Analysis of the "Duma" Lermontov M.Yu.

Mikhail Yuryevich has a lot of socially significant poems in which he evaluates society and tries to understand what awaits him in the future. An analysis of Lermontov’s “Duma” allows us to determine that the work belongs to the type of satirical elegy. The poet composed the poem in 1838, in meaning it is very similar to the poem “The Poet's Death”, only if the author there reproached the court society for inaction and cruelty, then all the nobles are to blame, they speak of their indifference and refusal to participate in social and political events "Thought".

analysis of the Lermontov Duma
Lermontov wrote the poem in the form of an elegy, this is indicated by the volume and size of the work. But satire is also present here, as the poet speaks about his contemporaries with his inherent causticity. Mikhail Yuryevich was a fighter by nature, so he was contemptuous of people who resigned themselves to circumstances that lacked any goals in life and aspirations. The poet is skeptical about the social system that leads nowhere, without giving citizens the right to choose, he understands that his generation is waiting for an unenviable fate, it will grow old without having time to apply the acquired knowledge.

An analysis of Lermontov’s “Duma” emphasizes that the peers of the writer could not decide to take a desperate step and oppose the tsarist regime, because they were taught by the bitter experience of their fathers, the Decembrists. The descendants understand that they are not able to change anything, but will be severely punished for the uprising, therefore they prefer to remain silent, and to direct all their knowledge and skills into barren science. These people are not characterized by an ardent manifestation of feelings, they do not perform noble deeds and are even afraid to admit to themselves the desire to help others, to make the world a better place.

Lermontov Duma poem
An analysis of Lermontov’s “Duma” shows that the poet considered his contemporaries smart people, but even the most talented of them did not want to change anything. They could be realized, but do not see the need for this. They do not understand why they should spend time and energy, if in the end nothing works, nobody will even hear them. This generation can be considered lost, it has not done anything good for the world, therefore it will grow old without glory and happiness. The most talented and clever nobles abandon their past, considering it meaningless and stupid, but they themselves made absolutely no contribution to the future.

Indifference to public life means spiritual death - that is exactly what M. Lermontov thought. The “Duma” only summarized the questions that were urgent and painful for the poet. Mikhail Yuryevich was constantly worried that he would leave nothing for future generations. He considered his work useless and imperfect, years will pass and he will be forgotten forever. Pushkin’s works could claim eternity.

m Lermontov Duma
An analysis of Lermontov’s “Duma” shows that the poet predicts an inglorious future for himself and his peers. He believes that years will pass and they will forget about him. But Mikhail Yuryevich was mistaken, his work became part of the classics of Russian literature, although few prose writers and poets of the 19th century were awarded this fate. Those who were not afraid to tell the truth.


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