Overview of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note Edge. Technical specifications and reviews

So, today we have to find out what a smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is. This model is considered relatively new - it was released not so long ago, but is already very popular, especially among those who prefer to follow the latest in modern technology. What features and advantages does this smartphone have? Why is he so good? What bad can happen when “communicating” with the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge? We are now to learn about all this with you. Let's begin to sort out our current issue as soon as possible.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the display of your smartphone. Without this detail, you can not hope that you will get a quality phone with great features. How are things with the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge?

The thing is that the size of the display is not very large by modern standards. The diagonal of the screen is 5.6 inches. True, the resolution here is high - 2560 by 1600 pixels. This is enough to watch the video in good quality. This is exactly what customers often hunt for.

samsung galaxy note edge

In addition, the display of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (and its analogues) is equipped with good image quality. The touchscreen is made with Super AMOLED technology, which allows even in the most cloudy or clear weather to clearly see the inscriptions on the screen. Plus, this smartphone model is capable of transmitting up to 16 million colors and shades.

But the main feature of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge was that the screen of this model is fading. This makes the smartphone very original and unique. True, some of this phenomenon, to put it mildly, is perplexing.

Dimensions and Weight

Further, dimensions and weight are very important for a smartphone. It’s good when the screen on a modern phone is big. But you have to consider that sometimes it’s not very convenient to talk about such models. To be honest, the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge SM N915F (and the analogs of the Age series) have pretty good parameters in this regard.

In terms of dimensions, the smartphone is 151 by 82 by 8.3 millimeters. This is a fairly compact model in modern terms. True, it is impossible to call it ultrathin. The thickness of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Note Edge (and other products of the Age series) is average. But such a smartphone does not weigh very much - only 175 grams. The ratio of size and weight in this model is just perfect.


For each phone, an important parameter is also the processor. The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge SM N915F (and the analogs of the series), to be honest, this figure is at the highest level. The thing is that this model has a 4-core processor. This fact cannot but rejoice. After all, the number of processor cores greatly affects the operation of the device. More precisely, at its power.

samsung galaxy note 4 edge

But you should also pay attention to the clock frequency. Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, the review of which we are trying to study, supports a processor with a resolution of 2.7 GHz. For a regular smartphone, this is a lot. According to many buyers, this model is extremely powerful. It can be said to be ideal for games and active use in modern human life. True, this is not the only thing to consider. What else could be important about the phone?

operating system

Next, consider the operating system. She plays an important role in any smartphone. It is thanks to it that the interface, phone controls, and a list of possible games and applications that are launched are determined. And the wider the spectrum, the better.

The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge SM N915F 32GB and its analogues of the "Age" series have an operating system that many smartphone owners are used to. Of course, we are talking about the famous Android. Probably, now almost every phone has just such a system. But there are some exceptions. The version of the system on our smartphone today is 4.4.4, and the build is Kitkat. It is she who is considered the most high-quality and multifunctional. So, the phone as a whole will be distinguished by its many capabilities from analogues.

In addition, if necessary, you can always update the operating system using the special "Menu" item in the phone. This will make the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge smartphone even more perfect. According to customers, no failures and malfunctions will be observed in this case. Although some smartphones often start to get out of hand after the update. But not Samsung Age!


Complete with the operating system and a powerful processor, the owners of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Black also get quite good RAM. This characteristic is important for equipment capabilities. So if you have a powerful processor, then the RAM should be large.

In our case, for example, one can only envy the offered opportunities. After all, the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge N915F 32GB offers as much as 3 GB of space. The analogs of the "Smashung Age" series also apply to this. To be honest, the RAM here is very good. Compared with other phones, you can be pleasantly surprised - modern manufacturers often offer products with 2 GB of memory. And only occasionally - from 3-4.

samsung galaxy note edge sm n915f

RAM Samsung Galaxy Note Edge allows you to simultaneously perform many actions without damaging the system. You can be sure that all commands will be executed quickly, clearly and without failures. Plus, Samsung’s 3 GB of RAM is the ability to launch the latest vibrant and interesting mobile games and applications. Just what so many buyers need!

Free place

In addition to the characteristics already mentioned, for a modern client, such a moment as free space on the phone is also important. The amount of the permissible amount of data that can only be in the system depends on it. And Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is a great solution for those who do not want to suffer from a lack of space.

Our device initially has 32 GB of free space. But in reality, the buyer gets 30 GB. The remaining space is occupied by the operating system and its resources. This volume is enough to not feel the limitations regarding the amount of recorded data.

Compared to other smartphones-analogues, Samsung Galaxy Note Edge N915F and other devices of the Age series have really a lot of built-in memory. In most models, only 16 GB can be detected. And this place, in truth, is very small. Especially when it comes to a gaming smartphone. Modern games require a lot of space. And so you have to choose more expensive smartphones in which there is enough space.

Memory card support

Sometimes you can do without extra expenses. You just need to choose smartphones that have support for connecting an additional memory card. Fortunately, the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, an overview of which is presented to your attention, has such an opportunity. Do not take this for granted - many modern phones are already made without a slot for connecting a memory card. And, according to experts, this is far from the best phenomenon.

samsung galaxy note edge review

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Edge has a special slot that allows you to connect a microSD memory card to your phone. Perhaps this is the most common option at the moment. In addition, it is also worth considering that the Samsung supports the ability to connect a memory card up to 128 GB. With all this, it is better not to fill out the card completely with your data. It is recommended that you leave approximately 1-2 GB free. According to customers, this will protect the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge from system crashes, errors and malfunctions. Yes, there are models that can be completely "clogged" with data. But the volume of the memory card there is several times smaller - approximately 32-64 GB. The difference is not worth explaining.

