Weight Loss Schedule: Weight and Nutrition Exercise Plan

The issue of excess weight is today quite important for many men and women. Sooner or later, every losing weight person will realize that without drawing up his own systematic program, he will not be able to achieve at least some significant results. Excessively strict diets and physical activity often lead only to a temporary loss of kilograms. After an exhausting mode of operation, the body simply returns the lost weight. A good weight loss schedule takes into account many factors and, above all, the ratio of the correct diet, sleep and training is important.

Advantages of a Systems Approach

The human body can be called a fairly complex set of various mechanisms. Any changes in the lifestyle can in a certain way affect the appearance, metabolism and general well-being. At the same time, the body is able to adapt to almost any lifestyle: even one that allows excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and harmful products. More often than not, the first awkward attempt to change a person begins with the construction of the simplest nutritional schedule. For weight loss, any extreme diets with sharply reduced calorie intake are used.

People are somewhat smarter when they irrevocably throw out from their own diet all that they consider harmful. However, often such ill-conceived actions lead to an early breakdown and a set of all recently departed kilograms. Any professional nutritionist will say that drastically changing eating habits is almost always contraindicated, since the body perceives such changes as serious stress. A systematic approach implies a smooth change in the entire lifestyle without negative physiological and psychological consequences for losing weight.

Weight Loss Chart

Schedule Rules

In the best case scenario, the plan should be scheduled for at least one month. In the future, the program can be slightly adjusted to eliminate stress from the uniformity of the diet or increase the productivity of training after the next adaptation of the body to certain varieties and the number of physical activities. The body gets used to the changes introduced in about four weeks or 30 days. After about a month, you can find out whether the chosen weight loss schedule was sufficiently effective.

The main rule in drawing up the plan is to take into account the characteristics of your own body, since in all people they are strictly individual. Ready-made solutions on weight loss sites or the best friend’s advice may not work unchanged at all. In the schedule, first of all, attention should be paid to the three main points on which the success of the entire enterprise depends. To begin with, a suitable nutrition menu is compiled, and then a set of trainings is selected that would suit a particular person depending on his physical fitness. At the last stage, the general regime of the day is thought out, including time for meals, activity and rest. Each of the three items listed makes an equal contribution to the schedule of proper weight loss.

Weight Loss Schedule

Carrying out the necessary calculations

The metabolism in each person does not work the same way. However, the general meaning does not change from this: if you consume more calories than the body spends on physical activity and maintaining the functioning of all systems, then it becomes impossible to lose those extra pounds. The weight loss schedule allows you to take control of your diet under tight control, thereby reducing the risk of breakdowns and additional snacks. The first thing to do is to write absolutely honestly on paper how many products and how much are usually consumed during the day. This process can take up to one week with a normal human diet. Based on the data obtained, further analyzes are carried out.

After that, you need to calculate the approximate (it is quite possible to round up to dozens) calorie daily diet. Special applications or a simple calculator can help with this. Looking at the list of foods eaten in one week, you should identify those that clearly do not fit into the future nutrition schedule. For weight loss, for example, fatty meat, sodas or mayonnaise in large quantities are not very suitable. Overweight people most often quite far exceed the average values ​​of the required calorie intake. To begin with, in such a situation, you can make only a small slice of servings - no more than 20-25%.

Weight Loss Schedule

Prohibited Products List

Not everything that is available today on store shelves to consumers with virtually any standard of living is acceptable for a healthy diet. In the right schedule for weight loss, you should refrain from a number of products. It is worth noting that in this way, even without additional physical exertion, you can lose about one kilogram per week, and this is already a fairly good result.

The list of prohibited foods is given below:

  1. Animal fats. Preference should be given to vegetable. It is not recommended to completely abandon fats.
  2. Confectionery and flour products, alcoholic beverages, instant food and any sweet soda.
  3. Smoked meats, fried foods, sausages.
  4. Sweet fruits due to the high content of fructose in them.
  5. Bakery products made from wheat flour.

Useful Nutrition Tips

Of course, a weight loss schedule is made individually. Nevertheless, in any case, there are a number of universal tips that will help to obtain better results in a short time. For example, it is very important to observe the correct drinking regimen. Morning begins with a glass of clean water, and at least 1.5-2.5 liters of liquid are drunk per day, depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular person.

As the main technology for cooking products, you must choose a grill, boiling in water or steaming. The nutrition schedule itself should allow you to make a daily meal at the same time. The number of meals can be different, but a person should never be very hungry. It is better to choose the time for five or six meals, depending on the daily routine and the corresponding possibilities for a snack.

We must not forget about the main products that contain animal protein, that is, do not give up meat, fish and eggs. The diet itself should be kept in sufficient variety. Low-fat dairy products, fresh or stewed vegetables and unsweetened fruits are allowed on the table.

The right diet for weight loss

Features of the choice of physical activity

It is a mistake to believe that the meaning of an active lifestyle is only to burn extra calories. In fact, physical activity also improves blood circulation and helps increase the speed of metabolic processes in the body. An increased level of fat burning is achieved due to the fact that during exercise the tissues and cells are actively saturated with oxygen.

However, a good schedule of exercises for weight loss should not include exorbitant loads for a particular person. Especially this moment concerns the training of beginners in the gym using heavy shells. The body had not previously dealt with such loads, which means that there is a great chance of sprain, muscle damage or a general deterioration in the health of losing weight.

Training plan for girls

The main emphasis in this case is usually done on cardio exercises. Of course, you should not get rid of an integrated approach. This means that for girls in the schedule of training for weight loss should also be present and strength exercises. The study of various muscle groups will allow after dropping extra pounds to get a more toned and moderately sculpted body. Sometimes the operating mode does not allow you to fully engage in sports. Nevertheless, for a minimum level of activity, jogging in the park in the evenings, swimming in the pool or just walking to the office in the morning is enough.

