72 products of the Ducan diet. 72 protein products for the "attack" phase of the Ducane diet

Recently, among the huge variety of diets, the nutritional technique compiled by Pierre Ducane has been noticeably distinguished. The French nutritionist did not spare 30 years to develop his system, according to which celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz subsequently lost weight. 72 products of the Ducan diet allow a dieter to eat quite varied and wholesome. So, what is the essence of the diet, and what is the list of allowed foods?

What is the essence of Ducan's diet

72 Ducan Diet Products
72 products of the Ducan diet are protein products that are allowed to be consumed. Numerous adherents of this diet are most pleased with the slogan of the Ducane food system: ā€œEat and do not count calories!ā€ Indeed: counting calories is an incredibly tedious task that takes a lot of time, and it is most likely that losing weight does not.

What is the advantage of this protein diet over others? Often, losing weight, losing weight gaining it after a while again. Pierre Ducane envisioned this: the Ducane diet, the phases of which are designed in such a way as to fix the result, will not allow to recover again in a month or two. Moreover, a person after a diet can eat more than 100 foods and not be afraid that he will gain weight again.

Ducan's diet for every day provides a special diet that corresponds to a specific phase of weight loss. There are four such phases.

Phase 1 - Attack

Ducan diet 72 protein products
Ducan's diet - the phases of which pursue different goals - begins with the "attack" stage. This means that the first phase is the most effective and, in fact, during it occurs the main weight loss. If it is necessary to throw off just 1 kg, then the 1st day of the ā€œattackā€ will be enough. Ducanā€™s diet, the ā€œattackā€ in which lasts 3 days, will help to lose up to 3 kg. 5 days are designed to get rid of 3 kg to 5. 7-10 days will save weight loss from 5 kg and above excess weight.

No matter how long the Ducan diet lasts, an ā€œattackā€ is the only phase in which there are nutritional restrictions. It is necessary to eat only meat, meat offal, fish and seafood during this period, with the exception of pork and lamb. Herbs and seasonings, lemon, garlic, onions or mustard in moderation are permitted as seasonings. Dairy products, but non-fat, and egg whites are also allowed. Of the drinks - tea (including herbal), coffee, chicory and soda. One and a half tablespoons of oat bran per day (in the form of cereal or an additive to milk) complete this list. Sugar is not possible, but sugar substitutes can be used. And, of course, any fat is forbidden: creamy, vegetable, etc. Cooking is done on the grill, steamed or in the oven.

Phase 2 - Alternation

Ducan attack
At this stage, the Ducan diet 72 protein products that were previously allowed, complements vegetables. During the ā€œalternationā€ period, additional weight loss occurs, so that the result of the ā€œattackā€ period can be significantly improved. Pierre Ducan advises to adhere to the stage of "alternation" until then, until losing weight get the final result, which sought.

The essence of the ā€œalternationā€ phase is the change of protein days with protein-vegetable days. For example, one day losing weight eats only protein foods, and the next day adds vegetable dishes to protein dishes, then again a protein day, etc. You can adhere to the 5 by 5: 5 protein scheme - 5 protein-vegetable days.

The protein menu remains the same as during the ā€œattackā€ period. But on protein-vegetable days, far from all vegetables are possible: it is better to abandon all legumes, potatoes and corn. Naturally, all other vegetables are allowed in the diet, just do not abuse carrots and beets.

Phase 3 - Fastening

Ducan diet for every day
Ducan's diet for every day requires a special menu. The ā€œfixingā€ phase is no exception. Firstly, it is necessary to calculate the duration of ā€œfixingā€ - it will depend on the number of lost kilograms (1 kg equals 10 days). For example, losing weight lost 5 kg, so his period of "consolidation" will last 50 days. Secondly, during the period of ā€œconsolidationā€ additional products are introduced into the diet, but at each stage their own. If the ā€œconsolidationā€ phase should last 50 days, then 2 stages will take 25 days each.

