What is a colony? States as colonies and the modern meaning of the term "correctional colonies"

What is a colony, most of us remember from the lessons of history. A colony is a dependent territory, which is under the authority of a foreign state (metropolis). Moreover, political and economic power cannot be exercised on it, and management is carried out on the basis of a special regime. Citizens of the metropolis in the colony have more power and privileges compared with the indigenous people. From a historical point of view, the formation of settlements indicated that states sought to expand their sphere of influence by capturing other countries and continents.

From the history

what is a colony

What is a colony, we have determined. Now it's time to figure out which countries and how they took part in the colonization of various states. So, already in the middle of the XVI century, Spain took full control of the American continent, and the Spanish colonies occupied almost the whole of North America, while the rest of the European states could not conquer at least part of the American lands. However, in the desire to obtain gold and silver, the Spaniards ceased to manage their territory competently, and the protracted war with the Netherlands greatly undermined the possibilities of Spain. All this affected the fact that the rapidly developing England began to take leadership in the conquest of the world.

Colony management and colonial policies of different countries

The first colonies of North America, which appeared as far back as the 17th century, were founded by immigrants from France, England and Holland. The influx of English colonists was massive. Virginia became the first English settlement here, then 13 more appeared on the Atlantic coast, the total population of which exceeded 2.5 million people. It must be said that the natives in the person of the Iroquois and Algonquins at first treated the colonists quite tolerantly, taught them many things. That is, it was the Indians who were able to adapt the Europeans to live in completely different conditions. But it turned out that in a sign of "gratitude" the latter seized the local lands, and turned the inhabitants into their slaves. It is noteworthy that the territories were controlled directly from England, that is, the king appointed the governor of each settlement. There were entire colonial assemblies during which voters could determine the future ruler.

The essence of politics was to enslave and exploit the population for certain purposes. The same thing was done in Rome and other slave-owning states when slaves were captured, enslaved countries were plundered, and various wealth and resources were taken from them. The very first colonial empires were Spain and Portugal, which were formed immediately after the great geographical discoveries. So, the Spaniards enslaved Central and South America, Portugal opened the way to India, capturing the coast of Africa and Brazil. Having exterminated hundreds of thousands of people, they enslaved the natives of entire regions and regions.

North american colonies

Speaking of colonization, it should be noted that the first Greek colonies appeared. But on this territory, the process of the formation of new states developed completely differently, that is, each of them was independent. It turned out that colonization helped save Greece from a social explosion, because potentially dangerous and alien forces did not penetrate the cities. In general, this state was not very militant, compared, for example, with France. In 1713, the French colonies included already five provinces in the territory of modern Canada and the USA, namely Canada, Acadia, the Hudson Bay, Novaya Zemlya and Louisiana.

The Spanish colonization of the New World began after Columbus discovered America in 1492. It was necessary to look for ways to India, which would be the safest and fastest. As a result, researchers gradually expanded the Spanish colonies. All the islands and countries that were on the way of Columbus to India, he considered subjects of Spain: the Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Tortuga, the Lesser Antilles, the Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe - all this belonged to the Spanish possessions.

American territories

spanish colonies

All North American colonies can be divided into 3 groups. The first included the northern territories, which were united by a common name - New England. A purely English spirit reigned here, industry was actively developing. The second group included the southern colonies (these are Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia). Here, the basis of the economy was plantations on which blacks worked. Between these two groups of territories, North American colonies were located, where farms were actively maintained, estates settled down. These included areas around New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey.

The largest colonial power was England, which gradually increased its geographical dominion, subjugating France, Holland, Spain, Portugal and India. The next states on the path of the British were China and Afghanistan. It was after the capture of points in the Persian Gulf that England was able to become the most powerful power in the world and remained at that rank throughout the 19th century.

However, over time, the struggle for supremacy in the world led to the fact that numerous wars and conflicts began to arise, which was exacerbated by the uneven political and economic development of capitalism. Germany, Italy, the USA and Japan did their best to establish their power.

Already in modern times between the two wars - the First and Second World War - states began to gradually free themselves from colonial oppression. So, in 1943, Syria and Lebanon became independent, in 1945 - Vietnam and Indonesia. Subsequently, the remaining states were gradually freed. Thus, the collapse of the colonial system in the world took place.

How was the management

colonies of the world

To understand what a colony is, it is important to know how it was managed. It is worth noting that each country pursued its own goals when creating such a territory. Someone sought to conquer more space and establish total control on it. Some countries pursued exclusively educational and expansionist goals. Any colonies - French or English - were controlled by a layer of people from the elite, while the language of the colonialists was recognized as the official language.

Colonies were created so that several tasks were solved at once. From an economic point of view, it was possible to exploit natural and human resources. Creating colonies of the world, the conquerors optimized trade routes and markets. Foreign policy goals were achieved, which were caused by geostrategic interests. It is difficult to understand what a colony is if you do not know its features. What distinguishes this territory? Firstly, political dependence and the existence of a special legal status. Secondly, geographical isolation. Third, the differences between Aboriginal and metropolitan residents in terms of religion and culture.

New meanings of the concept

types of penal colonies

Today we know more about such a thing as a correctional colony. This is an institution where adult citizens are held who are convicted and deprived of their liberty. In the system of correctional institutions, there are three types of colony settlements, depending on the type of crime:

  1. For persons who have committed a crime unintentionally.

  2. For persons who are convicted for the first time for a deliberate crime of small or medium gravity.

  3. For persons who are characterized with a positive side.

However, any regimes of correctional colonies provide that all categories of citizens do not need constant protection or strict isolation. Moreover, all convicts are punished in all types of settlements on the same terms. In addition, they are not limited in their free movement in the territory, and with the permission of the administration they can even be outside of it without supervision. For example, such a need may arise if the convict needs to study or work outside the settlement.

