I saw rats in a dream: to sound the alarm or not?

Anyone who saw rats in a dream, such a dream is likely to remember. He will also want to know what it means. Indeed, visions can warn us of something, be a symbol of future events. Below - more on what it means to see rats, mice in a dream.

saw rats in a dream

What are rats a symbol of?

So, if a person saw rats in a dream, then this is probably a symbol of future changes, and not very pleasant ones. Dangers, gossip, intrigues and quarrels are also possible. Most often, this animal, appearing in a dream, does not bode well.

What to expect if I saw rats in a dream?

So, dreaming of dead rats may mean that soon your affairs may worsen. If you dreamed of a big animal, then be more careful in communicating with friends, they can deceive you, and the girl in this case should look at her other half in order to avoid betrayal. A black rat can bode some family quarrels or even scandals. And if the animals were gray, then beware of their ill-wishers, they may be active. A person who saw rats in a dream should be wary of illness or health problems if they bit him. If you managed to kill the animal in your dream, then luck will await you soon, you will be accompanied by success and luck, and all enemies will be defeated and step aside. If there were a lot of rats, then most likely your loved ones will turn away from you. If the rodents ran away, then this promises a speedy deliverance from problems that for a long time seemed insoluble. In the event that rats gnaw clothes, it is likely that some goals will be achieved. And if in a dream a squeak was just heard, then someone is plotting something bad behind your back. In addition, the dreaming rat can promise a quarrel with neighbors or even a quarrel with friends or companions. These animals, among other things, can portend some small and large chores and worries, especially if they had to eat rodents in a dream. But to see a white rat in a dream may mean that some woman will betray you, literally stab in the back when you do not expect this.

see mice in a dream

Dig in yourself

Dreams are not always a sign of future events. Sometimes they can be the result of experiences and thoughts of a person. For example, if you dreamed of a rat, then you may be unhappy with what is happening around you. In addition, this animal can represent the evil and insidious side of the personality that you are trying to overcome and destroy. You are probably angry with others and are looking for a trick in communicating with them, afraid of betrayal from them.

see a white rat in a dream

What to do?

When you see a rat in a dream, look around you and find out if the surrounding people are building insidious plans behind your back. Watch your health. And try digging and sorting yourself out.

In conclusion, we can add that you should not take dreams too seriously, because this is probably just a figment of your imagination and a consequence, for example, of a recently seen film. But still, to find out the meaning of such a dream will not be out of place. This will help to be fully equipped.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3652/

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