Blackmagic cameras: review, specifications. Blackmagic cinema camera

Blackmagic Design is an Australian company engaged in the production of electronic equipment for video production and broadcasting, including for video shooting, video processing and editing.

Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera

Small and compact digital camera with remote control and Super 16 sensor. Remote mode, thanks to the built-in port that supports S.Bus and PWM signals, allows you to remotely change the parameters of zoom, focus and aperture. The created image is of cinematic quality thanks to the built-in recorder for recording ProRes and RAW, the MFT mount and dynamic thirteen-step range. Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera shows good results where other professional equipment can not cope.

blackmagic camera

Dynamic shooting in extreme conditions

The Blackmagic Micro is one of the most compact cameras, suitable for attaching to quadrocopters and covert filming of a reality show. You can install it on a helmet, a radio-controlled helicopter, a hang glider, a skateboard and other devices, receiving unforgettable and original shots.

Remote control

The remote control function, which is one of the characteristics of Blackmagic cameras, allows you to shoot at a long distance, which is convenient when placing the camera on cars or radio-controlled helicopters and in dangerous places. Camera functions such as aperture and sharpness adjustment, recording and its stop are configured using a special remote control. Remote monitoring of the status, sound level and battery charge is carried out by connecting to wireless signal transmitters via a composite output.

Original and universal design

Blackmagic Design cameras are compact in size and have expansion ports that create customized solutions for remote monitoring and control. In terms of size, the camera is slightly inferior to the company's mounts, which makes it the most compact and miniature in the entire line of electronics. The case of the Micro Cinema camera, like that of the similar Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, is made of light and strong magnesium alloy, thanks to it, shooting can be carried out in absolutely any conditions. There are keys on the front panel that control the camera. You can control the shooting process remotely.

blackmagic micro ciname camera

Innovative Expansion Ports

The Blackmagic Cinema Camera has an advanced expansion port built-in, through which the user can resort to their own solutions for monitoring, remote control and external power. An adapter cable is supplied with the camera to provide access to additional features. The Blackmagic Cinema Camera provides video output, a power connector, a LAN port, and a sync function. The remote control is connected via any of the four analog inputs with PWM signal support. A Futaba device can be connected to the eighteen-channel S.Bus input, which will greatly expand the control capabilities of the Blackmagic Mini camera.

Wireless monitoring

For remote monitoring, wireless transmitters are connected via the composite NTSC / PAL video output and expansion port. Regardless of the location of the camera, the user can view the recorded material. Micro Cinema, like its Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera model, has an HDMI interface for working with high-quality images. Through the composite and HDMI outputs, some camera settings are output - volume, battery charge, file type, histogram, lens parameters.

blackmagic pocket cinema camera

Super 16 Digital Motion Picture

The Super 16 sensor mounted on the Blackmagic Micro camera allows you to shoot with an extension of 1080 HD with a dynamic range of thirteen steps. The result is an image of cinematic quality that is different from video action and DSLR cameras: there are no exposure defects, in the areas of shadow and light a large number of details are contained. Superb image quality can be obtained even in poor lighting conditions using ISO values ​​below 1600.

Integrated ProRes and RAW Recorder

Blackmagic cameras have a built-in recorder that allows you to record a 12-bit image without interference and distortion, which are often found in files of amateur action and DSLR cameras. Micro Cinema supports ProRes and DNG RAW: 12-bit files contain all the necessary data received from the camera’s matrix, so that you can adjust the exposure and white balance even after shooting. ProRes allows you to get small files with increased recording time. Materials in both formats are immediately ready for color grading and editing, as the camera kit includes DaVinci Resolve for Windows and Mac.

Camera Compatibility with Professional Lenses

An active Micro Four Thirds mount is built into the Blackmagic camera, thanks to which it is possible to install professional optics for television, photo and film shooting, depending on specific requirements. Aperture, focus and zoom are remotely controlled remotely via an expansion port. Stable shooting under dynamic conditions is made thanks to MFT lenses that support image stabilization.

blackmagic design

Convenient management

There are buttons on the front panel of the camera, thanks to which you can quickly adjust the settings depending on what conditions are put forward for a particular shoot. All settings can be displayed via composite or HDMI input. Micro Cinema Camera is equipped with several keys: fast forward and rewind, start and stop recording. LED type status indicator shows battery level, recording status and memory card full.

Professional sound

An omnidirectional stereo microphone is built into the Micro Cinema camera, which reduces noise interference, which guarantees high-quality sound recording. Wireless and directional microphones and line signal devices are connected via a 3.5 mm jack. The internal microphone of the camera is muted when audio is input from an external device.

