What does travel mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation

Should a person who sees a journey in a dream be rejoiced or sad? The dream interpretation will help to find the answer to this question if the dreamer is able to remember all the details of the dream that excited him. So, what details are important for “deciphering” such a dream, what can its plot warn about?

Travel: Miller's Dream Book

This "guide" to the world of night dreams was compiled at the end of the 19th century, but is still called among the most accurate, has many fans. So what does the famous psychologist Miller promise a person who sees in a dream a journey? The dream interpretation calls such a dream auspicious, portending good luck in personal life, business.

travel dream book

It is worth fearing if the sleeper sees a nightmare in which his path runs through gloomy places where he has never been. Such a plot can predict getting into a dangerous situation, financial losses. It is also possible that a person who has a dream develops a serious illness. If during the journey the dreamer overcomes steep cliffs, the upcoming streak of successes will quickly be replaced by total bad luck. The quick completion of the trip, which seemed long and difficult, suggests that a man or woman can easily cope with a large amount of work.

Time travel

The psychologist Loff also compiled a noteworthy dream book. Time travel is a plot that receives a lot of attention in this "guide". According to Loff, people almost never see a time machine in their night dreams. More often than not, a sleeping person simply “moves” to a different time period, traveling to the future or the past.

In the bygone centuries, people endowed with rich imagination in their dreams. Such a dream may indicate a desire to prevent a certain historical event, to prevent the consequences that it entailed. In addition, a sleeping person can identify with those who happened to live in a certain period of time, ascribe their own mores. Dreams about the future are also seen by people with developed fantasies who want to “look” into a world in which they may no longer be able to live.

Most dream books regard the dream of time travel as a prediction of imminent change. It is most likely that they will occur in the dreamer's personal life, but they can also affect the professional sphere.


In a dream, people can not only travel, but also travel. A dream interpretation (almost any) considers a dream with a similar plot a good omen. A person folding a suitcase or thinking over a route in night dreams should forget about uncertainty, doubts. Sincerely believing in his strength, he will be able to realize the most daring plans.

dream book time travel

Of course, not only the aforementioned plot considers the dream book. Friends and relatives of the sleeping person can also go on a trip. If they have an excellent mood, you can safely count on the positive changes that will occur in the near future or are already taking place. If loved ones do not want to part with the "master" of sleep, you should prepare for a long separation in real life.

Predictions from Wang

The famous soothsayer also paid attention to such a topic as travel. Dream interpretation of Wangi mainly considers hiking, recommends that when deciphering the dream, remember what the road along which the wanderer walked looked like. If it was crooked, it is important for a person to think about his behavior, attitude towards others. Otherwise, he will have serious problems.

dream book going on a trip

To dream in a dream of wandering along a wide straight road - for good. If you believe the words of Wang, the "owner" of such a dream can be no doubt that he chose the right path in life. Soon he is waiting for improvements in areas such as finance, career, family.

The desert road suggests that the sleeping person in real life suffers from loneliness, he lacks love, communication. If you have to pave the way in night dreams, a person will achieve a lot thanks to his industriousness, perseverance. Dust under the feet of a walker indicates that dishonest people are around him, capable of harming him.

Dreams about flying

People often dream of traveling by plane. Miller's dream book advises a person who has had such a dream to prepare for unexpected news. It is likely that the news will come from afar, come from an unexpected source. Also, such a dream is able to predict a future journey, which was not in the plans of the sleeping man.

dream book travel to another country

Particular attention to sleep on traveling by plane should be given to entrepreneurs. Such a vision suggests that the successful implementation of the current or future project may require a creative approach. Therefore, a businessman should abandon traditional solutions in favor of extraordinary ideas.

If the plane flew low in a dream , it is worth recalling the terrain that could be seen sleeping from the window of an airliner. It’s great if the dreamer remembered trees, greens, such details promise financial profit. Seeing the desert or mountains, you should prepare for the difficulties, which will be difficult to cope with. Fly over water in a dream - get false information in real life.

