Anton Komolov: a talented leading and exemplary family man

Anton Komolov is one of the most famous television and radio presenters in our country. It is not the first decade that he has been recognized on the streets thanks to his bright attractive appearance, and this person’s voice is familiar to everyone, regardless of the degree of love for radio programs. For all this, Anton does not recognize his star status at all or does not notice at all, remaining an exemplary family man and a good father, telling in an interview about his love for pasta. However, first things first.

A brief biography of the star

Anton Komolov
Anton was born in Moscow on April 4, 1976 in an ordinary Soviet family. Mom of the future leader is a philologist by education, and dad works as an engineer. At the age of 3, the boy was taught to read well, and by the age of 6, he had independently read many quite adult works, such as Anna Karenina and Chekhov’s serious stories. After graduating from a comprehensive school with a physical and mathematical bias, Anton Komolov entered the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman on a specialty CAD engineer. As a student, he played in KVN, and often his team won the Moscow League. After graduation (in 2000), Anton was invited to the jury of the Major League of KVN. Soon, the future presenter got a job on the radio "Maximum" as a freelance correspondent and telephone operator, finding this vacancy on the announcement.

Career on radio and television

As a host, Anton Komolov first tried himself on the Silver Rain radio - he was entrusted with information programs. A little later, he worked at stations such as Radio Classic and Hit-FM. In 1997, Anton appeared on television, and the first place of his work in a new status was the BIZ-TV channel. In the fall of 1998, the Russian version of MTV began broadcasting in Russia. Anton leads two programs at once, “Big Cinema” and “Playstation” together with charming leading girls. Then begins the real flowering of a career, such popular shows as “Cheerful morning”, “Rule of the Gimlet” come out. Anton Komolov also participated in many other projects: in addition to the work of the presenter, he manages to act in films, series, and also duplicate foreign films and animated films.

Personal life and personal achievements

Anton Komolov biography
Anton has been married since 2006 and is happily married. He met his future wife Vlada during a vacation abroad. A son was born in marriage. Despite the busy work schedule, Anton always finds time for his family, manages to actively participate in raising a child and devote enough time to him. Today, the presenter continues to successfully combine work on radio and television. The most popular projects in which he works are the show “Evening Urgant” and the radio program “No smoking show”. Anton Komolov, whose biography is full of interesting moments and fateful meetings, has already achieved a lot. He received the award “Stylish Things” (in the nomination “The Most Stylish Presenter”), “Quality Mark 2000” (“Best Presenter”), “Person“ Moscow Media “- 2010” and a number of other awards.


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