Reset a Windows 8 password. How to reset a forgotten password in Windows 8

Our computer is a real warehouse of various data, which are sometimes very important and inaccessible to the public. We discard situations when computers break into hackers and steal information. We consider a situation when the user by himself forgets the password and does not know what to do with it. Yes, there are a lot of such situations. And not everyone knows how to fix or solve this problem. Just imagine that your client’s database or report for the year is stored on your computer, it is possible that you saved your graduation thesis yesterday and should submit it tomorrow, however, you forgot your password and start to panic slowly due to a hopeless situation. Therefore, we’ll talk about how to reset a Windows 8 password (a modern operating system that is installed on most users). In this article you can get knowledge and recommendations that will not only understand the whole process, but also save yourself from troubles.

Windows 8 password reset

Why do I need a password?

But at first it’s worth figuring out whether you need a password at all? As we said above, sometimes on your computer various data can be stored that should not be accessible to third parties. Sometimes there may be data that needs to be saved and isolated from deletion. For example, if you have children in the house, then they will definitely use a computer and constantly break it a little. They can delete data or change them; there are many situations to describe. Therefore, to avoid such a nuisance, you must have a password for protection. But it happens that the password is forgotten, and you need to urgently restore it. Therefore, you must know how to implement a Windows 8 password reset. And as soon as such a problem arises, you can immediately fix the situation and no longer worry about whether you wrote down the password.

Password reset

What to do if the password is forgotten?

But if you still forgot the data to enter the profile, then you should prepare for a little training. Password reset is a procedure that allows you to bypass protection on your computer and be able to use it. Of course, one can consider the inappropriate use of such a method, but what can be done, it is absolutely impossible to exclude this possibility. The new Windows 8 operating system is good because it has a unique password recovery and storage system , which allows you to reset your password in several ways. Password reset can be done by manipulating your profiles in Windows, and the second involves the use of a licensed installation disk or flash drive.

Windows 8 Password Reset Utility

Varieties of account in Windows 8

Is there a Windows 8 password reset program? Yes, it is, but we’ll talk about it a little later, at first it’s worthwhile to analyze standard methods for implementing access recovery. So, we clarified above that there are several profiles in Windows 8. One of them is referred to as local (it gives access to the system by activating the verification of local data, that is, those that were created without an Internet profile). The second profile is a Microsoft account. This is already full data that was recorded by creating an Internet profile. Each of them has features in its recovery that must be taken into account; otherwise, Windows 8 password reset simply cannot be implemented.

Windows 8 password reset disk

How to reset the password of the local account?

So, we indicated above that the local password is an account that was created personally and without taking into account the Internet profile. Therefore, to restore this type of account, you must use a simple Windows installation disk. To do this, insert the disk into the drive and restart the computer. Then, in the installation menu, you must agree with the disk and select the menu "System Restore" - "Diagnostics". As soon as a new window appears, you need to go to "Advanced Options" and run the command line. It will be necessary to enter several commands in it one by one, after each it is necessary to press Enter:

  • "Copy c: \ windows \ system32 \ utilman.exe c: \";
  • “Copy c: \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe c: \ windows \ system32 \ utilman.exe” (if a warning about replacing files appears, you must agree).

After the steps have been taken, you need to restart the computer and remove the disk (or USB flash drive, depending on which media you have an operating system on), so that the next time you start your computer starts up without using any third-party memory objects. When the boot screen appears again, you will notice changes, that is, new additional options will appear. You need to go to the "Accessibility" menu and press the key combination "Windows + U". These actions will allow you to use the command line where you need to enter the command "net_user" and from the list of accounts that appears, select the one you used. If for some reason error 8646 comes out, it means that you are using an Internet profile, and resetting the Windows 8 password must be done in another way. The next option implies the presence of the Internet and data that was indicated during registration of a copy of the operating system. If you have none of this, then you should contact the specialists in the service.

Windows 8 Password Reset Flash Drive

How to reset my internet profile password?

If you used the Microsoft website to set a password on Windows, then neither the disk nor the flash drive for resetting the Windows 8 password will help you, since you need to request a password change on the official Microsoft website.

