100% disk cache overload: what to do?

For the most part, when downloading files from the Internet to a computer, it is believed that 100% disk cache overload occurs exclusively when using file access via peer-to-peer networks (P2P). In other words, these are processes related to downloading from torrent trackers using specialized clients. Error correction can be done in several ways, which will now be discussed.

What does 100% disk cache overload indicate?

Before proceeding with the correction of program and system errors , a few words should be said about the operation of the peer-to-peer networks and clients to download information from them. Peer-to-peer technology assumes that a special torrent file containing information about the entire directory is initially downloaded. After it starts, the client starts loading.

disk cache overload 100

It is based on the distribution of parts of the desired directory between computers on the Internet. In simple terms, parts of a directory (most often an archive) are downloaded to all computers, which, in turn, become available for upload (downloads to other machines). It turns out that the user at the same time not only downloads the file parts to his terminal, but also distributes it (his computer becomes a mirror server, from which other users download the missing parts). Thanks to this, an increase in the download speed is made.

disk cache overload 100 what to do

But sometimes you can encounter situations where the percentage reaches its critical point (disk cache overload 100). The BitTorrent client at this time loads the hard drive both in terms of downloadable and in terms of the information provided. That is, the disk access speed exceeds the permissible. Winchester simply can not cope with the flow of data and because of this "hangs".

Percentage of Disk Cache Overload 100. What to do?

Since the processes of loading and uploading are associated specifically with hard drives and RAM, the best option would be a full upgrade of the computer system.

disk cache overload 100 how to fix

The pleasure, of course, is expensive, but in order to avoid such problems in the future, it is better to immediately purchase a system with a high-speed hard drive and a sufficiently large amount of RAM (cached data is stored there). But to solve the problem, there are also software methods that can be used even in outdated operating systems and computer configurations.

Setting the operating mode of the hard drive

So, the first way. We assume that the user, with active download and upload, sees that, as a percentage of the indicator, there is disk cache overload (100). How to fix this situation? Since the error is related to the speed of access to the hard disk, the most logical solution will be to configure exactly the parameters for accessing it.

disk cache overload 100 bittorrent

First, when you restart the system, you need to enter the BIOS settings and select the SATA mode corresponding to this model (AHCI or IDE). When using third-party disk utilities, you can try to disable the Read look-ahead and Write cache modes in the corresponding sections of the hard drive management (the policy menu in the disk properties).

Fix client caching settings

On the other hand, if there is a percentage indicator β€œDisk cache overload 100”, Windows 8 or any other OS in which the corresponding client is installed also offers a simple solution.

disk cache overload 100 windows 8

Take the uTorrent app as an example. To fix the error, you first need to go into the main, and then into the advanced settings, and select the caching options on the left of the menu. If the line for using the specified size instead of the automatic detection is not ticked, but the disk cache overload is still 100%, it only means that the application cannot configure this parameter on its own.

Now go to the volume settings. The default value is 128 MB. We are trying to increase it to 192, 256 MB, etc., after which we look at the program. The increase must be made until the error "Disk cache overload 100%" disappears.

Manage download and upload options

The second way to correct the situation is to configure the download and upload parameters with the installation of restrictions.

disk cache overload 100

You can use the general settings, however, many users, in practice, faced with this situation, recommend setting speed limits in both directions in each active torrent, calling the corresponding menu by right-clicking on the download bar.

disk cache overload 100 what to do

It’s difficult to say which speed to establish, because it all depends on the speed of the system, the model of the hard drive and its mode of operation, the amount of RAM, connection speed, etc. There can be a lot of variations.

Software Update Questions

Finally, one cannot exclude the situation when the error appears due to the fact that the program itself has not been updated. If you are prompted to install a new version of the application, it is better to immediately agree, since in most cases the corrections concern the engine. At the same time, bugs related to automatic adjustment of access speed to hard drives of non-standard models are fixed as far as possible.

In addition, significant changes apply to cached data. In this case, you do not have to set the parameters for overwriting and storing information in RAM too often. Newer versions have finer settings on their own.


In the end, it remains to add that this is not all the reasons that cause cache overload. If the same hard drive started to "crumble" or there is not enough RAM, then no software settings will help. But as for the program parameters, when they cannot automatically set the desired value, you will have to experiment. There is simply no other way out (not to mention, of course, replacing the hard drive and increasing the RAM). In some situations, removing the temporary partfile that is created when the download starts and restarting the torrent may help, but these are isolated cases. With other objects, the problem may recur.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3654/

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