Orange diet for weight loss: menu and reviews

One of the sunniest and happiest fruits on earth is considered to be an orange. Its bright color and amazing aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. A special need for oranges in the body appears at the end of winter. After the dark and dark days of November and December, as well as the frosty months of January and February, a person needs an increased amount of vitamins that this southern fruit can provide.

But besides providing the body with vitamins, an orange will help prepare the figure for the summer. During the cold months, when there is no desire to once again go out, a person inevitably gains extra pounds. An orange diet is the easiest and most delicious way to deal with excess body fat acquired during the winter.

Stretching exercises

The properties of orange and its composition

In the usual understanding of man, an orange is considered a fruit, but this is not true. Oddly enough, but the fruits of the orange tree are actually a berry. China is generally considered the birthplace of this product, but there is evidence that oranges were also known in the Mediterranean countries and South America. Now deliveries to Russia of these juicy fruits are carried out by Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Spain, China and other southern countries.

Orange consists of the following layers:

  • The outer peel (zest) is bright orange in color, which contains essential oil.
  • White layers between the skin and pulp, it contains pectin, which improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.
  • Juicy pulp, consisting of slices covered with a thin shell, and also in the pulp are seeds or seeds of orange.

The composition of the berry includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), beta-carotene and folic acid, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and sodium.

Orange Juice - A Source of Vitamins

The benefits of nutrition for weight loss on oranges and contraindications

In addition to the ability to bring the body to a normal state, oranges can heal the body, which is a great advantage of the orange diet over others. As you know, any nutritional restrictions to get rid of extra pounds carry a lack of vitamins, as well as the loss of important trace elements. Therefore, any other diet requires additional intake of these substances. As for the orange diet, reviews say that the product itself is already saturated with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for health. For example, orange juice is able to exert anti-inflammatory effects, strengthen immunity and relieve nervous tension.

The effect of oranges on the body:

  • Lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body.
  • Strengthening the general state of human health after stress, including after the cold winter months.
  • Improvements in the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • General rejuvenation of the body and slowdown of aging.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  • Normalization of weight.

Like any product, an orange is not only beneficial, but can also be harmful in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with gastritis and ulcers, food allergies to citrus products, and diabetes. Therefore, before you go on an orange diet, you need to consult a doctor.

Vegetables and greens

Dietary Tips

Since sunny orange fruit has a very low calorie content (36 kilocalories per 100 grams), it is often used in various diets and fasting days. Due to the high juice content, the orange saturates the body well and after eating it, the feeling of satiety lasts two to three hours.

General recommendations for a diet:

  • Drink water. To ensure the proper functioning of the body, an adult healthy person needs to drink at least two liters of water per day. And there is also a formula for calculating the correct drinking regimen: forty milliliters of pure water for every kilogram of body weight.
  • Minimize salt intake. It is impossible to completely exclude table salt from the diet, as it carries a very important role in the metabolism of the body. Lack of salt can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. According to medical standards, a healthy person needs up to five grams, and this is one teaspoon of salt per day. It should be remembered that some products may already contain salt. To limit its amount, you can simply not add salt to food on purpose.
  • The use of various sweets is better to transfer to the morning. It is not recommended to completely refuse sugar, especially for sweet tooth. Long abstinence from your favorite foods will invariably lead to a breakdown of the diet. Therefore, it is better to eat one candy in the morning than to break and destroy immediately a whole cake in the evening.
  • Alcoholic beverages should also be minimized, and it is better to refuse them altogether for the duration of the diet. Alcohol retains fluid in the body and disrupts the proper course of the diet, making it difficult to control its results. In extreme cases, you can afford to drink one glass of dry wine, preferably red, on a weekend or holiday.
  • Very good for long walks. But you need to choose for this green areas (park, forest park, forest), away from highways and various kinds of industries.
  • If you follow a diet, physical activity should be, but it is important to have a sense of proportion and not to overwork. It is best to do morning exercises every day and visit the pool two to three times a week. In modern fitness complexes, saunas and baths are often made, visiting of which will also positively affect the results of proper nutrition.
  • For effective weight loss, it is important to tune in to a diet. Stop being nervous about being overweight and rebuke yourself for every piece you eat. It is useful to find like-minded people, for example, friends, relatives or register on the site for losing weight people.
Boiled egg

Three-day orange-egg diet menu

Such an accelerated option of nutrition is suitable for those who need to quickly remove two or three kilograms of excess weight. It is impossible to adhere to this type of diet constantly.