The procedure is simple, it is enough to request a password recovery and receive a letter that will help to avoid this unpleasant situation. So, for recovery, select the “forgot password” item and accept the responsibility that rests with you. After that, a window will pop up with possible options for obtaining a password. You must select the "Email me a reset link" option, since this option will allow you to receive an email either with a link to the change or with the secret question that you indicated during registration. After going through all these nuances, a letter will be received, and the password will be changed, which will allow you to continue to use your computer without hindrance.

Reset Windows 8 Administrator Password

A flash drive as a recovery tool

It is worth considering that due to the features of modern technologies, the Windows 8 password reset disk may be considered an outdated version and may not work, therefore, in order to avoid this unpleasant situation, you must always have a USB flash drive with you. Microsoft policy has decided to switch to these more convenient media, therefore, if you bought Windows separately, then, in fact, you should have such a flash drive. If you received the assembled computer, then for certain you have a disk with a licensed copy. But in this situation, it is not so difficult to get rid of the disk, you just need to write all the data from the media to any convenient USB flash drive with the Boot option (this option is set in the recording settings, it allows the media to run smoothly in the boot screen).

Windows 8 password reset disk

Floppy disk - obsolete

There is also a situation where a Windows 8 password reset disk is recommended as the main way to achieve a positive result. It is worth considering that technological progress has reached incredible heights, and now the diskette is not used at all. Yes, you may have seen such material and the carriers themselves. But it is worth considering the modernity of computers, which almost no longer identify this kind of device. Therefore, floppy disks were replaced by more advanced flash drives, which unhindered provide an opportunity to get rid of a password problem.

Password cracking program

Here, in fact, we came to the most interesting moment of our discussion, which will explain how to get information about a unique program that allows you to reset the password on any computer without additional data and devices.

The Windows 8 administrator password is reset by using a program called Online NT Password & Registry Editor. First you need to download it, and then write a USB flash drive that is not bootable. This can be done using the WinSetupFromUSB program. Once you have created the necessary flash drive, it is time to restart your computer and set the priority of USB boot. You can do this in Bios in the “Boot” menu by setting the USB number 1 in the “Boot Device Propriety” option. After this, you must restart the computer again.

The next time you boot Windows, a window with various options will appear, you do not need to select anything, just press Enter. In the second window with the options you must specify on which media the operating system is installed. They are listed under “Possible Windows” - select the desired number and wait a few minutes. It's time to start actively cracking the password, for this, go to the "Password reset" menu and press Enter. This will allow you to go to the window where you can edit the protection data. It lists all the accounts that are used on this computer. Select the desired profile and press Enter. In the next window, select the “Clear user password” option - that's it, the password will be successfully reset. You will return to the initial window, where you need to press Q and restart the computer (do not forget to install offline boot from the hard drive, removing priority from the USB flash drive).

Windows Disk Recovery

If you don’t feel like messing around with the nuances and recommendations, there is a cardinal way to reset your password, which is to simply reinstall Windows. But it is worth considering that this method is only suitable if you are using a local profile. In the case of an Internet profile, you cannot get rid of the password, since online registration will require previously entered data. In other cases, you can safely reinstall the operating system, you should not worry about the data, they will all be saved (if you do not use formatting). True, you will have to reinstall some programs, but this is not such a big problem.

The standard way to reset your password

For Windows 8, resetting the user's password is already a serious problem, since, according to experience with previous operating systems, the developers took into account the presence of a huge number of users who forgot the password, and they had to recover it. Therefore, they did not get lost and developed a curious utility in this system. The "Windows 8 Password Reset Wizard" is what it is called. To obtain it, you must go to the start - control panel and select the option "User Accounts". After that, select the menu “Create password reset diskette” and write the resulting file to a USB flash drive. After that, you can boot the computer along with the USB flash drive and notice that an additional “Reset” option has appeared in the password entry menu, which, in fact, will allow you to restore access to the system. Just keep in mind that this method works exclusively with a local account.

How to avoid this unpleasant situation?

That, in fact, is all you need to know about the recovery procedure. A decent amount of information, right? Therefore, in order not to torment yourself and to be able to freely log into the system, do not forget to write down the password on paper and hide it in the most reliable place where you can definitely look in case of such a need. Either create the password that you always use in a conversation or keep in mind. Only with a certain and collected approach to this business will you never forget the password and do not lose access to the system.


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