The most powerful phone. What hide the technical characteristics of smartphones

Technological progress inexorably increases the pace and creates devices whose power already competes with the most powerful computers. Mobile phones have long been not only a means of communication and communication. Now they have received large touch displays that respond to the touch of human fingers, have learned to recognize the fingerprints of the owner, easily and quickly access the Internet. When watching the next commercial about the publication of a new improved model, a logical question arises. Which brand is the most powerful phone in the world, and is there such a brand at all? Interesting? Then let's do a little market analysis of the most interesting smartphones. Some are already being sold and please their owners, while the release of others is still planned.

First, let's decide what the power of the mobile unit is all about. The heart of a modern smartphone has recently become a processor, similar to that which provides the computer. Accordingly, the more powerful the CPU, the more functional the device will be. Now, phones that have several cores are embedded in phones. What does it mean? The bottom line is that the more work cores a CPU has, the more tasks it can perform at the same time. Consequently, the smartphone will freeze less, and all applications will work smoothly and without incidents. The processor also has a parameter such as clock speed. It is measured in gigahertz (GHz). The greater this value, the more powerful the โ€œheartโ€ will be. On average, a quad-core processor requires a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz. Another indicator that you have a real mini-computer in your hands is a large amount of RAM (RAM or RAM). It is she who ensures the speed of all ongoing processes and operations. At the moment, the highest figure is 2 gigabytes (GB). From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that the most powerful phone should have, first of all, good technical specifications. The time has come for the candidates for this honorary title.

By the way, there is one more point, taking note of which, you will immediately realize that this is a really high-tech device. If the smartphone has the title of flagship model, then this already says a lot. This means that in his lineup he takes the first place and represents a special pride of the manufacturer. Perhaps this will not be the most powerful phone in the world, but its capabilities are definitely not inferior to similar models of competitors.

Not so long ago, Samsung released the Galaxy S2 smartphone, which instantly became a sales leader and was even recognized as a real find. If you type in the query โ€œThe most powerful phoneโ€ in any search engine, then most likely this phrase will appear next to the image of this flagship model. However, all new items quickly become obsolete. And now this same company introduced its fans an updated version, which received the next ordinal number 3 in its name. This model appeared on sale recently and has not yet managed to establish itself well enough. Therefore, at the moment, it is impossible to say that the Galaxy S3 is the most powerful phone. In addition, he has quite a few competitors who can well compete with this smartphone for the palm.

Not so long ago, official information about the new LG model from the Optimus series appeared on the network. Moreover, the claimed characteristics of this device really inspire respect. Optimus G is, of course, not the phone with the most powerful battery, but this indicator has not played a big role for a long time. But in its depths lurks the most high-tech processor available in the world - Qualcomm APQ 8064. In addition, all other numbers also satisfy the needs of such a CPU. It is likely that this new product can overshadow all other market analogues and win the hearts of a huge number of customers.


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