Capture Mode

Telephone is not only a means of talking and communicating with the outside world. It is also a device that is now replacing a camera, a camera, and an alarm clock. And other "miracles" of technology too. And for this reason, people pay great attention to the choice of a smartphone regarding the quality of the camera.

In our case, everything is not so bad. The fact is that the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is equipped with two cameras at once. One of them is rear, and the other is frontal. The second type of camera is used mainly for taking selfies, as well as for video calls over the phone. It usually does not differ in phenomenal quality. But in our case, even the front camera is at a height. After all, its quality is 3.7 megapixels. For comparison - in a webcam on a computer this indicator reaches from 2 to 3 megapixels. And modern phones offer from 1.3 to 2.5 megapixels.

The rear camera plays a more important role. With it, customers can take pictures and videos. And the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge has a pretty high quality score. It is 16 megapixels. In addition, the phone is provided with automatic image stabilization, autofocus and flash. All this will make your pictures and videos high-quality and unforgettable. So if you need a smartphone that can replace a good camera and camcorder, then the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is a great choice. It’s almost impossible to find a better phone.

Working hours

"Samsung Galaxy Note Age" is a smartphone that not only works well and efficiently, but also replaces many devices. Before us is a real durable phone. It is able to work for a long time without recharging. And this fact is extremely popular with potential customers. After all, devices based on Android are famous for their quick refusal to work in a short period of time. But this does not concern our current model.

samsung galaxy note edge 32gb

The battery power of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 32GB is 3,000 mAh. This is enough for 2 months when the device is in standby mode. If you plan to talk on the phone only occasionally, you can rely on recharging after approximately 18-21 days. But in the active use mode, you will need to stably charge the smartphone every 4 days. In principle, for a gaming phone this is a very good indicator.

In addition, the battery on the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is removable. This means that if it breaks, the part can be quickly and easily replaced. In models of smartphones with a built-in battery, this is not possible. So you can always stay in touch by purchasing the Sansung Galaxy Age.

This model charges quickly. The manufacturer claims that the recharge speed is as fast as possible. And indeed it is. You can fully charge your smartphone in about an hour. Less time is simple and cannot be. Anyway, at the moment.


The proposed types of communication for users of various smartphones are also extremely important. Especially when it comes to expensive models. And in this regard, the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is all more than good.

This smartphone offers 2G and 3G connection. In addition, it has a "Bluetooth" version 4.0, as well as Wi-Fi. These are mandatory items that must be present on any smartphone. We are also offered a connection to a 4G network. It provides a fast and reliable connection, especially when using the Internet. So it is worth paying attention to this model. 4G-connection is growing and developing now very rapidly. And very soon it will be indispensable. Keep this in mind when you buy a phone.


Of course, such a perfect device and the price is high. This is how buyers describe the cost of the Samsung Galaxy Note. And this fact is not particularly pleasing to them. Especially if you find out the exact amount that you will have to pay for the purchase.

samsung galaxy note 5 edge

On average, such a smartphone costs about 39,000 rubles. Compared to the same iPhone, the price is not so high. But buyers insist that this smartphone should be cheaper. Given some flaws, these are well-grounded comments. On sales, you can sometimes find the Samsung Galaxy Note for about 25 thousand rubles. Also a high amount. However, if you really need a universal smartphone with numerous functions, as well as unsurpassed quality and a good manufacturing company, you will have to pay attention to the Samsung Age.

A spoon of tar

All devices have disadvantages. Somewhere they are insignificant, and somewhere critical. And it is precisely to the second category that the Samsung Galaxy Note can be attributed. Especially when you consider the high cost of the device. For this price, buyers expect a quality smartphone that will work for a long time and delight them.

Indeed, the Samsung Galaxy Edge is a new generation gadget. And it will work for a long time. But is it only of high quality? Over time, according to many buyers, device performance drops several times. True, sometimes it is imperceptible. But exactly until you fill up the memory card strongly. As soon as the space begins to end, all the “charms” of malfunctions will become noticeable - long processing of the team, long loading of images, videos and so on. Sometimes the smartphone itself may reboot and shut down.

Buyers also assure that with awkward handling, the model breaks quickly. That is, it is not very well protected from falls. In this case, you will either have to buy a special silicone case, or handle the device with extreme care.

The touchscreen sometimes also starts to get out of hand. Especially in cold weather. More precisely, in the cold. The screen responds to an electric charge. This means that in the cold it will be very difficult and inconvenient to control the phone.

samsung galaxy s6 note edge

Price is another significant drawback of the device. If not all the previous minuses of the smartphone, then the price could be called acceptable. But taking into account all the positive and negative sides, we can only say that a suitable price for such a mobile device should be 15-20 thousand rubles.

To summarize

So we conducted a detailed review of the new Samsung under the name Galaxy Note Age. As you can see, these smartphones are pretty good. But, of course, with its shortcomings. Now it's time to decide whether to pay attention to this device.

In fact, everyone should decide for himself. All buyers have different budgets and different needs and requirements. So it all depends on you. But in general, we can only say that the Samsung Galaxy Note is a worthy smartphone. In private, it needs to be studied by those who love to play mobile applications and games. For such buyers, this smartphone is a real gift of fate.

But if it is important for you that the price of the phone is quite low, and the device itself is well protected from falls and damage, then Samsung Galaxy will have to be abandoned. This is not a smartphone that you can drop on the asphalt and not worry about its safety. In addition, it is not recommended to pay attention to this model if you do not need a gaming device. You can always find yourself other, cheaper and universal analogues. Have a nice shopping! Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Only then make the final decision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3602/

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