Epsom salt: purpose, methods of application

Many people are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, using various means for treatment, prevention, care. Epsom salt is used to care for hair, nails, and skin. It has many valuable properties, which, in addition to the cosmetic effect, have a therapeutic effect. Read more about it in the article.

The concept

Epsom salt is also called Epsom salt. It became known at the end of the 17th century, when it was first evaporated by an English botanist from the water of a mineral spring in Epsom (County Surrey in England). Now the product is the result of chemical reactions.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt in comparison with the usual is considered a chemical compound of magnesium sulfate. In science, there is another name for the component - magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. The formula of Epsom salt is MgSO 4 · 7H 2 O. Outwardly, it is similar to small colorless crystals, like sodium chloride.


Magnesium sulfate is considered a mineral that many people lack. Magnesium is recognized as an important component necessary for man. He takes part in more than 300 enzymatic reactions, reduces inflammation, and eliminates muscle pain. The component is required for the functioning of the nervous system, maintaining a normal heart rhythm, participating in supporting a strong bone system, and normal pressure.

There is much talk about vitamin D deficiency, and not everyone knows about magnesium deficiency. As expected, the disadvantage of this component is associated with the use of refined products. Most people get very little of this substance with food.

Epsom salt

Sulfates are essential for maintaining health and are considered the basis for many biological processes, allowing the removal of toxins from the body. They take part in the formation of proteins in joints, brain tissues, and improve the absorption of nutrients.

Magnesium and sulfate are quite simply absorbed through the skin. Epsom salts baths are ideal because with them the body only benefits. Compared to other salts, the product does not dry the skin.

The properties

The healing properties of Epsom salts have been known for many years. In ancient times, people went to mineral springs to take sulfate baths. Now baths are available to everyone. Such procedures allow you to:

  1. Get rid of nervous tension.
  2. Eliminate skin problems.
  3. Cure back and limb pain.
  4. Reduce muscle tension.
  5. Cure a cold.
  6. Remove the load.
  7. Remove toxins.

Due to constant stress, the nervous system is depleted, the amount of magnesium decreases and the level of adrenaline increases. When salt is dissolved in water, magnesium penetrates through the skin into the body, replenishing the content of this element.

Magnesium contributes to the production of serotonin, with which the mood improves, calm appears. Ions of this component relax and reduce irritability, restore sleep and attention, relieve muscle tension.

The use of Epsom salts protects against hardening of the arteries and the appearance of blood clots. This has an effect on the cardiovascular system, is the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, restores blood circulation and vascular elasticity.

how to take english salt

The use of salt in diabetes is beneficial. The presence of magnesium and sulfates restores the ability to produce insulin. The use of salt orally or in the form of baths regulates blood sugar, reduces the risk of diabetes. It is a proven remedy for constipation. The oral solution is a laxative. Sulfates, which are part of the composition, cleanse the body of toxins, harmful substances.

Where and how to take Epsom salt? It is used in medicine, food industry, cosmetology, at home, and also as a fertilizer. They take it inside, it is only necessary to follow the recommendations or consult a specialist.


The product is used for emergency detoxification in case of heavy metal poisoning. Salt helps with the threat of miscarriage to preserve the fetus, as well as stop cramps. In medical practice, magnesia is used for:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity, during pregnancy and premature birth.
  2. Spasmodic process, with bronchitis or asthma.
  3. The risk of cerebral palsy in premature babies.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Insect bites.
  6. Muscle pain.

Ways to use

How to drink Epsom salt is determined by the purpose of its use. The following recipes apply:

  1. As a choleretic or diuretic, magnesia is used in the form of a powder that is diluted in water. A day, you need to take 1 time - 30 g of the drug per 100 ml of water. You need to drink the solution 40 minutes before eating food.
  2. In cases of administration of barium salts, you need to drink 25 g of powder, which is diluted with water (1 cup). The duration of treatment is 3-4 days.
  3. With Epsom salt, it is easy to eliminate constipation, activate intestinal motility. To restore stool, you need to use 10-30 g of salt per day. The product is taken in the form of a solution or powder.
Epsom salts

The daily norm of magnesium sulfate for adults is 40 g. An increase in the dose can lead to diarrhea, disruption of the water-salt balance, vomiting, and intestinal atony.

