfully carrying out work to restore the legendary Soviet "hard worker". It should be noted that on the basis of this machine created a lot of prototypes, ranging from military models to passenger buses. A long period of mass production, high parameters of cross-country ability and reliability, as well as versatility have made technology popular in almost all areas of the national economy.


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