Many girls want to have a slender body, a small elaborate press combined with a thin waist and toned shapes. However, hardly any lady wants to get pumped muscle, similar to that of men in the gym. For this reason, it is recommended to observe moderation in strength training. In general terms, a graph can consist of three main types of activity, presented below:

  1. Aerobic exercise. Includes riding an exercise bike or bicycle, jumping, walking and running on a treadmill or in a park. The optimal amount of time should be selected depending on your physical fitness.
  2. Strength exercises. The base complex includes squats, push-ups and dumbbell presses. The number of repetitions depends on the general level of preparedness and the goal set.
  3. Press. This area of ​​the body is very important for every girl. The list of exercises for the press should include twisting, as well as lifting the body, pelvis and legs. There is no need to overzealous - the number of repetitions should be sufficient, but not too tiring.
Slimming Workout Schedule for Girls

Training plan for men

As a rule, representatives of a strong half of humanity are recommended more stringent and intense classes. Of course, men no less than women spend time on work, which means that it is not acceptable for everyone who wants to lose weight to allocate time to the gym. In light of this, it becomes relevant to draw up a good schedule for losing weight at home. Strength exercises can be suitable as a basis, which, simultaneously with burning fat, will allow you to gain muscle mass.

The program described below can become the basis for drawing up your own training plan:

  1. Warm up for 7 minutes.
  2. Any twisting. Enough 2 sets of 10 repetitions.
  3. Weighted Squats You can do 3 sets of 10 reps. The weight of the shells should first choose a small one.
  4. Any kind of push-ups. Enough 3 sets of 20 times.
  5. Lunges with knee weights. It is performed with alternating legs in each repetition. For each knee, 2 sets of 10 repetitions are enough.
  6. Bench press. The weight of the bar is selected based on individual capabilities and physical development. Enough 2 sets of 10 reps.
  7. Aerobic exercise. Depending on your preferences, you can go jogging and jumping, ride a stationary bike or a bicycle. The duration of cardio exercises should not be less than 10 minutes.
  8. Hitch for 3 minutes.
Weight Loss Workout Schedule

Features of jogging

Some do not need to build muscle. Thus, only aerobic training remains in the plan. The mechanisms of fat burning during cardiac loads are not activated from the first minute of training. Therefore, the optimal duration of the run should be from half an hour. At the same time, one cannot constantly work at the limit of strength. Weight loss jogging schedules can include light pace for 25-45 minutes, heavy interval sprints and training with a focus on fat burning.

It is best to combine all the above varieties alternately. For example, fat begins to be burned at a running speed at which the heart rate increases to 65 percent of the maximum allowable weight loss person. This heart rate is calculated as follows: from 220, the total number of years losing weight is deducted. For interval sprints, a treadmill with a slope of 6 to 8 percent or a steep hill is suitable.

Daily activity and nutrition schedule

The optimal daily routine will maximize results. First of all, you should think about a full and regular sleep. With too long wakefulness, the metabolic rate slows down, and hence the process of dumping extra pounds. It’s best to stick to the following slimming day schedule in general terms:

  • 7 a.m. Raising and drinking a glass of clean water.
  • 7:15 a.m. The first morning lesson. Suitable as such is simple gymnastics.
  • 7:30 a.m. Taking a shower. A contrast option will help speed up the metabolism.
  • 8 a.m. The first breakfast, accounting for approximately 20 percent of the daily calories.
  • 11 a.m. Lunch. Its calorie content is half as much.
  • 2 p.m. A full meal, the calorie content of which is about 40 percent of the daily norm.
  • 4 p.m. An afternoon snack. It is a very light snack with a volume of about 15 percent of the daily norm.
  • 17:30. Workout. In the schedule for weight loss, this time can be shifted to a later date, if it is busy with anything.
  • 7 p.m. Dinner. The last meal is for the remaining 15 percent of calories.
  • 19:30. Doing something you love.
  • 9 p.m. An evening walk.
  • 23:00. Full 8 hour sleep.
Slimming Nutrition Schedule and Water

The optimal schedule for losing weight for a week

In accordance with the daily schedule, a weight loss plan is drawn up for both a week and a month. Calorie intake can increase on the days when training is conducted. Power or cardio exercises cannot be carried out every day, because the body is quickly exhausted both physically and psychologically. The first results from the loads will appear in seven days. Theoretically, a person can already lose about 1.5-2 kilograms of excess weight in the first week. This value still lies within the safe norm for losing weight. The loss of such a mass is not stressful for the body, the skin condition will remain normal, and kilograms are unlikely to return in the near future, if you continue to adhere to the normal daily routine.

A certain balance must be observed in nutrition. About 40 percent of the diet should be vegetables and fruits. Among them, do not eat a lot of potatoes, beets, grapes and bananas. From protein foods, eggs, chicken, beef, cheese and rabbit are suitable. Depending on the volume of strength training, a calorie menu is also compiled. Without regular physical activity, it is enough to reduce the calorie content of your usual diet by 20-25 percent. So the body will be able to gradually adapt to new conditions.

The optimal schedule for losing weight for a month

After 30 days, a person is gradually getting used to a new diet, physical activity and a more healthy lifestyle. The schedule can be slightly adjusted depending on the results obtained during the month, as well as the following goals. For example, someone can add more cardio loads, as the body has already managed to adapt in the first four weeks of training.

For a change it is worth trying something new that has not been applied before: swimming in the pool, jogging on the street, strength training. On the other hand, if there is a great chance to break, it is worth thinking about the period of rest. It is enough to make an easier training schedule. For weight loss, you still need to strictly follow a diet, otherwise, in the absence of physical activity, you can quickly gain all the lost pounds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3575/

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