Model agency "Verona": reviews about the employer and the school. Impressions of "Verona models"

Verona is a modeling agency, established in 2006 in Moscow, engaged in the preparation, training and promotion of models in Russia and abroad. Today, Verona Models is one of the most actively developing and strongest model schools in Moscow. The agency is engaged not only in the selection of models, but also in commercial and non-commercial projects.

Agency Information

modeling agency verona reviews

Among the services provided are the organization of turnkey photo shoots and video shoots, work with well-known photographers, magazines, designers, as well as all kinds of fashion shows and events, organized and implemented by the Verona model agency. Reviews about the model school show that for many girls from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, Verona has become a real start in the world of model business.

Verona is a modeling agency that first organized Victoria's Secret fashion show in Moscow. It also participates in many television projects on Russian television channels (Channel One, TNT, Dozhd), works in tandem with the magazines Lisa, Oops !, Joy, Burda and others, has a Fashion TV Award as “Best Model School” and is a sponsor of beauty contests of the largest universities in Moscow: Moscow State University, GUU, MSTU. Bauman, REU them. Plekhanov, Finance Academy, etc.

Admission Conditions and Tuition

Verona modeling agency

Recruitment to the Verona model school for children is conducted from 6 to 12 years old. In the children's model school, children will learn to pose and defile, thanks to which they will learn to behave confidently and liberally in front of the camera, walk the catwalk beautifully.

Adult model school has an age limit from 13 to 25 years. Sex doesn’t matter; both girls and boys can enroll in courses. Among the subjects - photography, visage, fashion shows and acting.

For those who do not fall under the age limit, but want to get a beautiful model gait or master the art of makeup, there are individual lessons, which are also organized by the Verona model agency. The cost of training varies depending on the direction of classes:

  • Photoposition and visage (2 months) - 9300 rubles per month.
  • Defile (2 months) - 7200 rubles per month.
  • Acting (2 months) - 7200 rubles per month.

modeling agency verona tuition
“We have a 100% refund if you understand that training is not for you,” says Verona model agency, and reviews confirm that the refund is really real. You can also sign up for the first free trial lesson.

The duration of training is from 2 months in groups of 15 people.

Makeup and style classes

This is perhaps one of the most popular areas in the Verona school, which allows you to create new unique images, skillfully hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Professional makeup artists will teach students the basics of skin and hair care, the main types of makeup (daytime, business, natural), face modeling (nose correction, face oval, eyes), lighting types and makeup features for photo and video shooting.
Professional stylists of Verona will provide an abundance of information necessary to create a full-fledged image of the model, including not only masterful makeup, but also the selection of hairstyles and clothes. Training in visage will allow you to easily understand fashion trends and styles. And the school’s specialists will help you create your own style by suggesting which hairstyle, makeup or color and style of clothing suits you best.

Photo pose

verona models reviews

Since the main work of the model is shooting in magazines and advertising, the ability to stay in front of the camera is crucial. However, contrary to the general opinion, it is very important not only to look good and look at the camera, but also to be able to pose, so that the photographer can choose the most successful frame from the set of photos. In addition, the creation of a portfolio is a passport of this model, revealing all of its most beneficial aspects. It is important to take into account the key principles of poses for a photo shoot (starting from breathing and ending with the position of the fingers), body position during full-length shooting, sitting or lying down, posture and much more. It is very important to decide which model you want to become: linen, catwalk, high-fashion or glamorous, the Verona model agency will be able to help with this choice. Reviews on the skills of photoposing teachers - Arseny Dzhabieva and Valentin Safina - confirm the effectiveness of the classes.

Defile training

modeling agency verona reviews

The model school "Verona" conducts such classes by a well-known professor in the world industry, Valery Sorokova. Thanks to the skill of the teacher, those who wish can learn all the intricacies and techniques of movement on the catwalks and stage, coordinate, master two main areas - the classic fashion show and the modern western, even grow by 3-4 centimeters. Before the beginning of the educational process, the growth of each of the students is measured and at the end, after 3-4 months, it is compared with the previous indicator. Surprisingly, the students really observe changes in growth, because with certain exercises, the posture changes, and the spine straightens and stretches. Everyone can be convinced of this by reading reviews about the Verona agency, as well as opinions about Valery Sorokov and his amazing technique.

Features and uniqueness of the Verona Model School

The training system in Verona has many positive incentive points and bonuses. Among the first: the ability to get all the photos, the work of photographers from filming during classes is absolutely free. Thus, at the time of training and at the end of it, the model has a ready-made portfolio from the best specialists and photographers of the school, which in the future can greatly simplify the possibility of employment for them.

After two months of compulsory education, students receive a diploma of graduation from the school, after which they independently decide whether to continue to attend classes or graduate. At the same time, both after graduation and during study, you can selectively go to those classes that are of the greatest interest, for example, only photo posing or makeup courses and makeup.

A huge bonus: after graduation, the Verona model agency, whose feedback on prospects is getting higher every day, provides graduates with the opportunity to try their hand and realize themselves in fashionable photography, model shows and projects. In commercial projects, students during their studies and, of course, after it receive money for their work.

Graduates of Verona Models

agency verona reviews

Graduates of the Verona modeling agency work worldwide. They can be found on the advertising posters of the cosmetics company Faberlic, many of them are faces of the Defile lingerie store, and also work with such giant companies as Tiffany, Pantene Pro-V, Ekepeople, Ax and others. Verona models can be seen at fashion weeks and fashion shows of Russian Silhouette, Dasha Gauser, Diana Pavlovskaya, Olga Ibragimova, Alberta Ferreti, Mango, Laroom, Ester Abner and many others. And also in the magazines Lisa Girl, Oops !, Burda, Faberlic, Planet of a Woman, Fashion in the City, in the magazines of professional hairdressers Hair's and ArtCoiffur and in many others.

"Verona Models" Reviews

Verona Model School, whose professional reviews are increasing, confirms that almost every young girl or guy can be in the world of modeling.

Former and current students speak a lot of flattering. Verona has a wonderful team: an amazing defile teacher - Valentin Safin, who teaches confidence, posture, walk the catwalk; photographers Artyom Pomenchuk and Arseniy Dzhabiev - real extraordinary masters of photography; a wonderful make-up artist - Maria Delokas, which helps everyone to find their own image! Everyone can come here for the first free lesson and understand whether it suits him or not. Teachers find a unique approach to each, support him in difficulties and inspire.

Classes will be able to teach you the basics of model work, which, perhaps, will start for a successful modeling career, they will give you confidence in their abilities, which is very important both in the modeling business and in life. The Verona Model Agency, the reviews it receives, and how the lives of people who have gone through this school have changed, are undoubtedly an extremely significant aspect for the entire Russian modeling business.

A few tips for choosing the right agency

model school verona reviews

You can traditionally start a career as a model in two ways. The first is to get into the field of view or receive an invitation from a photographer or model agent. Another way is to contact the model school, which will allow you to take the first steps in the modeling business more professionally.

The agency should be selected from those who have established themselves in the model market, have existed for more than one year and have an extensive base of work with well-known companies.
There are 2 ways to get to the agency, in particular to Verona Models: by sending an application and filling out the form on the official website or by signing up for a casting by phone.

For a visit you need to prepare a portfolio. According to experts, the lack of makeup or a very light make-up, well-groomed hair, everyday simple clothes are welcome.

Before you pay the money and go to study, carefully read the contract. Remember that the task of the school is to maximally teach the intricacies and nuances of work, and the task of the agency is to organize castings and provide the model with work. Do not despair because of possible failures. Remember that many famous models went through doubts and failures before they became famous.


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