First day.

Breakfast: a glass of water, one cup of black coffee without sugar (you can use one teaspoon of honey), one orange, one hundred grams of cottage cheese.

Snack: two glasses of water.

Lunch: a glass of water, a plate of oatmeal porridge, about 200 grams, and one orange.

Snack: two glasses of water or green tea.

Dinner: one glass of kefir and 150 grams of cottage cheese, water.

The second day (do not forget about the drinking regime).

Breakfast: a plate of porridge (200 grams) to choose from - hercules or buckwheat, a cup of black coffee, an orange.

Lunch: vegetable soup (such a soup is best done on a vegetable broth and do not use potatoes), orange.

Dinner: a piece of boiled chicken breast fillet, the size of no more than a palm, kefir 200 grams.

The third day. Observe fluid intake.

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, a boiled egg, an orange.

Lunch: Vegetable soup with a small addition of rice, orange fruit, a cup of green tea.

Dinner: boiled fish and cucumber salad with vegetable oil, tea.

If you feel good, then you can extend the diet for 4 days by repeating the menu of the first day. But in the future, you should turn to another orange diet, whose menu is designed for a month.

Glass of water

Diet for one month

In order to adhere to the orange diet for 4 weeks, it is important to diversify the diet. For this period, you can cook a salad of cabbage and oranges, which must be eaten in the morning and evening.

Salad Recipe:

  • Cabbage - one average head of cabbage.
  • Kiwi - six pieces.
  • Oranges - three pieces.
  • Olive oil - three tablespoons.
  • Wine vinegar - 50 grams.
  • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Chop the cabbage finely, peel the kiwi and oranges and chop finely. Mix olive oil with vinegar, add salt and pepper. Season the salad with the prepared sauce of oil and vinegar, mix everything properly.

Such a salad is very useful because it contains fiber and vitamins, while it has few enough calories, despite the olive oil, which is part of the sauce.

The menu of the orange diet for a week is calculated, and then it should be repeated for a month.

Seven-day diet


Breakfast: a salad of cabbage and oranges 200-300 grams, one slice of rye bread, dried in a toaster, a cup of black coffee, one teaspoon of honey.

Snack: a cup of green tea, drying.

Lunch: one plate of soup made of vegetables on a vegetable broth (any vegetables except potatoes), a piece of boiled cod, a glass of orange juice.

Dinner: a salad of oranges and cabbage - 200 grams, one glass of kefir.


Breakfast: fried eggs from two eggs, fried without oil, a plate of salad, coffee and rye bread crackers.

Snack: a glass of tomato juice.

Lunch: chicken broth with rice - one plate, boiled chicken breast with one large stewed carrot, herbal tea.

Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of salad, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: one plate of salad, a cup of coffee.

Snack: a cup of green tea, drying.

Lunch: boiled veal - 200 grams, stewed vegetables, a small bowl of meat broth, orange juice.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, salad, kefir.


Breakfast: oatmeal on the water with raisins, one orange, coffee, a teaspoon of honey.

Snack: a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: fish soup (there should be very little potato, just for taste), boiled catfish with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, green tea.

Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: cabbage-orange salad (200 grams), one egg, a cup of coffee and cracker.

Snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: stewed vegetables, boiled beef, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: salad, kefir.


Breakfast: a plate of oatmeal with raisins, salad, coffee and a teaspoon of honey.

Snack: orange.

Lunch: chicken broth with rice, boiled carrots, steamed chicken fillet, tomato juice.

Dinner: salad, boiled egg, kefir.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a cup of coffee, cracker, a teaspoon of honey.

Snack: orange and yogurt.

Lunch: vegetable soup, trout baked in foil, tomato and cucumber salad, green tea.

Dinner: cottage cheese with apple, kefir, egg.

All products that require heat treatment, which are included in the diet of an orange diet for 4 weeks, need to be boiled, stewed or baked. The use of oil in cooking should be limited. To improve the taste of products, it is very good to use spices. Dill, parsley, basil, ginger and black pepper will not only make the food more delicious, but will also contribute to weight loss.

After the month of the diet ends, it is very important to follow a proper diet, do not overeat and do not abuse sugary foods. Otherwise, all lost kilograms can return and grab a couple more extra pounds, because any diet is stressful for the body. Go out of the diet slowly.