Railway Dreams

It's no secret that deciphering sleep often depends on what the dream book will be in the hands of a person. Train travel is a story that “guides” in the world of dreams from different authors interpret differently. For example, Gustav Miller predicts trouble for people who see themselves in a dream traveling on a train if they get a seat on the top shelf. It is possible that there will be a useless journey, in which, moreover, no luck with fellow travelers.

dream book why dream

The seer Vanga is convinced that the dreamer dreams of boarding the train for changes that can be not only positive, but also negative. To see yourself traveling by train in night dreams - go on a trip in reality. The abundance of suitcases, luggage bags portends, if you believe the words of the famous fortune teller, quick chores. It is possible that loved ones will be in a difficult situation, will need help.

In the dream book, compiled by Tsvetkov, another explanation of the dream about traveling in a train is given. If a person sees himself in a dream riding in a carriage, he will soon have to get a tempting offer.

Boat trips

What other plots of dreams of wanderings will help to decipher the dream book? Traveling on a ship can portend both good and bad events. First of all, it is worth remembering what the sea was like in a dream. If a traveler falls into a storm, he will have to fail in an important undertaking. Calm sea, great weather - details that promise a successful conclusion to the matter.

dream book to travel

It’s bad if the ship crashes during the trip. The dreamer will have to be deceived by dear people or suffer a serious illness. Those who fear for their financial situation in reality suffer from pitching in a dream. The size of the ship is also important: for example, a large ship indicates an impending grand undertaking. If the trip takes place on a small, but externally attractive ship, the "master" of sleep can soon climb the corporate ladder.

Bus ride

What other dreams can the dreamer decipher? What is the dream of a journey in which the sleeper sees himself while traveling on a bus? In a vehicle, a person may be alone or in the company of other people. In the first case, the trip promises an upcoming rethinking of life values, the emergence of a desire for change.

dream book travel by ship

Traveling by bus can take place in a busy company. Such a plot often indicates that the dreamer anticipates the troubles that new acquaintances will bring him, feels distrust of someone from his circle. If the bus is almost empty, only a few seats are taken - a dream portends serious difficulties that the sleeper will have to overcome on his own. A similar plot is able to testify that the dreamer lacks self-confidence, independence.

Joyful events can happen in the life of a dreamer who had an easy and pleasant trip. It cannot be said whether they will happen to the "master" of sleep or to people dear to him.

Travel by car

What will tell about dreams related to cars, dream book? Almost everyone can go on a car trip in a dream. To understand whether such a dream is good, you need to pay attention to details. The high speed on the road suggests that the "master" of sleep in real life postpones the solution to an important problem or leads an excessively idle lifestyle. Getting stuck in a trip is a frustrated reality.

If the dreamer sees himself as a passenger of a vehicle, he should think about his manner of communicating with others, try to get rid of excessive arrogance. Also, a similar plot is able to portend a fraud, the victim of which will be a sleeping person.

If while traveling by car a person experiences pleasant emotions, is surrounded by friends, he will be entertained, make new interesting acquaintances.

Trip abroad

Overseas trips are a plot that almost every dream book pays attention to. A trip to another country, committed in a dream, can promise the dreamer quick news. It is possible that they will come from people living very far away, from those with whom communication is almost lost.

Is it worth worrying about a person who in a dream returns from a foreign trip ahead of time? No, since such a plot promises an unexpectedly quick completion of a difficult task. Also, such a dream may indicate that career advancement in real life will happen much earlier than the sleeping person could have hoped.


Night travel dreams most often come to people who are on the verge of significant changes affecting life in general. Upcoming events will turn out to be positive or negative - it's easy to understand. For this, it is only necessary to recall the emotions that the “wanderer” experienced in a dream. If it was pleasure, joy and fun, the dreamer can safely count on changes for the better. Anxiety, sadness, longing - such feelings warn that a person can make the wrong choice, make a dangerous decision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3638/

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