Colony Modes

The type of correctional institution to which the convicted person will be sent depends on what the court will establish. For example, convicts sentenced for reckless or deliberate acts of small or medium severity are sent to a colony settlement. General regime labor colonies are intended for those deprived of their liberty for having committed serious crimes. Convicts sentenced to especially grave crimes committed for the first time, or those who committed acts repeatedly, are sent to high-security settlements. The colony of the special regime contains men sentenced to life imprisonment. In penal colonies, representatives of different sexes are kept separately.

What is IR?

All types of penal colonies have common symptoms. So, this territory is an industrial zone consisting of industrial premises and living space. It is divided into local areas where dormitories for prisoners have been built. Most ICs have a canteen, a library, a school, a medical unit, a club, a bathhouse, and a headquarters (administrative employees serve in it). Most often, there is a church or a place for prayers at the zone, as well as meeting rooms.

In the territory with a general regime of stay, prisoners are kept in locked cells, and these rooms are designed for 20-50 people. Under the remaining detention regimes, convicts are allocated to dormitories or barracks. The bedrooms in them are three tiers of beds, where 7 sq.m. per person. space. Those prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment are held in cells of two people each. In some IRs, you can ask to stay in solitary confinement. In such a hostel, in addition to bedrooms, there is a room where personal belongings are stored, a dressing room, a room for eating and a "red corner" where various cultural events are held.

All colonies, except those in the special regime, have a walk area where prisoners can go in their free time. There are also facilities for the execution of punishments for behavior: a punishment cell (prisoners can be kept there for up to 15 days) and a cell type (sentenced to serve sentences of up to six months).

Women's colony

women's colony

In recent years, convicted men and women are increasingly serving sentences in various places. Colonies for the "weaker" sex belong to the territories of the general regime, where they serve time for murders, theft, robberies, robberies, fraud and any other economic crimes, as well as for operations with drugs. At 13 settlements of Russia, there are children's homes. At the same time, mothers and children live separately, meeting for one hour during the day. In women's colonies, as in most such correctional facilities, there are strict, ordinary and lightened conditions of stay. Depending on this type, women may have one or more dates throughout the year.

A convicted person may live outside the prison with her family or children. True, such cases are quite rare. Once a month, convicts can call relatives or someone else, but for this you must first write a written appeal. The conversation at the same time lasts only 15 minutes. Unlike men, women can receive an unlimited number of packages and transmissions. They live in dormitories of 100-120 people in one hut. Work in any penal colony plays a big role, because for most convicts this is a good opportunity to earn at least a little. However, after all the deductions, it may turn out that the salary is only 500 rubles.

Children's colony

In another way, this type of institution is called the "educational colony", where minors are sent. They may be convicted of intentional acts of varying severity. Minors who are transferred from other places of serving their sentences are sent here. Those adolescents who have committed deliberate crimes are held in strict security. In the same institutions, as a rule, there are those who violated the order of stay in the place of detention, as well as those who are transferred from lightened conditions. After six months, they can be transferred back if they serve their sentences in accordance with all the rules.

In the educational colony, where a general and enhanced regime is established, convicts live in dormitories. They are allowed the following:

- the ability to purchase monthly essentials for money from your personal account (in the amount of 60% of the minimum wage);

- six short and two long dates throughout the year;

- 8 parcels / gears and 8 parcels per year.

Convicts who are serving sentences in lighter conditions also live in dormitories. Features of their existence are slightly different:

- they can spend 120% of the minimum wage on basic necessities;

- a year they are entitled to 12 short and 4 long visits, and long visits can take place outside the educational colony, if the administration approves;

- per year they can receive 12 transfers / parcels and the same amount of parcels.

If it is established to convicts to serve their sentences in favorable conditions, they can live in hostels and outside the territory, without protection, but under the supervision of the administration. Such groups of convicts have many benefits, including the ability to spend the necessary amount of money per year, receive an unlimited number of packages and parcels, live outside the colony and wear civilian clothes.

A children's colony of strict conditions involves living in isolated residential premises, which are locked in their free time. They can spend money from a personal account in the amount of 30% of the minimum wage, receive 4 parcels / packages and 4 packages and have 4 short dates a year.

Rules of stay in an educational colony

As a rule, convicts who turned 18 years old can remain in the colony up to 21 years. At the same time, the nutritional standards, conditions of serving the sentence and the rest of their support remain the same as they were before 18 years old. Those convicts who have reached the age of 18 and have been characterized negatively are transferred to serve a further sentence in a maximum security penal colony, and the decision is made by the court. The remaining 21 years are sent to a penal colony of general regime. Moreover, after serving 9 months, convicts from the maximum security colony can be transferred to general conditions.

Strict mode: what are the features?

penal regimes

The new Criminal Code of Russia suggests that life imprisonment is a kind of alternative to the death penalty for committing particularly serious crimes. Life imprisonment is provided for in the following cases:

- if an aggravated murder was committed;

- if the infringement was committed on a state or public person;

- if an attempt was made on the life of a person who administers justice, or conducts a preliminary investigation;

- if there was an attempt on the life of a law enforcement officer;

- with genocide.

Life imprisonment is not imputed to women, minors and men who are already 60 years old at the time of sentencing, even though the Criminal Code interprets such a sentence as isolation of the convicted person from public life. Thus, convicts who were sentenced to life imprisonment will serve their sentence in a maximum security colony separately from other prisoners.

Thus, in this article we tried to make out what a colony is. Of course, in our days this word means a completely different phenomenon of our life. In the most general sense, a colony as a closed territory with its charter, rules and regime is reflected in modern correctional institutions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3713/

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