Learn how to cook fishing barley

There is a bait for fishing , which is common among lovers of fishing and is considered one of the most popular. After reviewing the proposed information, you can learn how to cook barley for fishing yourself. In fact, this procedure is very simple. Any self-respecting fisherman should not only be able to perform it, but also know that it is barley for fishing that is a bait that can be used repeatedly. Almost all of its properties, including appearance, last up to seven days.

how to cook barley for fishing

Each fish has its own bait.

To know how to cook pearl barley for fishing, it is necessary for everyone who is interested in catching such fish as crucian carp, roach, ide, bream, scavenger. The king of freshwater fish - carp, is caught on the same bait. Its versatility lies in the fact that it can also be used as a bait. Fishing contains its own nuances, on the observance of which the success of the enterprise often depends. One of these rules is the following: what the fisherman uses as bait should also be contained in bait. It is noteworthy that in this moment the versatility of pearl barley is obvious. The fact is that, after feeding the fish, you can then change the bait, trying to catch maggots, worms, peas, and so on. Such experiments can give excellent results if the fish does not show much activity in the bite. Of course, the arguments already given are quite enough to learn how to cook barley for fishing, doing this training yourself. This is not difficult, although certain nuances are present.

How and how to cook barley for fishing?

barley for fishing

Of course, first we need pearl barley, which is purchased at a regular grocery store. The advice is not as banal as it may seem, because you should be vigilant when buying future bait. In particular, the angler should ask about the expiration date. When determining the quality of pearl barley visually, one should be aware that if it is fresh, it will look light, almost snow-white. On the contrary, cereal of not the first freshness will be dark and unattractive.

How to cook barley for fishing - the easiest way

The easiest way to prepare bait / bait for fish from barley is steaming cereals in a thermos. This is done very simply. Falling asleep one or two tbsp. tablespoons of barley in a thermos, you must pour boiling water over it - one hundred to two hundred milliliters. Then the cap of the thermos is tightly screwed, and the contents are shaken to prevent grains from sticking to the walls of the vessel. An experienced fisherman performs this procedure in the evening on the eve of a fishing trip. In the morning, ready-made cereals should be slightly drained with a strainer and packaged in any container convenient for the fisherman.

how to cook barley for fishing
Each fisherman has his own preferences, so you need to know not only about steaming cereals, but also about how to cook barley for fishing. The method is also quite simple. First, it is necessary to soak the cereal in running water for several hours (2-3). Now you can put it in an appropriate container and start cooking on low heat. How to cook barley for fishing? The process will take from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Then, removing the saucepan from the stove, the water needs to be drained, and a container for a couple of hours to wrap with a towel. Done!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3675/

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