Which humidifier to choose? Reviews Steam humidifier. Best humidifier

Very often they decide to buy an air humidifier for a room for the first time after the appearance of a child in the family. This is due to the fact that children are much more sensitive to insufficient air humidity than adults. In infants, the drying out of a very sensitive nasal mucosa often leads to swelling of the tissues, and this greatly complicates breathing through the nose, which is especially acute during sleep and sucking - it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe.

Which air humidifier to choose reviews

The importance of air humidity

In kindergarten children, due to the drying up of the mucous membrane, a habit of picking in the nose is formed, for which it is completely pointless to scold the child. And it’s difficult to wean him from her, because this reaction is quite natural. In the child, crusts form in the nose, which he instinctively tries to get rid of in all available ways.

Gradually, our mucous membrane adapts to this situation, and the older the child becomes, the calmer his mucous membrane reacts. But this does not mean at all that it will normally “work” in dry air conditions, since only with sufficient moisture will it be able to produce enough mucus to protect the nose from pathogenic bacteria.

Not everyone realizes how large the role of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx is in the body's defense system. It is she who serves as the first barrier designed to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria and viruses into the human body. When the mucous is in order, it restrains most of them, and the immune system deactivates them even before they are in the body. And for normal operation, the mucosa needs an acceptable air humidity, which is at the level of 40-50%, not less. So, if you’ve already wondered which air humidifier to choose, reviews of each of them will help you decide on the choice of a specific model.

Best humidifier
If the need to purchase such a device is quite obvious, then it remains only to purchase it. And here a completely logical question arises as to which air humidifier to choose. Reviews about the models on the market are very different, so it's hard to decide on your own. This may require specific recommendations.

Most preferences

Usually, as a humidifier for a children's room, many parents prefer to purchase an ultrasonic device, which is notable for its low cost and quite compact size. Such a device and design for a child is much easier to pick up. At the moment, models of fairly bright colors are on sale, and if you try, then it is quite possible to find a device made in the form of the hero of your favorite cartoon or any animal. But here it is worth noting the disadvantages inherent in ultrasonic models, which manufacturers and sellers are often silent about. Any ultrasonic humidifier is equipped with only a small fan, which has enough power only to push the water cloud formed inside the device out. As a result of this, a stream of cold steam or water mist is clearly visible, which is usually shown in order to demonstrate the operation of the device clearly.

Vitek air humidifier

This attractive visual effect also has a downside - due to the too low fan power, all the humidity released by the ultrasonic humidifier will be concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the device, because there is no air movement, and moisture that simply does not have time to spread around the room settles nearby . The result of this is the formation of a local zone of waterlogging in the immediate vicinity of the device, and with high evaporation power, saturated water condensate can also be seen. If there is linoleum on the floor, then there is nothing to be afraid of, and if it comes to wooden parquet or laminate, this will already lead to undesirable consequences. Carpeting constantly exposed to excessive moisture will not get any better either.

And the humidity in the rest of the room will remain at the same level, that is, insufficient, because it simply will not have time to get there. It is clear that the result of the natural movement of air is the mixing of the humidified flow with the main one, but this happens very slowly. But the situation with humidified air in the immediate vicinity of the device and dry one and a half meters from it will always remain. For this reason, ultrasonic models are perfect for those cases when you need to create only a local zone with high humidity, such as, for example, for a flower hill. The Boneco humidifier is perfect for these purposes.

Ultrasonic humidifier

Here it will be possible to hear objections related to the fact that for the most part children's rooms are quite modest in size, and this makes the problem of the uneven distribution of humidity not so acute. Yes it is. In a children's room, the area of ​​which is usually 10-12 square meters, the air mixes much faster than in a hall, the area of ​​which is 20-25 square meters or more. However, here we can talk about a completely different kind of problem. Due to the lack of ventilation, as well as in conditions of high moisture evaporation, which is provided, for example, by a Swiss Air humidifier, in a small room you can get a feeling of stagnant air, which is also too humid. This is what leads parents to the fact that they cease to constantly operate the device in the children's room, and turn it on only when any viral or catarrhal diseases occur.

Steam humidifier

Optimal option

If we talk about which air humidifier to choose (reviews will not always help you with this), it is worth saying that devices based on the natural principle of cold evaporation are able to provide a much more comfortable air regime in the room. When they work, the moisture evaporated naturally is distributed evenly thanks to the built-in fans of high power, which ensures efficient air exchange throughout the room.

A traditional air humidifier differs from an ultrasonic humidifier in that the second membrane evaporates moisture constantly, with a certain frequency, until the water in it runs out. And the first will saturate the air with moisture only until the humidity level is optimal, about 40-50%.

Nature itself helped to develop the principle of cold moistening, because the evaporation of water from the surface of rivers and lakes in natural conditions occurs just like that, only in this situation the role of the water surface is assigned to a special moisturizing sponge made of a porous material that absorbs moisture well.

