Chinese characters. Tattoo and their meaning

Today, the “Chinese characters” tattoo is no longer in such demand as before. Nevertheless, they remain popular not only among residents of the East, but also in Russia. Let's see why. With the advent of the fashion for everything eastern, the “Chinese characters” tattoo also occupied its niche. They are always mysterious, endowed with something magical and mysterious. Many young people, in pursuit of fashion, made tattoos without even thinking about the meaning that they carry.

Chinese characters tattoos and their meanings

The meaning of Chinese characters tattoo

As you know, since ancient times every line that makes up a character carried a certain meaning. And it was not always positive. After all, each character has its own translation, and their combination can turn out to be generally incomprehensible or even dangerous. Therefore, choose for yourself exactly the character that will bring only goodness and happiness to you and others. Girls and women most often have tattoos representing love, family, or beauty. And men prefer the symbols of fire, power, the dragon. But at the same time, the hieroglyphs carry a deep subtext, sometimes hiding a lot of information in one symbol. An exact translation of each sign can be found in the dictionary. Chinese characters, the tattoos of which young people love to decorate themselves, can be a talisman and illuminate the path in life with bright light.

Caution will not hurt

meaning of chinese hieroglyphs tattoo
Very often, residents of the East, having met a European, on whose body there are Chinese hieroglyphs, tattoos, smile. They are well aware that a person most likely does not even suspect the true meaning of his "decoration". Indeed, hieroglyphs can be understood only by one who is fluent in the language and knows the culture of the East. And it is also important that the character must be correctly applied. If the Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoos are depicted upside down, this can fundamentally change their meaning. And it’s good if it will be something funny or just ridiculous. But it may happen that the inscription will carry an evil or threatening implication. It can even become a threat to the tattoo owner. Therefore, once again we remind you - consult with someone who speaks the language and knows the symbolism of oriental signs and images, and only then decorate your health.


It is interesting that with the help of a hieroglyph you can write a whole sentence that will reflect your attitude towards life. After all, each character is individual. He alone can mean one word, and a whole sentence, which carries a lot of information. Therefore, it is worth looking through the dictionary and finding the one and only hieroglyph that will convey to the greatest extent your state of mind at the moment or your desire in life.

tattoo chinese characters
Then the tattoo of this symbol will become your amulet for life.

Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoos are most often applied in the occipital region of the neck. Here they are not so striking and are placed quite compactly. Such inscriptions are made not only by men, women are also not averse to decorating themselves with a hieroglyph. It can be easily hidden under the hair and will be invisible to others, which is very important in the absence of a desire to attract unnecessary attention.

But in general, the hieroglyphs will look quite organic on any part of the body. And if you surround them with some oriental-style pattern (for example, sakura or dragon), then the combination created on the body will become a real work of art and will allow you to demonstrate taste and personality.


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