Powered by external power

An LP-E6 battery is installed on the rear panel of the camera, which is used when working in remote mode. When outputting images via PAL / NTSC or HDMI outputs, the battery level is displayed, so this parameter can be adjusted remotely. The LED indicator indicates the need for charging, and you can connect the camera to external power sources using an adapter cable with a 12 V input.

Ultra Compact Studio Camera

Blackmagic Studio Camera is a modern model of a broadcast camera designed for shooting live. Its body is made of magnesium alloy characterized by the strength and lightness. The model has a viewfinder with a diagonal of 10 inches, phantom power and connectors for connecting microphones. The installed optical module makes it possible to connect to the video mixer through a single cable, which expands the functionality of the camera, opening up access to two-way communication, SDI-interface and status indicators.

blackmagic cinema camera

Live Broadcast Camera

Live broadcasts can now be broadcast from anywhere thanks to the bright viewfinder and compact size of Blackmagic Studio. The camera is ideal for the production of sitcoms and talk shows, news and broadcasts from various events. The light weight of the camera, a folding hood and compatibility with most lenses allow you to place all the equipment necessary for broadcasting in one case. Ease of use and ease of setup allow you to use the Studio Camera for various purposes - holding corporate events, video filming in educational institutions.

Unique and original design

Due to its compact size, high-strength magnesium alloy housing and the use of innovative technologies, Blackmagic Studio is one of the most advanced portable video cameras. The optimal control and viewing mode is ensured by the sunshade and 10-inch viewfinder, and thanks to the MFT mount, you can use a large number of lenses. Professional-level interfaces and several mounting holes make it possible to connect broadcast equipment. Wide functionality and compact design make the Blackmagic Studio camera one of the best among similar technology designed for live broadcasts.

blackmagic mini

HD and Ultra HD Resolution

Video materials in 4K and Ultra HD resolution are now available to all Internet users on specialized resources. Image resolution in Ultra HD is 3840x2160 pixels, which is four times higher than 1080 HD. Data transmission at maximum speed is provided only by the Blackmagic 4K camera for correct recording of the broadcast program.

Micro four thirds

The Micro Four Thirds mount provided in Studio Camera allows you to connect a wide range of adapters and lenses. Working in stationary conditions or on small projects may require photo optics, and large-scale live broadcasts may require professional lenses. Installation of any necessary lenses is possible thanks to third-party adapters along with the PL mount, so the camera can record and broadcast the most ambitious events.

10 inch Full HD viewfinder

Studio Camera is equipped with a large viewfinder - a massive ten-inch display with the highest resolution, which ensures a wide viewing angle and high image detail. You can reflect focus marks, view the reverse video signal and change the camera settings. The liquid crystal display has a long life and pleases users with high-quality images even in bright conditions.

Data transfer via optical interface

The optical module, which provides the ability to connect the camera to the on-air video mixers using one thin cable, can be installed on the Blackmagic Studio Camera. The interface simultaneously processes Ultra HD and HD video with integrated sound, indication signals, remote control and two-way communication. A standard fiber optic connection allows you to transfer images from cameras located at large distances from the studio.

Work indication

The camera monitors the status indication used by the ATEM live switchers. The signal along with the image is transmitted to the Blackmagic Studio Camera from all ATEM video outputs. The indication is turned on automatically by outputting the image from the camera to the air and is saved when signals from different cameras are combined. On the front panel there are light indicators that allow you to determine which particular camera is broadcasting the video on the air.

Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K

This compact studio camera is designed for live production. It provides work with Ultra HD and HD-formats, is equipped with an MFT mount and is controlled via an SDI-interface using a video mixer. Other functions are also provided - a built-in backup battery and microphones, support for displaying status and two-way communication, color correction tools, outputs for setting B4 lenses and a panoramic head. No similar camera has such a wide functionality.

blackmagic 4k

Multi-camera broadcasts

Its compact size and versatility make it ideal for live broadcasts. It is almost invisible and can be installed anywhere, so when creating programs you can get video from various angles. The Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera can be placed on stage during events, on aircraft for panoramic shooting of large-scale events, or can be used in conjunction with professional lenses for studio work.

Original design

In the review of the Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K camera, its design is worth mentioning separately: the case is made of high-strength magnesium alloy, and its dimensions do not exceed the dimensions of the bayonet mount. Using the latter, you can mount lenses with MFT mounts, and the B4 adapter allows the installation of classic broadcast optics. From any ATEM video mixer, the camera is controlled through a software SDI output, which allows you to remotely change parameter settings, focus and enlarge the image, adjust black level and gamma, color balance, and choose aperture values. The control outputs for the B4 panoramic heads and lenses are contained in the expansion port, while all of the above functions can be used with just one cable.


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