Room humidifier

Principle of operation

When dry air passes through such a humidifier, it absorbs just the amount of moisture that is enough for it to maintain a natural level, no more and no less. When the air in the room is saturated with moisture enough, it will pass through such a sponge without any consequences, that is, it will not absorb any excess moisture at all. Thanks to this, it turns out that the principle of cold evaporation allows you to maintain the required level of moisture without the use of any specialized electronic devices. Thanks to him, it is possible to obtain indoor conditions that are closest to natural, and therefore the most comfortable.

The use of such moisturizing technology as close to natural as possible allows us to ensure the absence of side effects or allergic reactions that periodically occur when using ultrasonic devices. Despite the fact that official medicine all over the world claims that ultrasound is completely safe for humans, there are many people with increased sensitivity to this radiation. If we talk about ultrasonic humidifiers, then two categories of children have special sensitivity to them - with severe allergies or suffering from bronchial asthma.

Admittedly, hypersensitivity to the operation of the ultrasound membrane is extremely rare, but it is incorrect to deny this possibility completely. Therefore, often from allergists you can hear recommendations on the use of devices based on cold evaporation - traditional, combined, ionizer cleaners. However, the best humidifier is a good “air wash”. This name was given to the device due to the fact that it really rinses the air, which at the same time also moistens naturally, and undergoes cleaning of various dust pollution - book, street and household dust, animal hair, soot and other things. And every housewife knows that the most simple, but at the same time the most effective way to deal with dust is wet cleaning. The humidifier-purifier works in exactly the same way . By means of a powerful fan, he absorbs dry, contaminated air from the room, rinses it with water, releases it from the dust that has accumulated in it, and even saturates it with the missing moisture. This is how Bork, an air humidifier, works.

Bork Humidifier
In such a device, the water itself serves as a filter, so there is no need to use any replaceable elements. Such a water filter seems very simple, but at the same time it is able to effectively clean the air from dust pollution, as well as various allergens that may be contained in the dust. When household dust passes through a sink of air, it will settle in a pan with water. And the smallest particles that can’t stay there will become so heavy at the exit that they simply settle on the floor, where they can no longer do any harm to your child. After that, they will be easily removed by wet cleaning.

Difficulty of choosing

If a child suffers at least some form of allergy or chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, then you should only choose an air wash, since it is difficult to find a more suitable device from this category for a children's bedroom. When deciding on which air humidifier to choose, reviews will help you decide. Constant use of the cleaner will significantly reduce the likelihood that your child will begin to suffer from bronchial asthma, which over the past decade has become a frequent companion of not only older people, but also young children.

The financial side of the issue

Sometimes parents simply can not afford to buy the best air humidifier, since its price is quite high. We are talking about air washers that cost between 7-18 thousand rubles. This is a little expensive, and their effectiveness does not seem so obvious to customers, so they think that a simple ultrasonic humidifier may well suffice for a children's room.

If financial constraints are severe enough, for starters, many people buy an ultrasound device to understand in general what a humidifier is and what effect it actually produces. And only then, after several years, when it becomes clear to parents that this device is useful and simply necessary, and the first device purchased by this time is already breaking, they acquire another humidifier, but of a higher class. Most often, such a purchase also turns out to be an air wash. In the absence of financial constraints, families acquire high-quality devices for the nursery, simultaneously buying the same for themselves in the bedroom, as well as in the hall, and then in their own office. It can be a Vitek humidifier.

Humidifier instruction

Variety of models

The modern market offers such a rich assortment of models that many may have difficulty finding the right one. If we consider a steam humidifier, then its principle of operation is based on the evaporation of hot water. In this case, the evaporating element is not a special filter, but electrodes immersed in water, which leads to its heating and evaporation. Such a steam humidifier fully complies with all safety requirements: when there is a complete boiling of water from the tank, the device turns off automatically.

Recommended floor space

You should consider the area of ​​the room where the humidifier will be used. Typically, such information is provided by a brief description of the device or instructions. A humidifier should be placed where it can handle the volume of the room. When choosing a device with insufficient power, the latter simply can not cope with the volume of air that will be there. Too powerful a model will consume energy in vain. The Mystery humidifier is efficient and can be purchased for domestic use. A heavy-duty device is not worth buying, hoping that it will cope with the air throughout the apartment, since this is not so. This will lead to uneven air humidification. A compact device with medium power is a good choice (for example, a unit from Philips). The air humidifier of this brand is high-quality, durable and effective. It can be moved from one room to another. You can purchase a Polaris humidifier; it is also highly efficient.

Maximum performance

When you choose a model that is right for you, you should pay attention to such an important factor as maximum performance. Thanks to this indicator, it will become clear to you how intensively and efficiently an air humidifier (Vitek or some other) can work, and also you will understand how much water it needs to work. This parameter is measured in liters per day or grams per hour.

Water tank

The volume of the water tank is another important parameter. It affects the compactness and performance of the device. The larger this indicator, the longer a particular model will be able to work without interruption.

The most important thing to remember in any case is that even the simplest device needs to be installed in the children's room, as it really helps the child better resist viral and bacterial infections, facilitating the course of allergic and chronic diseases. With its help, it is possible to achieve comfortable conditions for a growing organism. Knowing everything that was described earlier, you can choose the best humidifier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3727/

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