How to get a stroke risk meter?

Many people have pressure problems. At some point in time, this can cause strokes. But most of these cases can be prevented. At the University of Auckland, Professor V. Feigin developed the application "Risk Stroke", which allows using fairly simple questions to find out your predisposition to this disease.

Some statistics

Only according to official data, more than 30% of the world's population suffer from hypertension. Every year, 15 million people on our planet are exposed to stroke. 1/3 of sick people lose their lives, of the survivors 50% become disabled. And only about 8% of people who have undergone this terrible disease fully recover, while the rest become disabled.

Stroke takes the second place among the causes of death and the first among those leading to disability. By the number of cases of this disease, our country is located in a number of leading countries. Only this dominance is quite sad.

An increase in the incidence of stroke is observed worldwide. Patients in different countries are treated with their degree of effectiveness, but in addition to treatment, primary prevention is necessary. For this purpose, the program “Risk Stroke Risk Meter” was developed.

The main goal of development

People at risk of developing such diseases have always been advised to visit a doctor and follow his instructions. This recommendation has not lost its relevance today. However, getting to the doctor for an appointment is becoming increasingly difficult. People can be queued for months by appointment, and time is very valuable.

stroke risk meter

Most of the people at risk of this disease do not go to the doctor at all. Therefore, a "diagnostician" is needed to help a person recognize the signs of an impending disease. That’s why the “Stroke Riskmeter” was created. However, the doctor must be visited in any case. Using the application, you can monitor your condition, carry out preventive measures.

The main causes of stroke

In addition to the aforementioned hypertension, diabetes mellitus leads to this disease, dyslipidemia - a violation of fat metabolism leading to atherosclerosis, bad habits - alcohol and smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and its associated obesity. In addition, gender and age have a definite effect on the risk of a disease. Previously, it was believed that a stroke is terrible for people who have crossed the 75-year mark. However, he is now significantly “younger” as a result of lifestyle changes. People actively lean on fast food, which leads to obesity. Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes without even realizing it. In the past 25 years, a quarter of all stroke patients in the world are people from 25 to 64 years old.

One of the points of the survey “Risk meter for stroke” will be the question of doing sports and physical education and how much time per week you devote to these trainings.

risk tester stroke app

Sometimes the symptoms of this disease go away on their own. In medicine, this phenomenon is called a "transient ischemic attack" (TIA), and in the people a micro stroke. The causes of both an extensive stroke, and one that the body copes with itself, lie in the blockage of the artery that feeds the brain. With TIA, the body independently copes with a thrombus. In a stroke, only the strength of the human body can not defeat the latter. A patient who has had a TIA should be treated exactly like a patient who has had a stroke.

Doctors Evaluation

As already noted, many people have a risk of stroke. With the help of the answer to the questions that are in it, the risk meter allows you to identify whether you are at risk or not.

stroke risk program

This application has been recognized as the best program. This recognition was expressed by leading doctors. There is a huge variety of health maintenance apps. According to leading doctors, the “stroke risk meter” received 4.5 points out of 5 possible.


To assess the risk of developing the disease in question, it is necessary to pass a test on the "Risk Stroke". It includes only 20 questions, having answered which, a person will understand that he needs to see a doctor immediately or you can wait for a while while helping your body with preventive measures.

This program allows you to find out the possibility of a stroke, not only in people with high risk factors, but also in those whose lasts are small or moderate. And such people are almost 90% of the population.

stroke risk tester pass the test

The time required to pass the test on the “Risk Stroke” is 3 to 5 minutes. Further, the program according to the algorithm laid down in it by the developers will calculate not only absolute, but also relative risks.

After testing, a person can review the results to find out what risk factors they have. If he sees that they are present with him, he will probably want to reduce them. This is the primary prevention.

The risk is calculated not only at a given point in time, but for a period of 5-10 years. There is no zero risk.

At the end of testing, the “stroke risk meter” will give a recommendation on what needs to be done to level the reasons for getting this disease. So, maybe quit smoking! or pay attention to the pressure, even seemingly as harmless as 130/80 ... Yes, any increase in blood pressure above 120/80 carries the danger of developing the disease in question.

stroke risk tester pass

When you need to hurry to the doctor

The program has a table in the Russian version called "Impact". Here are the signs by which you can determine that a stroke is approaching you. This includes the fact that the fold located between the nose and lips becomes smooth, and the change in speech, until it disappears, and that weakness appears in one of the limbs, etc. All this indicates that a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. .

What other diseases can be prevented using the "Riskometer"

The developer of the program provided that it is possible to predict the risk of developing not only a stroke. In addition, the program is able to recognize signs of impending diabetes mellitus and myocardial infarction. These diseases, like a stroke, can occur as a result of chronic stress, which develops into depression, which can provoke these diseases.

Risk Indicators

risk of stroke

Evaluation is underway for such parameters as:

  • gender, age, affiliation with a particular ethnicity or race;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • the use of products obtained in gardens;
  • the duration of physical activity during the week (it should be at least 2.5 hours);
  • psychological stresses received during the year prior to testing;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases.

Assessment for the presence of diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • hypertrophy of the left ventricle;
  • the presence of ever noticed cognitive impairment, dementia;
  • violation of the state of memory;
  • getting ever tested traumatic brain injury;
  • the manifestation of a stroke or ischemic attack.

Answers to these questions help the program predict the level of possibility of a stroke for several years to come.

Where can I install this application?

risk tester stroke computer application

The program in question can be installed on many gadgets that work on both iOS and Android. The Stroke Riskmeter application can also be installed on a computer. It works in Windows family OS starting from version 7, as well as under Mac OS.


No one in our life is immune from the occurrence of certain diseases. One of the worst is stroke. Using the Riskometer program, you can find out risk factors for a specific person and predict their development for several years ahead. The application is translated into several languages, including Russian, and can work on many different devices. It does not replace a trip to the doctor, but serves as a means of primary diagnosis of the disease.


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