Salt-free diet for weight loss: reviews and results, a sample menu and recipes

If you look closely at the available reviews and the results of the salt-free diet for weight loss, you can say that it is one of the most effective and simple methods of losing excess weight. Previously, it was considered more therapeutic, since it helped to cope with a number of chronic diseases, but it was soon noticed that, even adhering to a not very strict diet, kilograms simply disappeared. This article will talk about what is a salt-free diet for weight loss, the reviews and results of which simply amaze the imagination, and force more and more people to switch to a similar diet plan.

how to cook mashed potatoes with milk

The essence of diet

At the moment, the salt-free diet for weight loss for 14 days is universally recognized as quite effective, but at the same time a simple to use nutrition plan that can significantly lose 4 to 10 kg of excess weight. Its popularity is primarily due to the fact that a person does not have to limit himself particularly strongly in products that can be consumed. In fact, there is only one limitation - you will need to remove all or part of the salt from the diet.

Of course, it will be quite difficult to completely get rid of it, and it will negatively affect health, since sodium chloride is necessary for the body to function normally. However, for functioning, a person does not need to receive more than 5-7 ml of this substance per day, and most of this norm can come exclusively from products, and not salting of food.

The results and reviews of the salt-free diet for weight loss are so good that by relieving the body of excess sodium chloride, a person can restore normal balance. Namely, its violation causes the appearance of edema and excess weight, as well as a number of other problems. So we can safely say that the essence of such nutrition is minimization of sodium chloride entering the body to the daily norm.

types of salt

Diet rules

Before talking about the sample menu of a salt-free diet for weight loss, it is necessary to clearly define the nutritional rules that you will have to adhere to to get the result. They are pretty simple:

  1. All food will need to be cooked without salt or, in extreme cases, added to ready-made meals.
  2. Food must be fractional. All food is recommended to be divided into 5-6 receptions with small portions.
  3. Recommended cooking methods are steaming, boiling or baking.
  4. Oil consumption is also recommended to limit by adding it in small quantities to an already prepared dish.

Time frame

If you focus on reviews of the salt-free diet for weight loss, the results and the final result of such nutrition are most noticeable in the first two weeks. That is why doctors do not advise adhering to such a restriction for more than 14 days. It will be quite difficult to withstand the first days, since the body is simply not used to the taste sensations, but then a habit begins to develop, and the food does not seem so tasteless.

However, to withstand the refusal of salt for a longer time will be quite dangerous - the body really needs the substance, so its absence can lead to disruption of the electrolyte balance and the digestive system.

salt-free diet for weight loss reviews and results

Tips & Tricks

The rules for a salt-free diet have already been given above, but to get the best result, you can use a number of recommendations:

  1. Since you have to give up salt, you can replace it with a variety of spices. If you choose the right tastes, then you can make the food not so fresh, so keeping a diet will be much easier.
  2. During a salt-free diet, you need to consume a large amount of water. A day is recommended to drink from one and a half to three liters. Alcohol is completely prohibited during this period.
  3. In no case should you eat food after 19 pm, and fruits and cereals, in general, are not recommended to eat after 16:00.
Add spices

The main disadvantages

As mentioned earlier, you can’t follow this diet for a long time, since it can provoke problems in the body. However, in addition to this, such a nutrition plan also has a number of other disadvantages:

  1. A salt-free diet is not recommended for use in cases where a person has obesity. It really helps to lose weight, but against the background of too much weight, it is not so effective as to really help solve the problem.
  2. Food that will have to be consumed over a couple of weeks, due to lack of salt, will appear tasteless, and therefore practically will not saturate. So the likelihood of a diet breakdown is very high. That is why, for weight loss, nutritionists do not advise to completely abandon salt, but only limit its amount to a minimum.
Allowed Products

List of allowed and prohibited products

First of all, most people who decide to lose weight are wondering what to eat on a salt-free diet for weight loss. Among the highly recommended products are the following:

  • fruits and berries, excluding watermelons, bananas, mangoes and grapes;
  • baked and raw vegetables other than potatoes;
  • low-fat meat and fish, as well as seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • spices and spices.

But the list of prohibited products of the salt-free diet for weight loss includes smoked meats, marinades and pickles, spicy, fried or fatty foods, cooked meat or fish broths, and sweet pastry. In general, it is best to buy fresh vegetables and meat in stores, and then cook the dishes yourself, limiting the amount of finished products, because often companies add a large amount of various substances, including salt, to improve their taste.

Cooking food

Sample menu plan

At the moment, there are several different options for salt-free diets, which vary in duration and the products used. Below is a sample menu for the day. However, if you wish, you can independently think over your diet, simply relying on the rules and recommendations, as well as a list of allowed products.

In general, if you stick to such a plan for two weeks, you can significantly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as improve metabolism, which will help to lose weight.

Day menu

When composing a menu, you must adhere to familiar products as much as possible, and not experiment. You just have to cook the dishes correctly and limit the salting.

So, for breakfast, the best option would be to boil a hard-boiled egg, and add about 200 grams of fresh salad from grated apples and carrots to it. As a drink, you can drink green tea without sugar.

Lunch should be more solid. For the first one, vegetable puree soup is perfect, and as a second course, boiled skinless chicken breast. Its calorie content is quite low - only 95 kcal per 100 grams, so that it will not affect the weight. At midday, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Dinner should be quite light so that, getting up from the table, feel a slight feeling of hunger. So you can make a salad of white cabbage, and to it about 200 grams of fresh cottage cheese.

Fish in foil

Recipes for a salt-free diet for weight loss

This diet is quite universal, so if you want, you can adapt a variety of healthy dishes to it. You just have to stick to boiling and baking, as well as use the right products. Now consider some of them:

  1. First, let's talk about how to cook mashed potatoes with milk. This is pretty simple. First you need to peel 1 kg of potatoes, and then cut it into cubes (this will help the vegetable to cook faster). Then the potatoes are poured with water and put on the stove. After that, it is recommended to put the whole onion and several bay leaves in the pan - they will give the mash an additional taste and make it fragrant. Once the potatoes are cooked, they need to be pulled out of the pan and drained. Then, in a pan with cubes of boiled vegetable, you need to put a little butter and 150 ml of milk. Everything is whipped with a pusher and mashed. After that, the dish can be served at the table.
  2. Now that we have talked about how to cook mashed potatoes with milk, we can consider the option of the second dish. They may be fish baked in foil. For example, take pollock. To create a delicious dish, you need to cut the fillet into portioned portions, and then marinate them in lemon slices and sprinkle with dill seeds. In the foil, you need to put the fish directly with lemons, and then cook everything for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Way out of diet

In order not to quickly gain excess weight again, you need to get out of the salt-free diet for weight loss. Reviews and results are based on the fact that this will require approximately the same amount of time that was used for diet food. During this period, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Any fatty, smoked, sweet food should be introduced gradually and in small portions with their gradual increase, so that the body can get used to it. However, doctors still recommend abandoning the frequent use of harmful products.
  2. When you exit the diet, you cannot immediately start to salt the food in standard amounts - the food should be moderately salty.
  3. In no case should you overeat, especially flour or confectionery products - this will only entail a new weight gain.


Judging by the reviews, a salt-free diet with proper use really helps to get rid of a few kilograms. However, her role is more significant. After all, with its help you can normalize the water-salt balance in the body, as well as get rid of edema. However, it should be used only for a limited amount of time, since the absence of sodium chloride in the diet can adversely affect the body.


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