Dream Interpretation: why dream, that I fly

The ability to experience the feeling of flying since ancient times has not haunted people. The man looked with longing at the birds soaring in the sky and sought to invent a variety of devices designed to help him rise above the surface of the earth. And then one day, waking up in the morning, you say to yourself: โ€œBut in the night I flew in a dream!โ€ What can such a dream mean? We suggest finding the answer to this question by contacting several well-known dream books for help.

what is dreaming of flying

Why do I dream that I fly: Miss Hassay's dream book

If you dreamed that you flew long distances, then you are waiting for stormy love adventures. A flight ending in a fall predicts the onset of trouble. If you soared, flapping your wings like a bird, then in life you will find great happiness. Flying in heaven promises good health and happiness to physically healthy people, and death for sick people.

Islamic dream book: why dream, that I fly

A similar dream is considered by the compilers of this dream book as a harbinger of a speedy journey. If in a dream you flew between heaven and earth, then in life you will always be accompanied by dreams and a longing for something. Unfortunately, most of the plans are not destined to come true.

why dream of flying

Eastern dream book: why dream, that I fly

A dream in which you easily plan high in a clear and blue sky promises the realization of the most cherished dream. Flying on black wings is a bitter disappointment. Falling to the ground is a cause of many problems and troubles. If you managed to wake up at the time of landing, then you will be able to overcome all the trials with minimal loss.

at night I flew in a dream

The ABC of Interpretation of Dreams: What I Dream About, What I Fly

Flying in a dream is considered by this source as a symbolic separation of the physical body from the astral essence of man. If you dreamed that you were trying to fly under the ceiling of the room in which you were sleeping, then such a vision symbolizes the awakening of your spiritual forces. Soaring outdoors is to a surge of vitality and enhancing your sexual attractiveness. To be high in the clouds - to your penchant for fantasies that interferes with real life. If in a dream you barely took off and immediately began to plummet, then you need to put up with the impending defeat and save strength for new achievements.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why dream of flying

According to the drafters of this source, if you dreamed that you soared up like a bird, then all your hopes and desires and great happiness in love await you. If you dive down, you risk becoming a cause of family contention. Flying in the air is very low above the surface of the earth - to a long trip or journey. If you dream that you fly for a very long time and far, then in real life you will experience stormy love adventures. Flying in the sky, surrounded by some strange creatures that amaze and amaze you with their appearance, promises spiritual relief. The dream in which you see soaring other people is considered an unkind sign that will bring the dreamer various problems and troubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3735/

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