Aeroflot. Baggage: transportation rules

Aeroflot Airlines takes baggage into account according to special rules, and is one of the most famous Russian carriers. This company has certain requirements for hand luggage and luggage that are on board aircraft during flights.

Baggage Definition

Passengers take certain things with them on board the aircraft. All this must be sorted out for the purpose of verification, accurate transportation that does not interfere with other passengers, and subsequently transferred to the hands of the owner. All luggage can be divided into two parts, which is indicated by the terms:

  1. Carry-on baggage. These are things that a passenger can bring into the cabin and leave there until the end of the flight.
  2. Luggage. A bag, suitcase or other container that is handed over to employees upon check-in at the airport.

aeroflot baggage

Aeroflot requirements for hand luggage

Aeroflot is one of the most loyal companies that have low requirements for hand luggage. Each passenger can carry up to 10 kg of hand luggage with him to the cabin, and people who have bought a ticket for a business class have the right to take up to 15 kg of hand luggage. The limitation is the maximum dimensions inherent in hand luggage. The three sides of the objects together cannot exceed 115 cm.

baggage weight aeroflot

In addition to the main carry-on baggage, which is part of the above parameters, each passenger can additionally bring along such things:

  1. Ladies bag with small dimensions and without protruding parts. Men can take a special briefcase, which should also have moderate dimensions and fit on the back. Large travel briefcases are inappropriate.
  2. Folder for papers. It can not be placed in other containers, but left in your hands.
  3. Umbrella. Any variety of this item is available in length and width. An exception is a beach umbrella.
  4. Walking stick or crutches.
  5. Flowers You can even take a large bouquet, but there should not be a strong smell.
  6. Outerwear is applied in moderation in almost no size limits.
  7. Digital devices. You can freely carry a camera, laptop, as well as a telephone, even a professional camcorder.
  8. Printed matter, as passengers can read on the go.
  9. Baby food if a small child is taken with him.
  10. Capacity for placing a small child, such as a cradle.
  11. Clothes in a portlet. Usually they put a dress or a business suit there.
  12. Any purchases from Duty Free.

Features of baggage transportation

Many passengers choose Aeroflot. Baggage is an integral part of the flight, so a few years ago its leaders decided to simplify the rules of baggage transportation. This action is not considered successful, as a large number of passengers had a lot of questions, discontent, and also revealed incomprehensible details that required permission in each particular case. Previously used a simple weight system. If the baggage exceeded the required parameters, you had to pay extra for its transportation. At the moment, the calculation is on the number of seats. Now, together with the weight, the workers calculate this indicator.

aeroflot baggage rules

What is a free baggage allowance on an airplane? Aeroflot introduced several nominal values:

  1. Economy class has one seat at a standard rate, it is allowed to carry luggage with a total weight of up to 23 kg.
  2. Economy class, a ticket for which was purchased at the tariffs "Premium-Economy", "Premium-Comfort", provides for two luggage places. Aeroflot also regulates the weight of luggage on each of them, so it should not exceed 23 kg.
  3. Business class allows you to slightly increase the weight up to 32 kg, but leaves the right to 2 places.

Exceptions to the Rules

When flying between the United States (excluding Miami), the Near and Far East, Asia (excluding the Russian Federation and some other countries), Africa, India, in economy class seats, passengers can take 2 items for luggage at a standard 23 kg each. The Aeroflot company allows you to store your luggage in excellent conditions and offers many programs, with which people can take extra space for things absolutely free.

baggage weight on an aeroflot plane

It should be remembered that in addition to weight, the limit also applies to dimensions, so before you collect all the luggage, you should check whether it meets the permissible standards. A suitcase, bag or other container is measured by three parameters, which standardly include length, height and width. Then the received information is summarized. The resulting value should not exceed 158 cm, otherwise you need to pay extra. From this aspect, you can see how much Aeroflot controls the luggage.

Baggage rules for passengers with children

Children between the ages of 2-12 have the right to carry as much baggage as adults. When the flight is carried out with a baby, that is, with a person under 2 years old, a person has the right to take a separate baggage bag. At the same time, the things put into it should not exceed 10 kg in total, and the total dimensions of the three sides are no more than 115 cm, that is, the weight of baggage on the Aeroflot airplane is clearly normalized.

Aeroflot carry-on baggage

Paid baggage transportation on Aeroflot flights

Exceeding at least one parameter for free baggage transportation requires a person to pay for the possibility of flying with all the necessary things. If the weight or dimensions of the luggage or individual bag has become higher than the allotted norm, you need to return things to the escort or pay for their transportation, so the decision should be made quickly, which is regulated by the rules of Aeroflot. Hand luggage is the most problematic part of the flight.

Baggage excess

To better understand this aspect, you can imagine an approximate situation. A man flies with two suitcases weighing 10 kg and 13 kg. If he is in economy class and does not use special programs, an excess in the number of places is recorded. It doesn’t matter that the total weight of Aeroflot baggage is recognized as acceptable, since two bags or suitcases nominally occupy exactly two places.

Aeroflot baggage allowance

To get out of this situation, you need to purchase additional space. Depending on the country from which the flight is made, a person will be forced to pay 50 euros or 50 dollars. When a ticket is purchased at Premium Economy or Comfort fares, as well as when flying in a business class, a third place will cost 150 euros or dollars. These tariffs are developed by Aeroflot specialists. Baggage is stored in excellent conditions.

Excess weight

Explaining this aspect is very simple. When a person makes a flight with a suitcase or bag in economy class, the total weight of which together with the contents is more than 23 kg, it is necessary to pay extra for excess in weight.

Even if the passenger is entitled to two seats, and he has only one bag, you will have to pay extra. For the business class, this restriction rises to 32 kg, but if it is exceeded, you will also have to pay separately for the opportunity to carry things when flying on airplanes from Aeroflot. Baggage rules only allow transportation according to established standards.

Previously, when fixing an advantage, a person had to pay extra for every extra kilogram. At the moment, these rules have changed. Excess is paid in the amount of $ 50, and its size is not important. When flying in a business class, a person must pay an extra $ 100.

In order not to get into unpleasant and unexpected situations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of baggage transportation before the flight and take all necessary steps in advance, prepare to comply with the requirements.


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