The Thin Case: Petunia Seedling Growing

Petunia is a very beautiful flower, which every year takes up more and more space in gardens, cottages and city beds. This perennial plant in a warm climate grows very quickly. And the cold spring of Russia forces many flower growers to deal with such a problem every year as petunia seedling cultivation.

For those who want to learn how to get amazing flower beds in their garden with flowers such as petunia, seedling cultivation should begin with a choice of seeds. Usually, all the parameters of the flower are indicated on the package, so it is not difficult to choose the instance you need for your site. It is only necessary to pay attention to the expiration date.

Although petunia, the cultivation of seedlings of which seems to be a lot of business, in fact, even the soil is not very whimsical. Seeds can be sown on ordinary purchased land. If petunia seedlings are grown on peat tablets, then the gardener gets rid of such a headache as a dive. And such seeds grow very quickly, without requiring additional care and special heat.

Petunia seedling cultivation which we are discussing, as you know, has very small seeds. Therefore, they are sown directly on the substrate, not sprinkled, but watered abundantly with a spray gun. If granular seeds are selected, then you need to carefully monitor when sowing in order to violate the integrity of the granules. Otherwise, the seeds may not sprout. Then they are covered with glass or film and cleaned on the windowsill, where it is light and warm.

You ask, how to grow seedlings of petunia so that it does not get tangled up later. To avoid such a problem, you need a little patience and work hard to plant each seed separately with tweezers. If all this is mastered, then literally in 3-4 days the first shoots will appear. And then this painstaking work will be rewarded a hundredfold, as the picking of flowers will be facilitated.

In order for petunia seedlings to grow resistant to temperature extremes, immediately after germination it must be removed to a cooler place, but you can’t diminish the light. And you need to look very strictly so that the temperature drop is gradual. If to 5-7 true leaves sharply reduce the temperature below 15 degrees, then your pets may die.

After the first pair of leaves, you can start a dive. It also has its own characteristics. You can not drag a seedling from the ground, because it has very weak roots. It is necessary to use a stick with rounded ends, very carefully pressing the soil next to the plant, to make it "drown" on the very leaves in the ground. This action and the seedling will save, and help him strengthen his root system. And we continue hardening.

So, in the question of how to grow seedlings of petunias, we reached an important point - feeding. When the flower has taken root and become stronger, you can start feeding it. Better only with fertilizers, without the use of growth stimulants. It is necessary to dissolve nitrogen in water with the addition of phosphorus and potassium and water the petunia from the spray gun according to the scheme indicated on the packaging of the fertilizer.

With the advent of the central shoot, the time for pinching comes. This procedure will make your petunia lush and bushy in the future. Then we transplant the seedlings into larger dishes and wait for the root system to fill the entire container. You can do without transshipment - immediately plant seedlings in the ground. But skipping this stage of care for petunia, you just give one more reason to delay the development of the plant.

Seedlings are planted in a place where moisture lingers for a long time. If the soil dries quickly, the use of a hydrogel is recommended.

If you follow all the above recommendations, then you will enjoy the wonderful creatures of nature all season.


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