The basis of the diet consists of protein-vegetable dishes prepared according to the rules of the two previous phases of the diet. Moreover, in the first 25 days of the phase of "consolidation" can be additionally added to the diet:

  • protein-bran or whole grain bread (no more than 2 slices per day);
  • fruit (not more than 1 serving per day);
  • cheese (no more than 40 gr. per day);
  • starchy foods (no more than 1 serving per week);
  • pork, lamb and ham (no more than 2 times a week);
  • a festive dinner of any products (1 time per week).

In the next 25 days, the consumption of starchy foods can be increased to 2 servings per week, gala dinners 2 times a week.

Phase 4 - Stabilization

Ducan phase diet
In the last phase of "stabilization", you can use all the foods previously introduced into the diet, but with some amendments.

  1. Protein-vegetable food will form the basis of the further diet until the end of life, as at the stage of ā€œfixingā€. All other rules of the ā€œconsolidationā€ phase also continue to apply.
  2. Eat only protein foods one day a week.
  3. There are 3 tbsp daily. tablespoons of bran.
  4. Give yourself physical activity.

72 Dukan Diet Products

Ducan diet recipes
So, what foods can be considered the favorites of the Dukan diet?

  1. Meat: rabbit, horse meat, beef and veal cooked without oil.
  2. Offal: tongue, kidney, liver, cooked without oil.
  3. Fish and canned fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 10%.
  4. Any seafood cooked without oil.
  5. Chicken, as well as pork and turkey ham.
  6. Any bird except geese and ducks.
  7. Eggs, etc.

Total, in the arsenal of losing weight - 72 protein products, as well as more than 30 products that are introduced in the subsequent stages of the diet.


72 products of the Ducan diet will not allow to make the diet uninteresting and fresh. Here are examples of proven delicious recipes.

Baked tofu

Before cooking, the oven warms up to 230 Ā° C. Cheese tofu must be cut into rectangles or squares, dip in soy sauce and put on a heated baking sheet. Next to the cheese we spread sliced ā€‹ā€‹bell pepper. For 30 minutes the dish is baked in the oven, as soon as the pepper is covered with a crisp, it is necessary to turn the ingredients on the other side. The finished dish is poured with a special sauce (lime juice + chili sauce + soy sauce). Top you can decorate tofu cilantro.

Ducane Recipe Mayonnaise

The Ducan diet, recipes for which are prepared day by day by the adherents of this food system, also has a signature dish proposed by Pierre Ducane himself. This dish, or rather sauce, is mayonnaise.

From 3 boiled eggs, it is necessary to remove the yolks and cool. Add to them pepper, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of mustard, salt, and then crush thoroughly with a spoon. Gradually pouring 75 ml of paraffin oil, beat the mixture with a mixer. Wielding the mixer in the up / down direction and accelerating the pace, in the end we get a white and thick mayonnaise.

Curd cheese

It is necessary to mix 350 gr in one container. cottage cheese, 2 eggs, a quarter of a tablespoon of sweetener, 3 tablespoons of oat bran, a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of vanillin. Mix everything and form cheesecakes. Fry in a hot pan, while turning, hold with your hand so as not to crumble.

Physical exercise

Ducan diet weight
Many celebrities believe that there is no more productive food system than the Ducan diet - weight is lost relatively quickly and, if all the requirements are met, does not return. However, having thrown off more than 3-5 kg, a person runs the risk of colliding with sagging skin and sagging muscles. Not everyone can afford to go to the gym with instructors, so Pierre Ducane recommends the most affordable of the sports that has ever existed - walking. 20 minutes a day of fast, athletic walking will provide not only a pleasant walk, but also increase muscle tone. If there is such an opportunity, you can supplement walking with swimming, and excellent results from the application of the diet will not take long.

What does the Ducan diet focus on? 72 protein products - this is what underlies the diet of losing weight. No need to count calories, no need to waste hours in the gym, so the number of people wishing to experience the wonders of the nutrition system from the French nutritionist is only increasing every day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3725/

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