Why dream: interpretation of sleep

In Russia, a snake has always been considered a symbol of wealth. If he settled in the courtyard, it means wealth will come to the house. Why are you dreaming? What does he mean?

In a dream, it symbolizes a cunning dodgy person. He is able to bring chores or minor troubles. Uzhik is traditionally not endowed with wisdom, so such a dream means the advent of an adventurous slippery type in life.

But not everything is so clear about dreams. Much depends on the actions of the snake, its color. The interpretation of dreams varies between women and men. Therefore, in order to find out the correct interpretation of night vision, one should remember its smallest details.

General Interpretation of Sleep

Dreams carry an allegory or experience of the day. TO what is dreaming about? Is this good or bad? You should know that this is a snake, but it does not pose a direct danger to humans. Therefore, the interpretation of such a dream is possible only when clarifying the details. Those circumstances in which he appeared in a dream will become the starting point.

why dream

If you only dreamed, and there were no more events, then you will soon find a solution to the far-fetched problems. This creature does not bite, it is not poisonous, so all anxieties and fears will soon pass by themselves.

Keeping a writhing snake in a dream means communicating with a person who has harbored evil. He weaves intrigues, dissolves gossip. But it will not bring much harm, and the sleeper will teach to better understand people.

Already entwined around the neck - a bad sign, it symbolizes the deceit of a loved one. This means that a friend or spouse started a betrayal, betrayal. Despite the precautions, this person will cause great trouble.

Already curled up or basking in the sun - such a dream means that good news is on its way. They will bring joy and good mood.

Color of a snake

Not always the color of sleep is remembered after the morning rise. But if the picture is clearly before your eyes, you can find out why a certain color.

what do snakes dream about

White is luck, joy. This is an influx of money or a gain. Even a ball of white snakes symbolizes a large number of banknotes or securities.

Red is aggression. Such a dream is a warning of impending danger. If red already creeps into the dwelling, problems will begin in the house. If it creeps away, then the difficulties will soon leave the sleeper.

Black - internal complexes. This is a warning that the time has come to understand yourself and your problems. Ask for forgiveness or make peace.

Yellow is unspent energy. This color is a reminder that there are also internal human resources that must be used in difficult life situations.

Green - rebirth, growth. Exit to a new career or spiritual level. Overcoming complexes and fears, parting with the past. If the green is already twisted around the neck - then there are obstacles. Overcoming them will begin a new life.

If a woman dreamed

For an unmarried woman, it symbolizes a fan. If he goes to the sleeping one, it means that soon a new gentleman will appear on the horizon.

For a married woman, such a dream can bring an interesting acquaintance. If you already bit a sleeping woman, it means a pregnancy has begun.

why dream a lot

TO what big dream about? The size of a snake speaks of wealth. Big for a woman means a money fan who will not skimp on gifts.

Depending on how one behaves, one should also interpret the ghost. Dead, they warn of danger. If there are a lot of snakes, they bite among themselves, which means that a quarrel among friends will not take long.

If he crawled away, and then returned, it means that the old friend is in a hurry to return. If he curls nearby - this is a symbol of imminent happiness.

Why are you already dreaming whom did the child bring home? This means fear for the actions of children. Or distrust of their friends.

If a man dreamed

If a man dreams that he has turned into a snake, this means little success. Thanks to snake flexibility and resourcefulness, it will be possible to achieve career heights. But a lack of wisdom, endurance can be harmful, and success and popularity will quickly end.

What does it mean if you dream already and he goes to the sleeping man? You should be careful and attentive. Most likely, colleagues or business partners want to cheat or hurt. If one crawls away from the sleeper, then all problems and fears go away.

what does it mean if you dream

If you are already hunting or getting ready to jump, such a dream means speedy achievement of the goal.

Feed already in a dream - getting wealth or profit.

Swimming in water is an opportunity to end up in an unfamiliar place or situation. A lot in such a dream depends on the color of the water. If it is transparent, the new situation will bring new opportunities. If the water is muddy, dirty, it means that you will have to overcome unpleasant obstacles before fate smiles again.

Why do snakes dream?

The snake is a harbinger of the appearance of the enemy. This is a symbol of deceit, cunning, unseemly acts. If the snake is poisonous, then the conflict situation with the enemy will be obviously losing. She will bring disappointment and loss. If the snake (for example, already) turns out to be non-toxic, then the sleeping person has every chance of winning. Will be able to overcome the machinations of the enemy.

TO what do you dream about? A lot of these bastards - it means envy is swarming around you, gossip is being waged. If the snakes are entangled in a tangle, then the sleeping person will face unfair accusations in life. The envy of others is comparable to teeming snakes. If they are not poisonous, then nothing serious will happen in life.

why dream big

But the snake bite symbolizes the betrayal of a loved one. This is an occasion to look at those you consider friends. Maybe an enemy has flocked to their company.

If the sleeper succeeds in defeating the snake in a dream, then this is a direct path to speedy success. For the sick - recovery.

Dreams by day of the week

A lot of dreams depend on the transferred daytime impressions, fears or internal problems. Not all dreams come true. It depends on the days of the month, the lunar calendar. And during the week, dreams are not always informative.

Sunday Monday. Dreams almost never come true. They are associated with loved ones, family affairs.

Monday - Tuesday . Dreams very rarely come true. Connected with inner experiences, emotions of the sleeping person.

Tuesday Wednesday. Come true extremely rarely, after a long period of time. Do not carry a large semantic load.

Wednesday - Thursday . Such dreams sometimes come true. Associated with work, professional activities of the sleeper.

Thursday - Friday . Come true often. Dreams are related to inner experiences, emotions.

Friday - Saturday . Come true often. Reflect the immediate development of events in the life of the sleeping person or his relatives.

Saturday - Sunday . Dreams come true quickly. Relate to the fate of the sleeper and his loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3692/

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