Arkofluid: reviews. Comprehensive Weight Loss Program: Results

Today we will tell you about the French dietary supplement Arkofluid. A comprehensive program for weight loss based on it includes 3 stages. Let us consider the composition of the drug in more detail, learn about its effect on the processes in the body, and also share the reviews of specialists.

No further promises

The manufacturer of the product (“APF-trading”) is in no hurry to fill up the potential buyer with promises, and also does not give guarantees for a speedy magical transformation. Before choosing for yourself this technique of reducing excess weight, you need to read the instructions in detail. Bioadditive does not cause any harm to the body, however, you need to be prepared that the immediate effect may not occur. In addition, before starting use, it is necessary to study in detail the composition of the drug "Arkofluid." Reviews of doctors eloquently warn about the possible individual intolerance of some components.

Arcofluid reviews

How does the program work?

The whole complex is designed for 25 days, where each daily dose is sealed in 15 ml ampoules. The drug is available in liquid form and is a mixture of plant bioconcentrates. The formulation of all preparations of the complex is carefully worked out, and each of the subsequent stages is able to consolidate the results achieved at the previous stage.

The first stage of the comprehensive program

The start of the developed program is Arkofluid Detoks. The first stage is quite short-term (5 days) and is designed to prepare the body for subsequent active fat burning. The detox ampoules contain:

  • apple and lemon juice;
  • squeezing the roots of dandelion ;
  • black radish extract;
  • elderberry juice.

Accept "Arkofluid" (reviews of specialists we will provide a little later) at the preparatory stage as follows. In the morning, immediately after waking up, one ampoule is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach. The second dose should be taken, also dissolving in water, immediately after lunch.

Arcofluid reviews of doctors

What to expect from the first stage?

Of course, at the stage of the preparatory stage, it is difficult to expect any cardinal changes in weight. That's why he is preliminary. A comprehensive program for losing weight at every step lays the foundation for a future result. In addition, developers and many nutritionists recommend adherence to an elementary diet while consuming Arkofluid. Reviews of experts all inclined to one that the tool itself will not work for a person. The more effort you put in, the more effective the action will be.

Another thing is that dietary supplements will motivate people to limit food intake. Also, a mild laxative effect and an acceleration of metabolism can be observed in the first stage. However, if you continue to take fast-absorbing carbohydrates, then there can be no talk of any accelerated metabolism. Skeptics immediately grimace in a disgruntled smirk: "What kind of drug for weight loss, if it does not work without a diet?" Let's figure out what will present the second stage of the complex to those who are losing weight.

Arcofluid price

The second stage of the complex "Arkofluid": reviews of doctors

The manufacturer of biologically active additives positions the second stage of the developed complex as “starting weight loss”, which lasts 10 days. Take one ampoule in the morning. You can dilute it with water or freshly squeezed juice. In more detail, we will analyze the components that make up the ampoules intended for starting weight loss. Here is the complete list of ingredients at this stage:

  • concentrated apple juice;
  • pineapple juice (concentrated);
  • Paraguayan tea extract
  • grape extract;
  • fennel seed extract.

Apple juice smoothly passed into the second stage from the first, and the pineapple developers placed in ampoules due to the presence of bromelain in the composition. It is known that this substance improves digestion in general, in particular it helps to improve protein digestion. The remaining three substances that are part of the supplement are not active fat burners, and are not able to dull the feeling of hunger. The question of why these plant extracts are placed in the contents of the ampoules remains open. That is why so many are skeptical about Arkofluid. Reviews of nutritionists indicate the difficulty of tracking the positive effects on the human body as a whole and on effective weight loss in particular. Let's see what surprises the third stage of the complex will present to us.

Arcofluid comprehensive program

The third, final stage

The last stage also lasts 10 days and is positioned by the creators as "active weight loss." By tradition, we consider the entire list of plant components that make up the next ampoule:

  • Apple juice;
  • prune juice;
  • meadowsweet flower extract;
  • squeezing green coffee beans;
  • green tea extract;
  • guarana seeds.

The authors of the drug do not change concentrated apple juice this time either. As the manufacturer emphasizes, the organic weight loss program at its final, 10-day stage, finds its logical conclusion with the help of the most powerful fat burners. So, it was at this time that the main effect of the action of the components of "Arkofluid" should be noted. Reviews of doctors, however, are not so encouraging. Some of them consider green coffee grains a fashionable, but completely useless component. So who to believe? It turns out that without asking people who have tried the technique on themselves, one does not come to some logical common denominator.

Comprehensive Weight Loss Program

Mandatory conditions

If the manufacturer does not make loud statements and promises, and nutritionists are rather skeptical about the drug, then what is remarkable about the developed program? This question is quite difficult to answer, because a prerequisite for achieving a good result is compliance with diet and water balance. So, fatty, fried foods and sweets should be completely excluded from the diet of a losing weight person. In addition, the amount of daily fluid intake should be at least 2 liters. Shake the ampoules before use. After completing the 25-day course, if desired, the reception can be repeated.

Positive effect

Let us approach the study of the positive qualities of the product from a scientific perspective, as the developers thought ideally. Those extracts that formed the basis of the complex were selected according to the principle of greatest compatibility with each other. The drug "Arkofluid", the price of which varies from 1600 to 2000 rubles per complex, includes only fully digestible components and does not contain dyes, preservatives or alcohol. The ingredients do not harm the body, are absorbed gently and are able to balance metabolic processes, removing excess toxins and waste. One thing can be stated with complete certainty: this dietary supplement is made in a modern production using innovative technologies. Caffeine, contained in ampoules of the final stage, helps to saturate the body with energy, and vitamin C, contained in concentrated apple juice, does not allow the immune system to weaken. Probably, the developers are of the opinion that it is vitamin C that contributes to the burning of fats.

Organic Slimming Program

Who should not take dietary supplement?

Combined therapy is contraindicated for persons with individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. The product is sold without a prescription, however, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should consult your physician before buying. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from hypertension, having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as people with an increased threshold of excitability.

Other drugs manufacturer

To relieve stress caused by stressful situations, to improve cardiovascular circulation, improve sleep and provide an antispasmodic effect, the French manufacturer offers Arkofluid Fitoslip capsules. Such a drug is recommended to be taken as herbal tea, you just need to dilute the contents of the ampoule with warm water. The composition of the components includes hawthorn, lemon balm, lavender and passionflower. Each of the components has its own mission, however, in the aggregate, they have a beneficial effect on the body. So, hawthorn extract has an excellent cardiotonic effect, melissa has established itself as an excellent antidepressant and antispasmodic. Passiflora improves sleep quality, and lavender soothes perfectly. The dietary supplement is perfect for anyone who feels nervous overstrain and emotional exhaustion.

Arcofluid Detox

The French company produces capsules "Synergy" to combat cellulite. This dietary supplement is made on the basis of a mixture of green tea extracts, thallus ficus vesiculus, orthosiphon leaves, as well as concentrated pineapple juice with added water.

There are other dietary supplements produced under the trademark "APF-trading."


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