The series "Scary Tales": actors and roles, the plot of the series.

In 2014, Showtime introduced a new project to viewers - a series in the popular horror thriller genre “Scary Tales”. The actors and the whole team are mixed (American and British). The founder, screenwriter, and producer of the project is John Logan, in the piggy bank of which are such paintings as “Gladiator”, “Aviator”, “007: Skyfall Coordinates, etc.

About the series

Scary tales: actors.

The creators of the horror announced its release back in 2013. It was then that the president of the TV channel D. Nevins spoke out that the series would be very reasonable and very realistic. His actions will unfold in the Victorian era of London. This relatively quiet period in the history of England is characterized by the active development of infrastructure, science and the industrial revolution. It was at that time that fictional characters such as Dorian Gray and Victor Frankenstein lived in it. Filming began in the fall of 2013 and initially took place in the UK, and then were moved to Ireland.

About the plot

The series “Scary Tales” (actors and roles will be presented in the article) will open the eyes of the viewer to the troubled Victorian London, which literally lurks in anticipation of the impending danger. Its inhabitants are careless and passionate about today, doing daily chores, they do not notice signs of future changes. On the streets of the city, evil from the worst nightmares is already gathering, capable of terrifying even the most persistent. The viewer is familiar with many of them: the handsome D. Gray, the scientist Frankenstein arm in arm with his terrifying brainchild, the charming count from Transylvania and many others. They all begin to hunt for the souls of people. But you can’t do without the main character. In the series "Scary Tales", the actors of which are as diverse as the characters, he is alone.

The horror was extended for a third season in 2015. All series are interconnected and narrate a single storyline. The cast is impressive, so let's focus on the main characters.

Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett)

A charming American with a dark past will of fate found himself in the darkest corners of the English capital. With perfect shooting skills, he helps medium Vanessa and Malcolm in all their affairs. Charming and attractive so that spoiled by female attention. Behind a severe appearance lies a kind heart. However, he has a secret: with the rise of the full moon, he becomes uncontrollable and very strong.

Scary Tales: actors, photo.

Vanessa Ives (Eva Green)

Many actors in the series “Scary Tales” are recognized stars, including the magnificent and mysterious Eva Green. She is perfectly suited for the role of a medium. A beautiful woman has become a desired object for dark forces. The character Green has supernatural abilities, as well as tempting beauty that can deprive the mind of any man. With the gift of foresight and excellent intuition, she is the only one who can see what the city expects in the future.

Dorian Gray (Rive Carney)

Scary tales: actors and roles.

The character of the book of the same name by O. Wilde appears before the eyes of the viewer as a young and handsome young man. He is immortal, wealthy, and completely corrupted by addictions. However, this in no way affects his appearance, because instead of him, a portrait painted many years ago is aging.

Malcolm Murray (Timothy Dalton)

One of the reasons to watch the series “Terrible Tales” is the actors participating in it. The favorite of women Timothy Dalton appears in the guise of a British explorer and traveler. The misfortune that happened to his daughter Mina forced him to abandon distant wanderings, and now he is forced, together with Vanessa, to look for ways to correct the mistakes of the past. He is harsh and suffers from the pangs of conscience. He replaced Vanessa's father, but the relationship between them is not as straightforward as it seems, because deep down in his heart the man understands that the medium is involved in the disappearance of his daughter.

Victor Frankenstein (Harry Treadaway)

Another literary character in the storyline of the series “Scary Tales”. Leading actors appear in each series. Inextricably with Frankenstein in the story there is also a creature created by him performed by Rory Kinner. A magnificent scientist whose genius borders on insanity, is young and has a soft and kind heart. Possessing deep knowledge in the medical field, he learned to revive the dead.

Brona Croft (Billy Piper)

The actors of the series are terrible tales.

Initially, Brona is an ordinary townswoman. Poverty pushes her into prostitution. She is mortally ill with consumption, treatment for commoners is not available, and the girl slowly fades away. Feelings flare up between her and Ethan Chandler. The American is looking for a cure for his beloved, and turns to Frankenstein for hopelessness. However, the scientist has his own plans for the body of a dying girl.

The series “Terrible Tales” (actors, photos of characters and shots from the film are in the article) is, of course, a new and promising direction from the point of view of the genre.

The impressive horror attracts attention from the first minutes and for the past two seasons has retained an intrigue that allows you to keep the viewer in suspense. It is not trivial and excludes stereotypes; it is impossible to predict it. Evidence of this is the selection of television critics in 2014 in the category the most anticipated new series, as well as numerous awards, including Sputnik.


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