Bowel cleansing

Epsom salt is an excellent cocktail for health, including, in addition to magnesium and sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen. Such a composition for internal use has a quick cleansing effect. Epsom salt is used to cleanse the intestines. The procedure allows you to remove toxins from the body in about 2 days.

2 days before this, stop taking medications and dietary supplements. On the day of the procedure, breakfast and lunch should include light foods: vegetables, cereals, fruits. If you use Epsom salts to cleanse your intestines, how to take it? It will require water (600 ml) and salt (3 tbsp. L). The diluted product must be refrigerated.

At 18 o’clock you need to drink ¾ cup of saline liquid. To improve the taste, ascorbic acid in the powder will help. The same amount should be taken at 20 hours. In a bowl, combine olive oil and grapefruit juice (100 ml each). Shake the container and drink at 22.00.

In the morning you should drink ¾ cup of epson fluid, lie down for 2 hours and drink the last part of the solution. After 2 hours you can eat. It is advisable to start with fresh, then after half an hour to eat fruit, and then a light meal. In the evening, you can return to your normal diet.


Bowel cleansing can be performed with a salt enema. To perform the procedure, you need water (2 liters), salt (30 g), lemon juice (25 g). The finished solution must be poured into Esmarch's mug, suspended at a height of 1.5 m. A person should take a knee-elbow position, grease the nozzle with Vaseline. Enter the anus to a depth of 7-10 cm.

Epsom salts for cleansing the bowel how to

With a gradual infusion of the solution, bowel cleansing occurs. It is necessary to put enemas in the evenings after defecation. The procedure improves the functioning of the digestive system, cleanses the body.

For weight loss

Epsom salt is used for weight loss. The product saturates the body with magnesium, improves metabolism, normalizes the activity of the nervous system. Epsom bath salt will help you lose weight. Regular water treatments:

  1. Remove excess moisture.
  2. They start the metabolism.
  3. Normalize lipid metabolism.
  4. Renew skin.
  5. Eliminate cellulite.
  6. Helps strengthen hair and nails.

It is advisable to use bath salt after consulting a doctor. Although it is natural, it can still be harmful in some diseases. If the procedures are allowed, then 10 days before this, it is necessary to limit the use of fatty foods. Improve drinking regimen, eliminate alcohol.

Epsom salt for weight loss

Salt baths must be done according to the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to perform procedures before bedtime.
  2. It is necessary to add the essential oils of needles, lemon balm, ylang-ylang (3-5 drops), which will allow you to relax in the water.
  3. Do not completely submerge in water.
  4. Water should be at a temperature of 37-40 degrees.
  5. The duration of the procedure is up to 25 minutes.
  6. Frequency of bathing - up to 3 times a week.
  7. The main recipe for losing weight is 1 kg of salt per bath.

Since the product has a diuretic effect, then before the bath and after it you need to drink 2 tbsp. water. Instead of such procedures, you can do scrubbing in the shower. Before this, you should warm the body with warm water, and then treat the problem areas with a handful of salt with massage movements. You can mix the product with honey or vegetable oil in advance. In the end, cold washing and moisturizing milk treatment are required.


Side effects and contraindications apply to cases of salt intake. If baths are taken or cosmetic procedures are performed, then there may be intolerance. Do not take a dose of a product higher than indicated on the package or prescribed by a specialist. The use of magnesium sulfate orally disrupts the effect of other drugs, especially antibiotics.

Do not take other medicines for 2 hours before or after taking magnesium sulfate as a laxative. If rectal bleeding has appeared, then you should stop taking salt and consult a doctor.

Epsom salt application

Salt as a laxative should be carefully taken with renal failure. For internal use, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor. Side effects include:

  1. Gastrointestinal Disorder.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Abdominal cramps.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. An allergy.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Skin redness.
  8. Weakness.
  9. Impaired heartbeat.

It is also possible numbness and weakness in the muscles, drowsiness, high sweating. To exclude such symptoms, it is better to make sure that the product is safe for your health. And for this, consultation with a specialist will be mandatory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3637/

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