What is a demo? Free demos of programs, games

Often we come across concepts that are called the same, have a close interpretation, but a subtle distinction. We’ll deal with all the definitions of the demo, what it is, why it is needed, and where it is used.


In almost all interpretations that this term has, there is a general meaning. It is determined by contraction. It's no secret that the demo is an abbreviated word from a demonstration. Therefore, regardless of all the options that are, the general meaning of the term is understandable. This is a demo, or preliminary, or trial version of something.

what is a demo


It is worth starting from the most common interpretations that make it clear what a demo is. In general terms, this concept denotes a trial version of something. It implies a limited, and in some cases free version of a product. The first thing that most likely will come to your mind is computer games. But in reality it can be anything.

Usually a demo version helps the user decide if he needs a certain product. The manufacturer thus provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the new product, draws attention to it. As a result, the demo serves as a kind of advertising. It is also known that such an option is released shortly before the release of a full-fledged product.

Which are there?

So, demos of something are often distributed, as mentioned earlier, among computer games, programs or systems. There are also musical limited options. There is also the concept of a technological demonstration, which gives an idea of ​​the details or devices.

demo version


Understanding what a demo is is possible in comparison with an already finished product. You can usually see pronounced features in the finished version and trial. So, a limited option is only part of the finished. For example, a piece of a piece of music or one level of a game.

If we talk about programs, most likely, it will have limited functionality. Parameters, tools, and options may be locked. Perhaps after work there is a mention of the company. For example, if it is a graphic editor, it can leave watermarks on the images .

Demos often become unstable or run for a limited amount of time. This also includes frequent registration or payment reminders. Functions may be lost or disabled. And there may be obsessive options.


One of the common options is the interpretation of the demo as a genre of computer art. In this case, it is not only a trial version of the game, but rather a multimedia presentation. Such videos appear as a demonstration of the capabilities and knowledge of various fields. This is about programming, computer graphics, modeling or music.

free demos

This option is similar to animation, but differs from it in that the demo works in real time. You can also talk about demo makers who work on such masterpieces. They belong to a kind of computer subculture.

There are even contests around the world called “compos”. Creators gather at them and compete in the skill of creating a demo. There are also various festivals and entertainment events that began to be called demopati.

Computer games

A demo version of a computer game, unlike computer art, is usually created by its creators. She is not designed to compete with someone. Now it is acquiring a purely advertising move. Such a limited version allows you to demonstrate the novelty. Users get acquainted partially with the plot and can try out the gameplay for free.

Typically, such a product appears immediately after the release of the game. The version differs from the release version in that it provides only part of the game. There may be only a couple of levels, limited options.

Back in the early 1990s, this option could be an excellent substitute for a paid game. People used the demos for a full game. Such shareware projects were developed in order to familiarize the buyer. Now it has become an element of the marketing campaign, which is thought out by a whole team of advertisers in terms of psychology and impact on potential audience.

demo programs


Another concept that explains what a demo is is also related to computer games. It is somewhat different from the previous interpretation. In this case, I mean the recording of the gameplay of the game (either the console emulator itself) through it.

Demo recordings are similar to game clips recorded from the screen. But they differ in small file sizes, which can only be played by the game itself. Sometimes this option is called “replay” or “replay”.

In this case, the small file size is caused by the fact that the document is reproduced thanks to the game engine. Therefore, he does not need to memorize many codes that are already in the project itself. Also, such options are considered interactive, because the viewer can rotate the camera, watch "on behalf" of the gamer, or do a general review. Use tools and view the data that the player sees in the process.

“Replays” are very popular in strategies and now in esports in general, because they help analyze an opponent’s game or their own. Search for mistakes and make plans for games.

computer science demo


As already mentioned, there is a demo recording of music files. This is a kind of "draft". Such a phonogram allows you to get acquainted with new material. Demos in this case are often needed by novice artists who want to promote themselves. They are used to represent their talent. Most often, such songs are needed for a narrow circle of listeners: colleagues, bosses, producers, musicians in the group.

Previously, there were often free demos of songs that were supposed to go on sale on discs. Now they use several other technologies to promote their creativity. If a musician releases an album, he will present a couple of songs for six months, and then download all the other tracks to a paid platform.

Other options

Now this term is called anything. For example, you decide to take an independent exam in computer science. There is a demo version of it on the Internet, where you can practice and understand what issues may arise and what you need to learn. Such demo versions have become very popular on the Internet, because they help to better prepare for the exam and change the "tactics" of preparing for it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3618/

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