Walk in the park

Severe Obesity Orange Diet

Previous nutrition options can save a person from ten extra pounds of weight. With a severe stage of obesity, when it comes to extra twenty to thirty kilograms, a more strict diet with the correct adherence to the regime is necessary.

An egg-orange diet can come to the rescue. In order to achieve good results, it is very important to follow all the rules. This diet is not based on calorie counting, but on chemical processes in the body. With the egg-orange diet for 4 weeks, you can not replace the products and change their places.

Basic diet recommendations

  • Be sure to drink the amount of pure water the body needs.
  • During the heat treatment of vegetables, it is not recommended to use meat broth.
  • When cooking, do not use oil and fat.
  • Drink drinks without sugar, in extreme cases, you can use sweetener.
  • With a tormenting feeling of hunger, you can eat a cucumber, but only two hours after eating.
  • Follow the rules of the products indicated in the diet, and do not replace them with other products, and do not change places.
  • It is important to monitor weight loss. To do this, you should create a separate notebook in which you need to enter the weight results and comments about the state of health. It is better to weigh yourself in the morning, at a certain time. It is better not to transfer the scales to different places in the house, otherwise you can get a false result.
  • In case of interruption of the diet, it will have to start from the very beginning.
  • Moderate physical activity should be throughout the diet, and ideally always.
  • Egg-orange diet for weight loss is suitable for any category of people, regardless of gender and age.
  • Before starting a diet, you should visit your doctor and check your health.
Track weight

Menu for the first week

The breakfasts of the egg-orange diet for the week are always the same.

  • Boiled egg - two pieces.
  • Half an orange.
  1. Monday: day - any amount of fruit to choose from. Evening - boiled beef or steam cutlet from it.
  2. Tuesday: day - skinless chicken, can be boiled or baked. Evening - two pieces of eggs, a salad of fresh vegetables, an orange and a cracker.
  3. Wednesday: day - cheese in any quantities, cracker, tomatoes. Evening - steam cutlet of beef or veal.
  4. Thursday: day - fruits, the number is unlimited. Evening - boiled beef or veal.
  5. Friday: day - two pieces of boiled egg, stewed zucchini, carrots or beans. Evening - boiled cod, orange and fresh vegetable salad.
  6. Saturday: day - fruit. Evening - fresh vegetable salad with a beef steak.
  7. Sunday: day - boiled or stewed chicken without skin, stewed vegetables, tomato, orange. Evening - vegetables.

Menu for the second week

Breakfasts remain the same as in the first week.

  1. Monday: lunch - a salad of vegetables, meat. Dinner - 2 pcs. Egg, orange, salad.
  2. Tuesday: lunch - meat and salad. Dinner - eggs and orange.
  3. Wednesday: lunch - meat and cucumbers. Dinner - eggs and orange.
  4. Thursday: lunch - eggs, cheese, stewed vegetables. Dinner - eggs 2 pieces.
  5. Friday: lunch - baked trout. Dinner is fruit.
  6. Saturday: lunch - meat, tomato, orange. Dinner is fruit.
  7. Sunday: lunch - chicken, stewed vegetables, orange, tomato. Dinner is the same as lunch.

Third week menu

  1. Monday: apples and oranges.
  2. Tuesday: vegetables (raw or steamed).
  3. Wednesday: fruits and vegetables (combination of the first and second day).
  4. Thursday: trout, cod, catfish.
  5. Friday: beef or veal.
  6. Saturday, Sunday: any fruit in unlimited quantities (except bananas and grapes).

Fourth week menu

All of these products are distributed on the day.

Monday: beef, tomato, trout, cucumber, orange and cracker.

Tuesday: veal, fruit, tomato, cracker.

Wednesday: cottage cheese or cheese (one tablespoon), stewed vegetables, tomato and cucumber salad, orange, cracker.

Thursday: half a whole chicken, a salad of three tomatoes and one cucumber. Orange and bullseye, cracker.

Friday: eggs - 2 pcs., Tomatoes - 3 pcs., Orange.

Saturday: chicken, feta cheese, tomato and cucumber salad, kefir, orange.

Sunday: a tablespoon of cottage cheese or feta cheese, cod, stewed vegetables, tomatoes and cucumber, orange, cracker.

If you follow all the instructions correctly, drink water in time and do morning exercises, the hated kilos will be gone forever. To do this, you do not need to be some kind of unusual person, it is enough to have discipline and self-confidence.


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